SUPPRESSION, ACUTE AND CHRONIC. Suppression explains why people who eat toxic foods crave toxic liquids. Gout is the pathological product of well-done meats. Coffee, tea, alcohols top the uric acids elimination and quiet down he uric acid symptoms. the secondary effects of these drinks in their turn cry for suppression which is established by well – done meats again,and so onion a circle.

The metabolic activities of the organism leave waste products in the cells which,m in normal circumstances, are carried away,just as the ashes and clinker of a furnace are regularly cleaned out by a good janitor so as not to accumulate and choke the furnace. This waste mater is thrown in to the intercellular spaces first, then into the lymph-and blood-vessels and secreting glands, or in to the skin or into the mucous membranes of the different cavities. If, by any physical or chemical noxa, it is prevented from reaching the outer world, we obtain what we call suppression.

The elimination of almost any substance known to chemistry can be suppressed. Water may be suppressed by circulatory or renal weaknesses; carbon dioxide by respiratory obstacles; bile constituents by liver troubles; urea,uric acid, ammonia, creation, etc., by kidney affections,and so forth.

Where the metabolism is vitiated,the suppressed material may consist of incompletely broken down food components, among them acetic, lactic, oxalic, hippuric, butyric, uric and other acids. It may consist also of glucose, acetone, pigments, indol, skatol, indoxyl, indican,mucin, mineral salts (especially carbonates, phosphates, oxalates), phosphorus and sulphur components, etc. Suppressed may be also drugs taken for therapeutic purposes and toxins consumed in foods and drinks, if not destroyed by the liver; furthermore perfumes, to back,as well as all substances that can be inhaled, and in a word, anything that can be resorbed.

According to their affinities the suppressed materials are lodged in different organs and tissues,. Some of then prefer muscles some nerve tissues, others mucous membranes, joints etc. Silver salts are deposited under the epidermis.

It has been said that vital force words centrifugally only. This is not correct. It words both ways, centrifugally and centripetally. the anabolic part of the metabolism is centripetal. The eliminative, or catabolic,part of the metabolism is centrifugal. Assimilation of foods is a centripetal process with selective properties. Eliminations centrifugal. Blocking of this latter is suppression.

In the living individual electromagnetic forces are constantly streaming from the periphery to the center and vice versa. One of these directions is comparable to the gravity of the celestial bodies, the other to their radiation or emanation. In is the driving force in the assimilation of foods and water and oxygen the other carries the waste matter out and cleans the economy. these forces are strongest in the new born and gradually become weaker in the course of life. Besides, manifold other influences may disturb their expression during life.

Suppression is one such disturbance of the eliminative forces. Being dynamic in nature,it follows that it can be cured only by dynamic means. Experience,of course, confirms us in this assertion. Homoeopathy has untangled the problem of suppression in all of its details, diagnostic and therapeutic, and should be given the credit for it. So far we have not been plagiarized in this matter by the other school. Is it because billions could not be coined by the drug industry?.

In its conceitedness the old school today goes its own mistaken ways and ignores suppression entirely,. Is it because it knows that it would have to reverse all its present practics and revise its teachings from top to bottom? Suppression has been known from time immemorial and in the days of Hahnemann it was a self understood matter. Derivative abscesses effected with setons or other material, cupping, sweating, blood letting, purging were the primitive theory for it in those times,. Hypocrites must have been fully conversant with it for he taught his pupils that piles should never be operated pot thoroughly but always one or two knots left behind.

He undoubtedly;u but always one or two knots left behind. He undoubtedly observed the frequent fact that the patients die from myocarditic troubles six to ten months after the operation. The stream of toxins coursing to wards the piles and secreted there, thus cleaning the system, must find a new outset after being shut off by the operation. Not finding any such outlet, it goes to some other weak spot which in such cases is often the heart. Only a few months ago I saw a man drop dead exactly six months after a good operative job had been performed on his piles.

A number of years ago I saw a young man die three weeks after a leg amputation., He had suffered from a purulent gonitis and, after a year of unsuccessful treatment,the surgeons came to consider him incurable by conservative measures. After a years suppuration a hoarse-cleaning current towards the knee had been firmly established. the operation shut this off in an instant. Nowadays similar suppressions by operations on fistulas are brought about in enormous numbers. Though fatal results do not always follow, harm is done always.

How different this is with the homoeopathic treatment A boy painted his armpits with a deodorant to suppress perspiration and developed high fever. It looked like an attack of typhoid fever, yet the doctors acquaintance with suppression cleared the diagnosis and effected the cure immediately.

Now allow me a few more remarks on drug and alimentary suppressions.

When a healthy man takes a drug once, his body eliminates it in a short time. If he takes that same drug again before the first dose is eliminated, its elimination will lag. The second dose to weakens the electromagnetic forces that some of the drug cannot her eliminated but remains deposited in the body. If the drug is continued,m its retention will grow in proportion to the weakening of the eliminative forces.

From fear of infection a man painted his gums and his throat with silver nitrate. Gradually he became blue-black and looked like a negro as all the silver that he incorporated was deposited in the skin. A mining man who, at a certain period of his life, worked in an atmosphere of zinc and lead dust,died twenty-four years later. When an Autopsy and chemical analysis of his organs was made, so much zinc and lead was found in the walls of his intestine that it would have killed and elephant.

Years ago in one of our RECORDERS a case was published describing a knee operation on a man. Fifteen years before this man had scabies which he locally treated with gunpowder suspended in lard. At the operation,the article states, a pus was removed from the knee which strongly smelled of gunpowder and over a tablespoonful of gunpowder crystals was obtained from it.

The dominant school is utterly powerless when treating such cases. Not so homoeopathy. Our similimum in high potency always cures such cases;l and not only the similimum,a good simile may be sufficient. My pseudo-Negro became white again and every trace of silver was eliminated from his skin. Smokers their body. A man who stopped smoking fourteen years before receiving his similimum, soon started to smell of tobacco so badly that people thought he was smoking night and day again. the remedy mobilized his nicotine deposits and eliminated them through the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract.

Another man had been given morphine by an old school doctor for a month., One day this doctor was dismissed and a homoeopath engaged. The homoeopath stopped the hypos and gave the most similar remedy he could find. Two days after this dose the patient developed a beautiful proving of morphine so that the doctor thought the nurse had continued the hypos furtively. So convinced of her guilt was on his simile which mobilized the morphine deposits. Whenever the dormant material of a toxic substance is this mobilized, we obtain provings of that substance.

It seems that the symptoms develop when the substance passes the organs of creation and irritates them. You may have a case to treat which has been on phenobarbital or aspirin or some other sedative for months or years,. You will have a hard timed in the beginning, especially if you are a good prescriber.

You must explain to the patient that he will be eliminating the suppressing and suppressed sedative for weeks, maybe months, else the patient will run away and tell everybody that you were killing him. I always draw to circle s on paper. In one of the circles I then draw several arrows pointing towards the center, in the other I draw arrows pointing towards the periphery. I then explain to the patient that one of he circles represents the allopathic suppression,the other the homoeopathic elimination. He immediately becomes interested and feels happy to learn the difference between the two methods of treatment.

Every substances capable of suppressing other substances is a suppressant of itself. alcohols a suppressant. If you get drink today, you will suffer from the primary symptoms of alcoholic intoxication today, but tomorrow the secondary symptoms welcome. You can suppress these symptoms with tea,coffee or some toxic food, but the best suppressant is more alcohol. this is the reason why alcoholics crave alcohol, why smokers crave tobacco, why morphinists crave morphine, etc.Boiled milk is toxic and a suppressant.

F K Bellokossy