EDITORIAL. The American Medical Association is reported to have endorsed the U.S. Public Health Service in its effort but it is certain officials of the Association, not the mass of practitioners. Many are opposed to it and many object to having drugs forced on their patients not of their own prescribing.


Most of our readers must have been rudely awakened by the noise of the vicious as well as ridiculous attempt stemming from the executive arm of the federal government to impose fluoridation of our water supplies throughout the country, local at first then to sweep over the land with as much speed as possible so as to insure success in the exploit. The excuse used is to rejuvenate the shabby teeth of our children caused by retarded development from “shots,” the use of pasteurized milk, theft of natural vitamins from our food, the supply of slot machine sweets in the schools, poisons that come in our fruits and other foods, serumized animals etc., etc.

A patient told me of a friend of his who went to that part of Texas where the fluoride in untreated water is in sufficient quantity to prevent decay of teeth. He asked a dentist whether the people there had many cavities in their teeth. The dentist replied, “Oh, we dont have to worry about cavities here. The teeth just drop out and we keep busy making the dentures.”.

The fluoride procedure would fit our collective teeth just about the way Lincolns pants (may they be long preserved!) would for Truman. The campaign is carried on through a line of softened-up state and local officials and their train of dependent employees and whatever stooges can be gathered up on the way, by the prospect of increased official activities, promotion in the scale and, unless modestly declined, larger salaries. These minor servants of the people and their helpers are put to addressing groups of innocent people and rounding them up to sign petitions to the local authorities for the project.

Most of us know how easy it is for a promoter to get a group to vote for something, such is the guileless state of the average group mind. The official go-getters circularize the masses of parents with the tax money. I understand that in Hartford fifty thousand circulars have been sent out to date. The circulars blatantly conjole the parents with the official side of the story, keeping deep silence as to the opposing facts while making extravagant assertions and claims.

This thoroughly planned campaign has now been lost on the civilian part of the public with the impact of a deluge. “Why wait while your childs teeth are decaying,” and such remarks is a sample of the quality of the campaign being pushed over by our non-elected but carefully appointed hand clappers. Of course the proposed scheme would add substantially to the ranks of right minded voters and to the salaries that go with enlarged activities; no wrong without good to somebody.

This scheme is one of the tentacles of the executive octopus which is throwing the die for medical, educational, utility and general economic control through health districts, health instructors, school directives and agencies of all kinds while the people sleep and become used to being kicked around. Even the chemical companies, for one item, may be sucked in. It is reported that some companies are refusing to sell the fluoride poison for this project. They have probably smelled a rat in the mesh.

The writer sent there “letters to the editor” on the fluoride business, which follow here. To date no reply has been made to the facts and there is a constantly accumulating mass of newer facts in opposition. But how good are facts before the march of law and order?.


Fluoridation Evils Slow But Sure, Says Dr. Hayes

To the Editor of The American:.

There is a big gap either in the thinking or the information (more likely the latter) of our health officer and his chemists, shown in tHe propaganda toward involuntary fluoridation of our people. Here are some of the conditions which have appeared in scientific tests with the fluorides:.

Arterial and venous hardening; hardened enlargements in fascia and capsular ligaments of joints; superfluous or “rice” bones; bone tumors; bony growths in fingers and toes and hard bone swellings; brittleness of bones; deficient fluid in joints; swelling of head bones in new born children; bone abscesses, in long bones especially; brain tumors; cavities in head bones; baldness; premature age; emaciation and flabby muscles; atrophy of brain; vertigo, nausea and numbness; felons; oily sweat; dry hard skin; hardening of glands; various veins; hemorrhoids; rectal bleeding; ulcers, leg ulcers especially; changes of disposition, irritability, apprehension, discontent, undue financial anxiety; loss of memory; satyriasis, nymphomania; metrorrhagia. A host of other conditions could be mentioned.

Mark these words: As the fluoriding years go by there will be a sharp increase in the incidence of these conditions. Although in a few instances the primary effect of these chemicals may be to deposit fluoride where it is needed in the young, as time goes on serious imbalance is certain to appear. Will the real cause be recognized or admitted by our chemical and germ minded health guardians? It seems they are forever ignoring the dynamic individual sensitivity, that vital essence which gives life, conditions it to environment as best it may, but which succumbs, too often prematurely, to the insults to which it is subjected.

Evidently the health bureaucrats have not profited by the results of tests made with careful recognition of individual susceptibility and variations. As usual, they have jumped at the opportunity to treat people en masse with some kind of chemical or commercial output, even against their will. The thought of prescription by the doctors, with selectivity and dosage according to individual need, apparently has scarcely entered their minds.

But that is assumed to be the prerogative of those who are not elected by the people, but are just handed jobs by the higher-ups in our fast growing “executive” or policing department of government In their eyes, it would endanger the “social” health to leave anything to doctors and patients that could possibly be arranged into compulsion. However, so many people like status of passive nonresistance so well that we will not meddle further with that-just now.

So, then, people will be blaming themselves after a number of years for the chronic and constitutional effects that are certain to appear after a long term of in take of small doses of inorganic substances out of their natural setting…that is, the commercial chemicals. Combine this chemicalizing with the deficiencies directly due to pasteurizing, processing and adulteration of foods, to say nothing of soil depletion and now the huge federal allotment of our money for sprays, and our cells will have no choice but degeneration and the vicarious development of more cancer and other pathological precipitation, according to individual susceptibility to these malignant influences. But of course it is a god-send to the chemical monopoly, and adds substantially to the retinue of the party that is in.

Waterbury, Sep. 28, 1951.


Dr. Hayes Cites Authorities For Views on Fluorides

To the Editor of The American:.

A correspondent asks my authority for stating in my letter to The American, Sep. 28, that, fluorides, in small dosage over a length of time,cause hardening of the arteries, diseases of the veins, ulcers, and many other vascular and circulatory conditions. But why all this arguing? Why this protest of millions of us all over the country?.

Leaving out the highly questionable benefits to a few at the salutary risk and added tax expense to the many, anyone able to think twice should see it as only another imposition of our swelling so called executive power. It is a purely collective and commercial scheme. Were it not so, the pressurecrats would have that respect for individuals which is characteristic of the medical and dental professions, which is not evident in these collectivation campaigns.

“Give us your rights,” say in effect these bureaucrats. “We can take care of you better than you can; give us more and more of your earnings, we can spend it for you better than you can.” if anyone will send five cents to The Citizens Medical Reference Bureau, 1860 Broadway, Suite 1215, N.Y. 23, for a copy of the October-November (1951) “Newsletter” he will be able to discern some very dark but keenly interested gentlemen listening out of the cracks of the government woodpile.

The information requested as to the effects of fluorine forms can be found in the Yale Medical Library, in Allens Encyclopedia of Materia Medica, and Herings “Guiding Symptoms,” both to volumes and indexed. These volumes are also in the libraries of some doctors, including my own. For doctors and dentists, a close study entitled “Chemistry of the Teeth,” including mineral deficiencies and fluorosis will be found in the journal issued by Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia, Vol. LXXXI, No. 11, The Hahnemannian Monthly.

Royal E.S. Hayes, M.D.

Waterbury, Nov. 21, 1951.


Dr. Hayes Cites More Authority Against Fluorides

To the Editor of The American:.

Rabe R F
Dr Rudolph Frederick RABE (1872-1952)
American Homeopathy Doctor.
Rabe graduated from the New York Homeopathic Medical College and trained under Timothy Field Allen and William Tod Helmuth.

Rabe was President of the International Hahnemannian Association, editor in chief of the Homeopathic Recorder, and he wrote Medical Therapeutics for daily reference. Rabe was Dean and Professor of Homeopathic Therapeutics at the New York Homeopathic Medical College.