To proceed, as the Vitamin specialists do, by starving test animals, making them sick and then feeding them back some vitamin is a trial and error method of experimentation which has never discovered any remedy and never given any practical results, not to speak of the many other disadvantages of animal experimentation.

Recently, and quite unintentionally, the vitamin men, themselves, have come to confirm all these ideas as they have started to use minute doses of vitamin B12 for pernicious anemia, a disease in which substantial doses of vitamin B are very harmful. That means they have come to use this vitamin in the manner homoeopathy uses its drugs. This confirms the connection that, if used only homoeopathically, great benefit might be derived from the vitamins in some cases. This explains why, here and there, we hear that some one has been benefited by some vitamins. Evidently, they have fitted his case as any other might have fitted it. It is a very poor homoeopathy, of course, as it dose not consider the many points of posology.

Used in this manner, vitamins would, like any homoeopathic remedy, arouse the metabolism, the toxic waste products would be broken down to simpler compounds which would be eliminated and so the body cleaned of the disease causes.

Does not all this prove sufficiently to any thinking man that a fallacy it is to maintain that lack of this or that chemical is causing the disease of this or that lack of this or that chemical is causing the disease of this or that patient while his symptoms are screaming that he is saturated with toxins originated from a crippled metabolism and from devitalized foods. What is lacking is vital energy which exists only in natural foods and can be bought in grocery stores, but not in drug stores. Deficiency of chemicals does not exist. It is a foolish and reckless idea. But what an irony that the fear of deficiency has been hanging over the heads of this enlightened humanity lake the sword of Damocles for almost half a century.

The drug business has set the psychological trap of deficiency and caught the whole world in it. What an achievement!.

In conclusion I shall say: So-called vitamins do not exist. So-called deficiency is no deficiency. What is deficient is life energy. This energy should be in all foods. Correct eating therefore is imperative. If you make mistakes, sooner or later you will have to pay for them. In nature there is no cause without effect.

F K Bellokossy