Carlsbad is used mainly for obesity, diabetes and its action on the Liver. But has been found useful also for such ailments constipation, cramps, debility, gout, rheumatism, sciatica, sprains, etc.

12. Hall – The salt springs of Hall in Upper Austria. Contains: chlorides, iodides, bromides, and carbonates of the alkalies and alkaline earths and irons, but by far the largest ingredient is chloride of sodium. The water has been proved on patients suffering from goitre. Symptoms developed are: great weakness and exhausting nightsweats and cold in the head and chest.

Affections of mammary glands. Aggravation of symptoms in the night or after sleep. Pains are transient and acute, and return after a short interval. One prover had a sensation as if her stomach would fall out and as if her breasts would fall off. Hall has been found useful in the treatment of enlargement of glands, exophthalmic goitre and affections of the breast.

13. Gastein – The hot springs of Wildbad Gastein in Salzburg, Austria. The water contains Sodium sulphate predominently, but also Silicic acid, potassium sulphate and carbonate, Lithium chloride, Magnesium carbonate, Ferr. carbonate, Aluminium phosphate, and traces of Calc. fluoride, Strontium, Arsenicum, Titanic acid, Rubidium, Caesium; also free carbonic acid. The effects of the bath are described by Constantin James thus; General unpleasant sensation. The skin is drawn up upon itself as if by a tight astringent. The abdominal walls draw together; the testicles rise to the inguinal rings.

Soon as unusual warmth accompanied by shock and tremors, spreads throughout all the limbs. The pulse becomes hard and vibrating and the face becomes suffused; there is humming in the ears. After the seventh to the fourteenth bath the thermal influence tends to concentrate itself entirely on the nervous system. It seems increase of vitality spreads through the whole being.

The patient feels more active, the longest walks cause hardly any fatigue and that is promptly repaired by sleep. The influence is particularly predominant in the sexual system; it shows itself in phlegmatic patients in an increase of force and tone, causing the disappearance of involuntary loses of semen. In energetic or irritable temperaments the baths provoke erotic dreams and wonted excitement.

The water has been found useful for Apoplexy. Calculi, Constipation, debility, Diarrhoea, Gout, Haemorrhoids, Rheumatism, Paralysis, Sexual weakness, Varicose ulcers, etc.

14. Franzensbad – The alkaline-saline springs of Franzensbad, near Eger, in Bohemia. The waters contain sodium sulphate, chlorate and carbonate of soda and carbonic acid gas. Proving was made by Dr. Watzke. Symptoms observed are: physical and mental weakness. Sensitiveness to cold, contractive pain in forehead, sensation of contraction of skin between eyebrows. Stomach and bowels were disordered and some peculiar symptoms in the penis and generative organs were observed. The water is resorted to for its tonic effect, especially in chronic derangement of the digestion, obstinate constipation and inertia of the lower bowel, anaemia following passive haemorrhages, chlorosis, and nervous disturbances caused by debility.

I am giving below the repertory of the mental symptoms of these waters.

1. Absent mindedness-Carls., Sanicula (Agnus, Apis, Nux Mos. Nat.M.)

2. Anxiety-Carls., Kissing., Teplitz., Vichy, Wildbad.

3. Brooding over unpleasant things-Kissing. (Nat. M.).

4. Change of place desired-Sanicula. (Calc. ph., Tub.).

5. Depression-Sanicula., Vichy., Wiesb., Wildbad.

6. Excitement-Carls., Voeslau. (Apis, Arn. Nat. M., Nux V., Thuj.).

7. Express himself, cannot-Carls.

8. Frightened easily-Kissing. (Arn., Ign., Nat. M., Phos., Stram.).

9. Good humoured, lively, cheerful-Carls, Gastein, Wiesbad. (Ang. Coff., Op.).

10. Ideas, loss of-Kissing, Teplitz.

11. Ill humoured, cross, peevish-Carls., Kissing. Sanicula. Voes., Wiesbad. (Cham., Kreo., Cina, Nux V., Sul.).

12. Irritability-Sanicula., Tep., Voes.

13. Life, weary of-Kissing. (Ant. c., Aur., Cinch., Nat. M., Phos., Pul., Sul., Thuj.).

14. Memory weak-Kissing., Tep., Wildbad. (Anac., Colch., Lach., Lyc. Merc., Nat. M., Nux Mos., Nux V., Sep.).

15. Mentally, inability to exert-Carls. Franz., Kissing., Wiesbad.

16. Misfortune, fear of (Apprehensive).-Sani., Vichy., Wiesbad.

17. Names forgets-Carls. (Sul.).

18. Obstinacy-Sani. (Calc. Cham., Cina, Nux V., Sil., Sul.).

19. Senses, confusion of-Hall. (Calc., Gel., Hyos., Nux V., Phos., Phos. ac., Rhus T., Sep., Stram., Vert. a.).

20. Talkative-Carls. Franz.

21. Thinking difficult-Carls.

22. Wandering mind-Sani.

23. Weeping mood-Carls (at others sorrow); Kissing (complaining); Tep. (Cact., Graph., Ign., Lyc., Nat. M., Nux M., Plat., Pul., Sep., Sul., Vert. a.).

24. Yielding-Kissing. (Pul., Sil.).

J K Mehta