EDITORIAL. Are you interested in treating chronic disease? If so, heads up,or you may labor ever so hard, only to find in the end failure, if you persist in treating the acute symptoms coming up. This is old stuff, thoroughly incorporated in the plan of action of masters, past and present,but a great stumbling block for many who are in there earnestly trying for cur in old chronic states.


Are you interested in treating chronic disease? If so, heads up,or you may labor ever so hard, only to find in the end failure, if you persist in treating the acute symptoms coming up. This is old stuff, thoroughly incorporated in the plan of action of masters, past and present,but a great stumbling block for many who are in there earnestly trying for cur in old chronic states.

Whenever facing a new uncropping in a chronic case, progressing toward cure,with some of the most disturbing symptoms already cleared up, always and forever bring yourself to ask the question: HAVE YOU EVER AND THIS TROUBLE BEFORE? With an affirmative answer,even though it happened years ago, prescribe for these new-old symptoms at your peril.

Look upon this recent disturbance as a sure pointer to the fact that it is but a usual part of curative action and, let along, will shortly disappear and be gone for all time with the patient on a higher level of the road to cure. the above item is a gold suggest picked form Margaret Tyler. Her magazine, Homoeopathy,started when she was past seventy, was regarded by our late master prescriber, C.M.Boger, as tops in the homoeopathic literature of our time. We made an index of this publication for her from 1932 including 1938: and she was working to complete that index when she passed to her required in 1943. If any of you happen to learn of any available numbers, take them over to add inspiration to your enthusiasm for healing by drugs.

Treating acute with Homoeopathy is easy and the highest statistics of cure in this sphere are from Homoeopathy along. However, after dealing successfully with an acute, never fail to follow through with the indicated chronic remedy. -T.K.M.


Adapted from a paper read before Bureau of clinical Medicine, I.H.A., June 1948.

We have chosen this subject in order that we may direct our attention to the necessity of remembering always the first paragraph of the Organon: “The first and sole duty of the physician is to restore health to the sick.”

But before we investigate disease must we not consider health, which is wholeness?.

Remember again that man is three fold-spirit soul,and body; that a healthy man is one in freedom all the way through, from within out.

Are we not in danger today of neglecting the within man while we give all tension to the study of the external man. How do we study this within man” we are searching today to know what is wrong with the present day Homoeopathy may no survive but the homoeopathic law cannot fail.

The God who made man three fold has revealed laws of control health.

As we observe returning health, it has been noticed that the symptoms disappear from within out. Think once more of health, freedom through laws and in obedience to law,the law of “like cures like.”.

Repeatedly we are visited by patients who have had all the tests known and have been told “nothing wrong,” but the poor man knows that he is not a free man. What tells him that” Is it not the within part of him,the spirit? And from there, as a beginning,the avenue of life is interfered with, and some symptoms develop, later the body diseases come on.

May we not in these busy days or rush and turmoil pause to consider whether we, as individuals, are looking from within out or going from without in?.

Broken law in the innermost disturbs the vital force,and the communication to soul and body is interfered with AND LACK OF EASE RESULTS.

An recent case illustrates what we are trying to pass on. A nerve-muscular case; the patient past middle life developing a weakened gait, preventing household duties. All known tests pronounce nothing wrong with tissues. Closer search for “within” symptoms reveals early “jealous” disposition,not corrected,going right through life and undoubtedly bringing on the present state.

We must begin within and later study disease.

Potentized remedies in which the “within nature” is released must be used to restore order within the sick man, and no restore health to the sick. How are to reach and teach our young men and women the how of regaining health for the sick

“God made man upright but they have sought out many inventions.”.

The body returns to dust and the spirit goes back to God who gave it. Can we do better than to seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness. today we are searching out the thoughts of men and neglecting the thoughts of God; hence confusion and not peace.

“The secret things belong to God;those which have been revealed belongs to us.”

Let us acknowledge our disorder,and let us remember that we must begin within, if we are to restore health to the sick.

We may well say, “Behold a greater than Hahnemann is among us and we know Him not”. -MARGARET LEWIS M.D.



TIME, The Weekly News Magazine,53;3, P.57 (Jan. 17, 1949).

When TIME,The Weekly News magazine,m published a short article under the above occupation Homoeopaths all over the United States reacted vigorously tot the rather slighting references to their believed Art. No doubt the editor of RIME has had ample reason to regret his reporters unfortunate ignorance of Homoeopathy and all the pertains to it. It is quite evident, however, that the editor stares this ignorance; in. no other way can one explain his allowing the article to appear without any apparent competent Homoeopathic revision.

One questions whether Disraeli died of acute bronchitis, though this diagnosis may appear on official records. It is probable that his demise was occasioned by some form of pneumonia, acute bronchitis not being generally considered a fatal disease. But the diagnosis, even if mistaken,quite likely was not instrumental in terminating Prime Ministers life,nor was the fact that his physician was a homoeopath.

that Sir John Weir has been physician to the King for twelve years is a fact of which all homoeopaths are proud,m but what TIMEs article neglects to point out i the further fact that Sir John had been associated with the Royal Family for many years before his appointment as physician to the King. The implied reason for Sir Johns present position vis-a-vis the King is that he is “master of the jolly bedside manner.” But sir John is master of more than that (nor done believe that so unpretentious a person as George VI would be impressed by a bedside manner). He is a master of Homoeopathy.

The editor of TIME evidently has no conception of what that involves. For his information let it be stated here that Sir John has had a training in orthodox medicine similar and equal to that of any orthodox physician in the United Kingdom, not excepting Dr.Horace Evens, his “strong rival”. In addition Sir John has mastered the Art of Homoeopathy, no small undertaking. It can be assumed that Sir Johns important position came as a result of his ability; it can also be assumed that he need fear no rival.

That the Homoeopaths “prestige” in Britain is on the way out we strongly doubt. There is a growing demand for Homoeopathy among the people not only in Brighten but in other countries as well. Homoeopathy does not depend for its existence on royal favor, though many people of rank and little are among its staunchest advocates. Homoeopathys appeal lies in the fact of its ability to heal in the simplest,quickest and least harmful way.

Thousands of people are disgusted with orthodox medicines still crude and expensive science,m a science which thinks first of disease rather than of sick people, a science which says, “If thine eye offend thee, pluck it out,” a science which thinks or relief rather than of cure. We do not intend to minimize medicines accomplishments in recent years, especially in the field of antibiotics. But Homoeopathy was saving lives long before penicillin was developed and will be saving lives long after penicillin has been discarded for something “better”.

Let us hope that TIMEs editor will not “:sound off” about Homoeopathy in the future with less than adequate preparation and no groundwork of facts upon which to base his assumptions. -ALLAN D.SUTHERLAND.

Attended by a large number of homoeopathic physicians from all part of India, the all India Homoeopathic Research Association held a special session late in November, 1948 under the leadership of Dr. A.L.Varma, president. Dr. N.C. Ghose, president-elect was unable to be present because of illness.

The history of the Association was outlined by Dr.Capore who also reported on the work accomplish during the year.

Papers of interest and value were presented by Drs.Deo, Mukerjee and Chai.

In this presidential address Dr.Varma stressed the importance of research conducted on pure Hahnemannian lines,urging the conferees to cooperate in forwarding this work. Explaining the progress of investigations already made in to the value and therapeutic uses of the plant, Siderhomfifclea,also called Sahdevi sun some parts of India,. Dr.Varma stated that homoeopathic potencies of Sahdevi had been successful in curing numerous cases of Filariasis.

Royal E S Hayes
Dr Royal Elmore Swift HAYES (1871-1952)
Born in Torrington, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA on 20 Oct 1871 to Royal Edmund Hayes and Harriet E Merriman. He had at least 4 sons and 1 daughter with Miriam Martha Phillips. He lived in Torrington, Litchfield, Connecticut, United States in 1880. He died on 20 July 1952, in Waterbury, New Haven, Connecticut, United States, at the age of 80, and was buried in Waterbury, New Haven, Connecticut, United States.