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THE INDICATED REMEDY VERSUS SURGERY. This continued for about ten days, when patient wrote, reporting symptoms, that she was feeling much better in general and that “this morning when on my feet, uterus did not protrude.” This continued for about five weeks when there was slight protrusion for two days, ending with taking of Nitric acid CM. Earlier, before the prolapse, I had suggested that patient go to hospital, which she refused to do.


case 1.- Miss M.R., 50 years, on a visit from Philadelphia to one of my patients, complained of pain in and bleeding from right ear for five months. Her doctor in Chester told her she had mastoid and would have to be operated on. She replied, “I will die first, have had five operations for mastoid and will have no more.” My patients said, “Come see my doctor,. I doubt he will; say operation,” On examination I found tenderness on pressure behind the right ear and that she had several typical Pulsatilla symptoms. Prescribed Puls. 1M in 1/3 glass water, 1 teaspoonful every 2 hours. On reporting in two weeks said she was feeling much better in general, no pain and, after the second day, the bleeding had stopped and had not returned. No more trouble until 1 1/2 years later, a slight return of pain, Puls. CM was given, no return to date, 10 years later.

CASE 2.- W.M.McC., age 8. Just after Christmas holidays 1932-3, her mother with tears in her eyes said. “Winifred has mastoid and did she have to be operated on.” “How do you know she has Mastoid?: I asked, Mother. “I should know, have been with her during three operations for mastoid in St.Louis, two on the right side and one on the left.” I replied, “Operation is not always necessary.”

This child was very fond of sweets, especially candy. Also had a badly lacerated left palm from barbed wire, about 2 inches. I sutured with one cat-gut and two black silk sutures. Had also a not too good family history, a somewhat Pulsatilla constitutional case. For the next ten to twelve days had to change remedies as symptoms changed, between Pulsatilla, Calcarea and Sulphur (Arnica and Hepar had cleared up lacerated palm). This seems why remedies had to be changed often, because of bad family history.

At the end of 10 days the put was pointing at the old scar tissue of the right ear and to save the patient from having so much pain had Mother hold a cup as I nicked scar tissue nor over 1/8 inch. The green-yellow pus poured out to fill cup 3/4 full of almost water thin pus, and also from ear. There has been no other operation to date. Has finished school, high school, college, examined and on duty over 1 year in WAVES, mustered out, married and children with no further trouble.


CASE 1.- Mrs. S., 25 years, has been treated and delivered of first child, now age 4 years, by Allopaths, came under my care and treated all during her second pregnancy, delivered at hospital by Allopath doctor, who also found prolapse before and after delivery. During general constitutional treatment, after other remedies (Puls., Tub., Nux-v., Sul., Sil., Arsen.), Sepia seemed well indicated and was given (has since moved to Illinois). Just previous to Sepia, examination showed uterus still down. A re-examination about two weeks after taking Sepia showed uterus up to almost normal position.

CASE 2.- Mrs. Mc., age 60. No children, mother died of cancer of breasts following operation for remaining breast, first breast removed 1 year earlier. Had treated patient over a period of years for various ailments at odd times, mostly colds and indigestion. Patient refused to follow instructions as to diet and right living which did not help conditions any.

Came to office in June, 1949, complaining of bleeding from vagina and that the uterus was protruding, which I found to be true on examination. The bleeding of bright blood and strong odor of urine caused me to think of Nitric acid which was prescribed in the 10M potency dissolved in 1/3 glass of water, 1 teaspoonful every 2 hours, patient to report by phone every day.

The second day after starting remedy there was a profuse haemorrhage that soon subsided, but the uterus continued to protrude every a.m., as soon as patient would be on feet. This continued for about ten days, when patient wrote, reporting symptoms, that she was feeling much better in general and that “this morning when on my feet, uterus did not protrude.” This continued for about five weeks when there was slight protrusion for two days, ending with taking of Nitric acid CM. Earlier, before the prolapse, I had suggested that patient go to hospital, which she refused to do.


W M Erickson Van Norden