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HAHNEMANN DAY IN BARCELONA. Following the luncheon,the rest of the afternoon was spent in listening to a concert of chamber music and piano,the pianist being Senorita Montserrat Torrent Serra,the daughter of Dr.Laureano Torrent, a well-known Homoeopaths of Barcelona. Thus ended Barcelonas Hahnemann Day celebration, an occasion of inspiration and satisfaction to all who helped to make it a success.

Under the auspices of the Hahnemann Day Commission,homoeopathic physicians, dentists and pharmacists, of Barcelona, Spain, convened at the Hospital Homoeopata del Nino Dios on april 20, 1949 to celebrate the 194th anniversary of birth of Dr.Samuel Christian Friedrich Hahnemann, the founder of homoeopathy. The morning was given over to a thorough study and discussion of the latest plans for the reconstruction of the hospital.

At noon the convention adjourned to a centrally located restaurant for a luncheon at which the wives of some of the physicians acted as hostesses. Presiding at the speakers table,Dr. Montana Pascual gave a short address of welcome ending in the proposal of a toast to the latest plans for the reconstruction of the hospital.

At noon the convention adjourned to a centrally located restaurant for a luncheon at which the wives of some of the physicians acted as hostesses. Presiding at the speakers; table, Dr.Montana Pascual gave a short address of welcome ending in the proposal of a toast to the memory of the immortal Hahnemann.

The next speaker, Dr.A. Vinyals Roig, opening is address by reading messages of congratulations and encouragement received from homoeopathic organizations in Spain and foreign countries, praised Hahnemann for the genius and courage which enabled him to establish on such firm and enduring grounds the medical philosophy which he named homoeopathy. Dr.Vinyals pointed out that Hahnemanns development of homoeopathic theory and practice was an outstanding contribution to the medicine of his epoch as well as to the medicine of the present and future generations.

Dr.E.Peiro RANDO, a member of the Hahnemann day Commission, thanked all who had cooperated in procuring the success of the present occasion. He then proceeded to advise new homoeopathic physicians in homoeopathic procedures,as exemplified in Hahnemanns Organon. Concluding his address, Dr. Peiro expressed the hope that reconstruction of the hospital Homoeopata del Nino Dios would be completed in time to be dedicated as a fitting monument to Dr.Hahnemann at his bicentennial celebration six years hence.

Dr.Peiro also reported progress of he Commissions study of the advisability of forming an organization to be known as The Homoeopathic Association to replace the present Academia Medico- Homoeopatica de Barcelona.

Finally, Dr.Bieto Marill greeted the assembly on behalf of the new generation of Homoeopaths, thanking the ulcer physicians for the advice and help so freely given.

Following the luncheon,the rest of the afternoon was spent in listening to a concert of chamber music and piano,the pianist being Senorita Montserrat Torrent Serra,the daughter of Dr.Laureano Torrent, a well-known Homoeopaths of Barcelona.

Thus ended Barcelonas Hahnemann Day celebration, an occasion of inspiration and satisfaction to all who helped to make it a success.

E Peiro Rando