Hpathy Needs Your Help!


With profound grief we announce the death of our revered Business Manager- Mr. Fakirdas Sarker, which melancholy event took place on midnight of Thursday the 10th. October last in his own house at Howrah town, He died at the age of 77 years, having retired from the service only a few months ago on a respectable pension. He joined the firm of Messrs M. Bhattacharya & Cos Homoeopathic department (The Economic Pharmacy) as a petty apprentice and served uninterruptedly for 47 years.


There are no abstract diseases in the homoeopathic school. Things are so concrete that all discussion is directed to the question of actual therapy for some actual individual under review. The patient is under review, not his disease-so talk on a disease is rather pointless. The discussion should therefore centre round an actual case to be of any value.


A proper understanding of the great therapeutic field, as mapped by these outlines, will clearly indicate to the practitioner when he is within the pale of one principle, or another, or of none at all; and may serve to keep him from vexatious questions, upon which societies of medical men are “rent and torn,” and from the performance of some hurtful and many useless acts, in behalf of the sick.