Some examples again may illustrate this step; We find the ability to produce light an outstanding and characteristic quality of Phosphorus. The symbol interpretation of light as a soul-entity indicates knowledge wisdom, consciousness, and control of the higher self but identifies these entities with breath and associates them with the physical liver.

On the hypothesis that personality control,respiratory functioning and liver function are somehow jointed in what out unconscious intuition has grasped as inner light, we investigate the available material dealing not only with the effects of Phosphor, but also with the physiology of light, ad we find not only our assumption apparently confirmed by this evidence,but also are able to arrange all the divergent physical and mental manifestations of the drug around a connecting thread in a logical fashion.

Another example: Natrum muriaticum is linked to the interpretation of the alchemistic symbol of salt by the symptom: desire to be along,. The alchemist “sal” expresses the separating quality of the individualized mind and the trend towards emancipation and mental independence. Out of this tendency towards inner individualization the whole of the pathogenesis of Nat mur. can be deduced.

With this new approach we remain true to the homoeopathic method of comparing analogous phenomena. Only its scope is extended to include the material furnished by the intuitive understanding of mans collective unconscious, a treasure accumulated over uncounted expenses of time. If this method can stand the test if systematic scrutiny it may prove of great value to the homoeopathic as well as to the psychoanalytical scientist, opening entirely new avenues of understanding for both of them. Body and mind are like two different,yet correlate stages upon which the same directing force, the individuality, enacts the same play, in, as it were,two different languages.

In concluding one cannot refrain from pondering over the more fact. The unconscious helps us by expressing inner problems and difficulties, and often the corrective answer also, in the intuitive language of the symbols.

By offering the psychological remedy in the reflection of the inner difficulty by an image taken from outer nurture, actually an inner disorder is matched without corresponding similar outer counterpart. On the psychological level the similimum as a corrective force-principle is presented. A homoeopathic approach is found to be the language of creative nature, within as well as outside of us.

We humbly marvel at this manifestations of all-pervading creative oneness.

CHAIRMAN HUBBARD: I feel we all-out to take a deep breath before we even begin in discuss this paper. You rarely at an scientific or other occasion. hear a human being have the courage to try to say the unswayable in words. Thank God, we have among us one who does try to, and I could just see you think, you people here,while he was talking, and I could feel myself try to think-which is very difficult.

In this obscure and difficult and yet extraordinarily illuminating paper I see the germ of a whole new materia medical written from a different angle by Dr.Whitmont in the next thirty years.

Now I have given you your moment to recover,m and I hope there will be some really constructive opinions about this paper.

DR.A.H.GRIMMER;This paper is indeed eliminating and it brings us to some of the philosophies that have been in the world from the most ancient times-0the part, yes, you may call it”science,” of symbols has been with humanity ancient times were proficient to a high degree in this language-the theologians, the great mystics,like Swedenborg,and others, who brought down the correspondences of the extent with the internal, outer man-man being a reflection of the inner. Dr.Whitmont has brought all these thoughts to us in a most beautiful and yet in a very scientific way.

It is very hard to comment on such a paper without mature thought,. I just want to tell him how much pleasure I will have in reviewing that carefully. Thank you for bringing it to us.

DR. MARION BELLE ROOD: I kept listening to the word “semantics.” I would like to know if it belongs.

DR.WHITMONT” “Semantics”-no.

DR.ROOD: This is not related to this new movement of semantics in general, this new psychology?.

DR.WHITMONT: I do not know what-.

CHAIRMAN HUBBARD: I was going to say, you had better tell us what “semantics” means.

DR.ROGER A. SCHMIDT: Semantics is the study of the cymbals of words,. Why do we pronounce a word like “good” or “love” and why does “love” represent what live is to us?> There is something in what word and the association of letters that makes it what it is,and it is exactly this which is brought out in semantics in different languages. All the words have come from roots which are shared in the various languages and how they have been diverted from one to the other is also in the objective study, semantics,so i think there is something in semantics as far as the analogy goes.

DR.ROYAL E,.S.HAYES: I thoroughly approve of Dr.Whitmonts paper. If I had to discuss it. I would have to study it overnight, I think,but it seems to me the basic fact is that everything is created in the same pattern and all these objects are in the pattern only undeveloped, more or less. the more they are developed,the more perfect they become and the greater they become.

I have been interested in reading some of Swedenborgs theology recently and I always had quite a respect for it, but I have more respect for it in one way now that I have read a little of it,and less in another, because I do not believe that he enters in to another realm to discover what he has,but it is simply analogy and that is all,and I am pretty sure the one other thing that made me believe that, too, and proved that to me,is that he claimed to have conversed with the spirits and found out about the causes and influences of planets. Well, he just imperfectly represents what that knowledge is and demonstrates some of the knowledge known thousands years before he ever lived.

It is too deep a subject to discuss offhand.

DR.EDWARD WHITMONT (closing discussion): Homoeopathy has been very much maligned for supposedly teaching the law of signatures out again., It is shown, in other words,by thee latest results of psychiatry and brings the signets out again. It is shown, in other words, by these latest results of psychiatric research, that the outward manifestational, the appearance, actually express something of the inner meaning. that is what we were maligned for when we were supposed to have believed it and, of course,m it is another application of the law of similars. However, we must always remember to look for the totality,and not to accept superficial evidence like i.e., yellow has something to do with the liver. there is more to it than that. We must take the totality of appearance and expression and compare it to the totality if what it is matched with.

As to semantics, I would say that the Jung school of psychiatry is an actually accepted and established school of psychiatry. One considers now Freud and Jung at about the same level, except that Jung is not as popular yet because for many minds he,too, is too high and too hard yet to grasp, but this interpretation of the meaning of words, of course, would fall into the very same field, and everything that is truly established in the long run of human thought is expressing that same principle.

Edward C. Whitmont
Edward Whitmont graduated from the Vienna University Medical School in 1936 and had early training in Adlerian psychology. He studied Rudulf Steiner's work with Karl Konig, later founder of the Camphill Movement. He researched naturopathy, nutrition, yoga and astrology. Whitmont studied Homeopathy with Elizabeth Wright Hubbard. His interest in Analytical Psychology led to his meeting with Carl G. Jung and training in Jungian therapy. He was in private practice of Analytical Psychology in New York and taught at the C. G. Jung Training Center, of which he is was a founding member and chairman. E. C. Whitmont died in September, 1998.