It is said it was Hahnemanns idea that you cant get any trouble by proving. I find that there has been a lot of trouble by proving, and I think some of you know about that It never hurt him, apparently, because he lived to be nearly eighty nine, but it has hurt a lot of people.

Dr. Grimmer; He knew when to quit.

Dr. Smith; We have a homoeopathic physician in Southern California. Dr. W.E. Jackson, who has been working with cancer for about fifteen years. I dont think Dr. Jackson ever knew anything much about high potencies In his cancer work he has found that the higher potencies he has worked right along in finding that if he repeated his remedy often, he killed his patient. The 18x is the highest he would ever go, but he found that a lot of cases cant be repeated with 3x more than once a week, practically none of them more than once a day, and he has apparently had some remarkable results in cancer.

Dr. Baker. My experience in pneumonia is certainly not in line with the Englishmen. I mean pneumonia of children. I havent had very many cases in recent years but I used to see a great many of them. You give one or two doses of Bryonia, generally pretty high, and see that child the next day, and if it is a Bryonia case. You wouldnt know it. I generally didnt have to bother with it any more.

Dr. dixon; I wonder if there isnt rhythm about a lot of the styles or modes of giving high potencies. I have been taught to be very careful about repeating a high potency dose. Yet you read the literature of this same society, going back to the time when some of those giants were expounding at these meetings, that Allen, for instance, would get up and tell about repeating the 100, 000th potency or the 500 000th potency one or two or three doses a day, carried on for perhaps a fortnight. That, according to my teaching and according to my Practice, wouldnt do at all. Yet he reports wonderful cures by it.

Dr. Grimmer; He didnt report, perhaps, some or many of the bad effects that might have been left behind, the sequela of so much drugging.

Dr. dixon; Well, he reported plenty of victories that way that I would be afraid to copy.

Dr. Grimmer; That may be true. I have seen some of the work of some of his diciples who followed that scheme and I have seen very bad results from it. I wouldnt want to imitate it.

Dr. dixon; I suspect a few of us ourselves have had bad results.

Dr. Grimmer; I have never repeated high potencies very much.

Dr. Roberts. we would like to bear from you on the idea of repetition of the high potencies.

Dr. Roberts; I dont see any need of it.

Dr. Grimmer; That is right.

Dr. Roberts; If you repeat your high potency too often you will get into trouble, I would say. It is my practice to use it very sparingly and to wait a good, long time and be sure whether. I have struck a do-nothing stage or the lack of action is due to the length of time. I dont see how anyone can repeat the high potencies very long. I dont see how it is possible to get away with it without mixing up his case. That is my experience in it.

Dr. Grimmer; Fine! I think we will to follow the teaching of the master who warns that too much of homoeopathic medication is much worse than too much crude drugging, and I think it is absolutely true that it is much more difficult to eradicate a homoeopathic drug disease than it is an old school drug disease. We should be very careful about the repetition of high potencies.

You can do that with the lower drugs. perhaps, if you know how to do it. I am satisfied that in cancerous conditions, especially where there are changes, we will do better with remedies from the 12th and 30th and 200th and up until their progress has been so that they can take the high potencies. I am doing that in most of my cancer cases, giving the drug at the 30th or 12th to start with and working up, as and if they improve, in the usual way, and I am getting better results, I am sure.

Dr. Hubbard; May I speak to one point? I have seen some of the good homoeopathic give the high potency, say 1 or 10m., and then give it again in a week, giving it about once a week, and they say that they would be afraid to give it several times a day or nearer together. In my experience it is more dangerous when given after an interval. I would be simply terrified to give it once a week. I would rather give it along a little as I feel they need it, and then stop it. If you let an interval go by and then come in with it head of time, I think it is dynamite.

Dr. Moore: Dr. Hayes, in an article quite some time ago, is very strong on that idea of keeping away from your repetition, to use your own dose.

Dr. Hayes: Absolutely.

Dr. Grimmer; RIght.

Dr. Bond; If you have a chronic case, how long would you dare wait before repeating the remedy.

Dr. Grimmer; That would have to depend entirely on the type of your patient, the nature of the sickness, the depth of your potency, and the character of your remedy. There are many angles to come in there to decide how long you should wait.

Dr. Green; Also the susceptibility of the patient to remedies.

Dr. Grimmer; Dr. Green says the susceptibility of the patient to remedies and there are a great many factors.

Dr. Spalding: I suspect the writer of the paper has brought out the potency question with the idea of stimulating discussion rather than attempting to solve the questions of potency range. I have heard it brought up a number of times, and the conclusion always seems to be about the same that the various men have various experience, and it is impossible to lay down any definite rule to guide the new prescriber much, except such vital questions as Dr. Grimmer brought out, plus the susceptibility of the patient.

Dr. Hubbard: I would like to ask a question of this meeting which will not meet with approval. By the use of the potency, is there any way of speeding up the cure of a patient who is getting very slowly, gradually better of a disease which is quite troublesome? I mean a disease which really interferes with his work. I have had patients for whom I have prescribed, and they have definitely helped by the remedy, but not enough from their paint of view, not fast enough, and they are losing weeks of work, and money and they become impatient. I just use moral persuasion and and stick to my guns, but I am not sure that that is right.

Dr. Grimmer: In the treatment of chronic diseases, we know of no other way, Electronically I can sometimes speed up a case, that is I can save the time of waiting, I can tell when a potency has let go, definitely, but that is something that we have to tie up with the known things in Homoeopathy before I can give them to the society. I will be able to give you something more definite next year. I think the safest thing for us all to do is to follow the law laid down by Hahnemann; the minimum dose, the single remedy and what was the third?.

Dr. Stevens: No repetition.

Dr. Grimmer: Those were the three things. In the main that will hold good.

Dr. Moore: In the last of your Organon, the last edition Hahnemann was putting his remedies in pretty close one after the other, different from his previous teaching, and at that time the men who knew him said his brain was clicking just as well as it ever had before, but he had made a change there in his idea in a comparatively short space of time.

Dr. Grimmer; That is what I am going to do electronically. I have found that that may be true in at least some cases I have not been able to formulate anything like a law or even a rule yet. I want to talk, very lightly on that subject until I have something more definite and certain to give.

Dr. Shippen; It is very gratifying to start some interesting discussion and there is always a great deal more to be learned. I really feel that it is quite an addition to what I have already said when Dr. Roberts says that the more like the symptoms, the greater the susceptibility. I think that is a real addition to what has already been said. I realised that I was treading on rather shaky ground, and in general we can all find exception to the general principles that I stated, but I do feel that we ought to have something to guide a beginner, and that was the purpose of this paper, to give the beginner a general idea as to how to start and types of cases to use the higher potencies and what types of cases to use lower ones. That is about all I have to add. i am very gratified at the interest with which the paper has been received.

Rodman Shippen