Hpathy Needs Your Help!


EDITORIAL. Homoeopathy invites all researchers to avail themselves of its valuable knowledge, obtained through one hundred and fifty years of unremitting labor and human sacrifice, that the ends of true research for humanity every where may be more fully realized and served.


ACUTE MASTOIDITIS. There are people who have within their systems a high resistance to disease. You have brought them through many a severe illness and you know just about how much they are going to help you. There are others of low resistance whose tissues give way to inflammation, pus and necrosis following easily.


MEDICAL RADIESTHESIA. An article such as this cannot pretend to furnish more than a very brief and superficial exposition of the science and scope of radiesthesia, but it is hoped that enough has been said to arouse interest and to indicate in some small measure its possibilities for the advancement of the healing art and the alleviation of human suffering.


SOME VERY RECENT CASES. Comparing the rubric on amelioration by passing flatus, Boenninghausens Therapeutic Pocket Book, 1845 edition, lists Phosphorus under”Wind, after breaking ameliorated” in the second highest degree. In the 1891 edition of the same book by Dr. Timothy Field Allen under ameliorations, flatulent emissions, Phosphorus is listed in the third highest degree or, if you will, the second lowest degree.


HOMOEOPATHY AND PULMONARY TUBERCULOSIS. Disinclination is not an adequate excuse for not reviewing the materia medica in these cases, and it is to be hoped that these cases just related may dispel to some degree the prevalent idea that any medicine is useless in pulmonary tuberculosis. We are not keeping faith with our heritage, nor with our patient when we neglect the homoeopathic remedy in these cases.