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A second pregnancy produced again incoercible vomiting. The attending physician applied without success several ampoules of pregnant mare serum; a second failure was met with ampoules of Fukuend, another physician was called and he advised ampoules of corpus luteum. In despair the patient called in a homoeopath who prescribed a teaspoonful of Ipecac 200 every half hour; this also failed. The second prescription was Symphoricarpus 10M. one dose only; complete success. No more vomiting and the woman gave birth under normal conditions to a robust girl.

CASE III. J.C.P., 38 years old. Dark complexion, medium constitution.

Past pathological history: She has suffered with hepatic colics, which have disappeared for the last three years. Has had malaria several times and since the second childbirth an excoriating vaginal discharge, probably blennorrhagic.

Past obstetrical history: Two abortions of one and one-half months each, followed by two normal parturitions, then another abortion of three months, then a miscarriage which occurred at the seventh month followed by the case under discussion. Vomiting was present in each pregnancy in an alarming degree up to the time of parturition.

Vomiting starts with pregnancy, a hard pain is present in the epigastrium, a sensation of heaviness and nausea, intense acrid and mucous salivation, heartburn, a burning feeling in the stomach, constipation, a great quantity of yellow, burning vaginal discharge, a sensation of heaviness in the vagina as if something were coming out of it, and burning and foul smelling urine heavy with a yellowish sediment.

On October 10, 1938 I prescribed Sepia 200. Vomiting stopped on the third day and all discharges disappeared slowly except the vaginal discharge which increased greatly, there appearing at the same time an itchy eruption of small vesicles around the vulva. On November 20, 1938, corresponding to the second month of pregnancy, I prescribed Sepia 1M. When the patient visited me at the beginning of her eighth month she informed me that all the time that had passed she had been feeling well and only the smallest amount of vaginal discharge had persisted, though lately she had had some vomiting and a feeling of nausea. I prescribed Sepia 10M., with which all the symptoms disappeared, and childbirth was normal.

CASE IV. M.T.G., 26 years old. Dark complexion; strong constitution.

Past pathological history: Luetic and malarial positives.

Past obstetrical history: Four pregnancies. The first one was an abortion on the third month. The following three were treated by an allopathic physician. Vomiting was present in each pregnancy.

During the last pregnancy about the middle of the third month a haemorrhage of consideration appeared, leading one to believe of a sure abortion. Vomiting was present frequently and nausea was persistent, clear tongue and not very intense salivation. I prescribed Ipecac 200, after which all the symptoms disappeared.

Later on the patient had malaria with the following symptoms: chills were present between 10 and 11 in the morning, heavy perspiration around the neck, piercing headaches, typical mapped tongue; vomiting and nausea returned with persistency. i prescribed Natrum mur. 10M. The nausea and vomiting stopped. As the date of this pregnancy was not known they called me to ascertain the probable date of parturition. Upon investigation, I found that the foetus lay in a transverse position. Believing that parturition would take that same week I prescribed Puls. 200 to correct the position and only forty-eight hours later labor pin began, parturition being entirely normal.

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