This particular examination, June 26th, 1950, is the final one before the reading of this paper in July, 1950. It is my expectation and the patients expectation and desire, that she and her husband be present at the reading of this paper about her condition. This patient had no X-ray or radium treatment. She did, however, have surgical treatment to the mass on the left thigh, with the biopsy of course, made from the mass removed. The abdominal masses were never operated; in fact, she has had no operations abdominally of any kind or description. However, the masses disappeared completely from the abdomen.

In summation of this case No. 2, I wish to follow the lines I did in case No. 1.

1. This is an actual resume reading of the case history as above.

2. This patient has made a complete recovery as far as can be determined at the present time.

3. She has had more than four and one-half years added to her life, so far, with all ordinary appearance, so far as can be predicted, of continuing to live an undetermined number of years, being in excellent physical condition at the present time.

4. This was, according to biopsy, a melanosarcoma. Specimen being taken from the mid-section of the outer aspect of the left thigh.

5. Sutures from the surgery were removed by myself, and two masses, each about the size of an indoor baseball, were found in the abdomen, one in the transverse colon, the other in the iliocaecal area. This probably involved, also, the appendix.

6. No X-ray radiation, nor radium radiation therapy was used whatsoever. No narcotics, nor other sedatives. as far as I know, had been used at all in this case.

7. Some cancer patients die-dont expect them all to get well. If they dont live, weigh all the evidence, and correct the faults, if possible, on the next patient.

8. This paper is presented solely in the interest of the science of Homoeopathy, and to show what can be done, knowing full well if you will put forth the same amount of study and thought, with proper application, each one of you can do equally well, if not better.

9. This is far from an isolated case.

10. It is recognized that a patient can not be considered as cured until a period of a minimum of five years has passed from the time of complete recovery, without symptoms or evidence. It will take probably as much as six months, or possibly more, for the five year period to have passed, as July 30th of this year will complete the five-year period since I first met this patient.

11. It is my intention to keep track of this patient for many years, providing the patient and myself both live, which provision we have no way of knowing whether it can be fulfiled, or not.

12. Melanosarcoma is known to be very deadly, and usually very speedily so. Perhaps very few patients ever recover from such a condition. At the present writing, the patient, apparently, is in perfect health.

Remedies employed in this case were as follows:.

Bromium 200x-1M-10M-CM

Bryonia alba 200x-1M

Hyoscyamus niger 1M-10M

Silicea 200X

Merc. corrosivus 200X-1M-10M-CM

Plumbum met. 200X-1M-10M-CM

Placebo, at various times and intervals from 2 to 8 weeks at a time.





Pituitary Substance

Soya Acidophilus




DR. ROGER A. SCHMIDT [San Francisco, California]: I think this case is very interesting, and brings before us many problems that we must consider very carefully.

In the first place, we have no data so far on what has been done for this patient as far as prescription is concerned, or treatment of any sort. Is it just a mental treatment that he has carried on, or has it been homoeopathic?.

As we tread the ground of cancer and wish to contribute to the demonstration of parallel therapy in that terrible disease, we have to exercise particular caution, more so than in many other types of disease, especially if we want to make any impression, or gain a conviction, on our allopathic brethren.

We could argue in this case that the abdominal masses could have been a number of conditions, not necessarily metastases. They could be that also, of course, and I would like to ask Dr. Jackson if any effort has been made to determine the type of masses that she had in her abdomen.

Also, another argument we could have in this case is that the original lesion was amply excised by the surgeon, and we certainly have a number of cases on record that have been doing very well after excision of the original primary mass.

I would be interested to hear about some other angles in this case, such as the blood picture, which would throw some light on the matter also.

As Dr. Jackson pointed out, there is a very important nervous element which he mentioned, concerning the life expectancy of six months that was given to the patient. I think anyone who is dealing with a case of cancer should exercise every possible precaution to ascertain the nature of the disease, its extension, its progress, before he publishes anything about it, because we are open to terrific criticism.

DR. W. W. SHERWOOD [Santa Monica, California]: There are two points that come to my mind. In the first place, I think the surgeon who said it was a matter of six months was showing very poor judgment. I dont care whether it was that surgeon or we as individuals no one should ever go so far as to tell the patient or his family what time they may anticipate termination of life. It is too much of a gamble.

I think all of us have seen people live much longer than had been expected. Had we mentioned a date we would have been exercising very poor judgment.

Another point in this paper that I think was a great help to Dr. Jackson and I dont think he would have had as good results otherwise is that this patient had had no X-ray nor radium therapy. I believe the use of X-ray or radium in any malignancy prior to operation or postoperatively is absolutely detrimental to the patients recovery. I believe absolutely that the application of either X-ray or radium spreads the condition, and thus the patient is doomed. I have seen that happen over and over again.

In a few instances I have been able to see to it that an operation took place and that neither X-ray nor radium was given. Those patients have had a far better chance of recover and permanent cure.

DR. CHARLES A. DIXON [Akron, Ohio]: I presume Dr. Jackson took a lot of personal history which he has not given us. The problem that I was interested in was why she had a lesion on her left thigh.

It is cause and effect. We know the effect was sarcoma. What caused it? Perhaps Dr. Jackson will explain it in his closing discussion. I think this is a very poor way to present a paper, because he hasnt given us anything to go on.

Another point is that nowadays cancer has been highly publicized. That publicity is doing a hellish job.

DR. W. W. SHERWOOD: I was rather surprised that Dr. Jackson did not given us his therapeutics. He says he will tell us later on. I also was rather surprised that this patient continued her constipation for so long a period of time.

DR. LEO SAXON [Chicago, Illinois]: Before I hear whether Dr. Jackson used any therapy at all, I would like to say that there are 177 cases of cancer on record that have spontaneously recovered without any treatment. They are all authenticated cases.

We should all be very careful in our judgment and in saying whether our treatment produced a cure or whether the patient recovered spontaneously.

DR. F.K. BELLOKOSSY [Denver, Colorado]: Mr. Chairman, melanosarcoma is a very malignant disease. I do not know of any such case that ever recovered spontaneously. Therefore, I am very much interested in hearing the authors therapy. What kind of remedies were used, and what symptoms did he prescribe for?.

Cancer of any kind is the end of the human being. It is necessary to have been sick for many years before a cancer will develop. That is probably the reason why Dr. Jackson could not cure the patients constipation and mental symptoms, because the melanosarcoma had to be cured first, and after that the cure of the constipation could be considered. The same thing would apply to her mental symptoms.

DR. WILBUR K BOND. [Greensfork, Indiana]: I think many times, in the absence of symptoms in these cases, one does have to look at the end result the tumor itself and prescribe for the peculiar formation of the lesion.

I was called to treat a very bad lesion on the back of a farmers hand. It piled up a huge scab that was very rough. The man would give me no history at all. All I had to go on was the pathology.

I took a chance and prescribed for the pathology. First I used Graphites, and then, as the case progressed, the scab piled up so high that it became a horn. Then I prescribed Antimonium crudum in various ascending potencies.

Whether it was a cancer or not, no one could tell, because it was not biopsied. Nevertheless, by prescribing for the lesion the entire scab dropped off and the hand was very nicely cured.

DR. A. DWIGHT SMITH [Glendale, California]: We are told we must keep our mouths shut if we cure a case of cancer by homoeopathic means. I cant see why we should. Dr. Jackson had absolute laboratory proof that the lesion was cancer, and the surgeon also said it was. I believe we ought to make every claim for the cure of cancer that we possibly can, regardless of what others say.

Wm. E. Jackson