HOMOEOPATHIC TREATMENT OF RACHITIS AND TETANY. Closely related to rachitis is spasmophilia or a peculiar type of tetany in latent but manifest form with continued tonic spasm in extremities, and an alkaline metabolism, contrary to the acid form in rachitis. Here the Calcarea group of remedies is indicated, and in homoeopathic form and doses of calcium resorption from food.

Our homoeopathic remedies must be carefully chosen as to constitution of child. Not only the external form of the affliction should be observed, but also the physiologic, functional and psychic symptoms, the total individual peculiarity. From these remarks you will see how the respective medicines are to be selected along these lines of indications. To simplify and clarify, I shall divide the forms into two groups: children of slender, irritable constitution which usually; and patients of doughy constitution with inclination to exudative processes on skin or mucous membranes, swelling of lymphatic structures and scrophulosis.

In many cases, of the first variety Phosphorus is often indicated, in erethic, fast growing, lean patients with poor dentition, undernourished, anemic, inclined to respiratory catarrh, sometimes suffering from repeated small pulmonary haemorrhages or epistaxis; nervous, convulsive states. Other suitable remedies are:

Arsenicum album with symptoms of gastro-intestinal catarrh, thin stools, severe thirst, great restlessness and fear, loss of appetite and rapid emaciation. This remedy is relatively seldom indicated.

Calcarea iodata: Hard, chronic enlargement of tonsils and lymph-glands with increased metabolism, hence ravenous appetite minus corresponding increase in weight; much thirst and catarrh of eyes, ears, nose, throat, and air passages with croupous cough; anxious restlessness and desire to be occupied; insomnia with hot flushes as in Basedow, acne, furuncles of skin. General relief in open air.

Calcarea phosphorica: Growing fast, tall, slender with weak spine and muscles which can hardly support the head; sensitive to cold and wet; these symptoms are general with all calcarea salts. The phosphor component is plainly seen in the tall stature with inclination to tuberculosis of lungs and joints. Characteristic is also the frequently observed “school-headache” with cold feet and hot head; inclination to intestinal catarrh with greenish stools and much flatulence.

Silicea: Skinny children with big bellies; pale; big head; perspire easily and have colds frequently; feel better in warmth; inflammations and ulcers heal slowly, at times leave fistulae; and Tb.

Sulphur: Undernourished, irritable, water-shy children with old face; all excretions are fetid with red and hypersensitive orifices; inclined to diseases of the skin with burning-itching; painful swelling of lymph glands; nocturnal aggravation of symptoms; early morning diarrhea.

Doughy children often need:

Baryta carbonica and fluorica: Catarrh of upper air-passages with enlarged tonsils and lymph glands on neck and abdomen; irritable disposition; very sensitive to moist cold; dull behavior.

Calcarea carbonica and fluorica: Bloated face with sunken eyes; palpebral margins inflamed; nose thick, club-shaped; lips swollen; itching and burning in ear, hard of hearing; sour vomiting and diarrhea; craving for indigestible things; seborrhoeic with sour head sweats; painful bloating of abdomen; surly temper with mental dullness; sensitive to moist cold. Characteristic of Calcarea fluorica is the extraordinary flexibility of joints (rubber-joints).

Graphites: Fat, some what dull children dull children who are always ready to eat; canthi of eyes, red, burning; inflammation of palpebral margins with swelling; thick discharge from ear with eczema behind ear; nostrils sore with crusts; chronic coryza; constipation with bloating; skin dry, cracked with itching. Sticky, honey-like eruption; enlarged abdominal glands.

Hepar sulphur: Mucous membranes sensitive to cold and draft; disposition to inflammation and chronic suppuration of skin and glands with stitching pains; very irritable and sad; perspiration sour, fetid. Craves piquant food; instinctively asks for cold-liver oil, sardines, herring, sharp cheese, radishes in preference to fruit and sweets.

Closely related to rachitis is spasmophilia or a peculiar type of tetany in latent but manifest form with continued tonic spasm in extremities, and an alkaline metabolism, contrary to the acid form in rachitis. Here the Calcarea group of remedies is indicated, and in homoeopathic form and doses of calcium resorption from food. This makes large doses of calcium unnecessary, which often overburden the organs of digestion.

In acute cramps Cuprum aceticum in frequent doses is here indicated, but in subacute conditions Magnesia phosphorica is the remedy.


Joseph Schier