Patients see spots or fog, blinding, and must lie down on account of headache and vertigo. This headache often is associated with chronic nasal catarrh, and then vision returns when headache increases in a small spot over right orbit. Eyelids are oedematous, often agglutinated which irritates cornea and conjunctiva. The latter becomes granulous and shows a painless ulcer without photophobia. Thick, fetid fluid comes from ears.

All mucous membranes are inflamed, with increased secretions; sticky, stringy mucus, sometimes purulent. In the respiratory organs we find all kinds of secretions, from profuse, watery nasal, to thick, elastic props of chronic coryza. We also find offensive crusts and ulcers as in ozaena and atrophic rhinitis. Even in pharynx, larynx and bronchi pseudo-membranes form; hoarseness, metallic cough, pain and heaviness in right side of chest.

In the gastrointestinal tract the inflammation of mucous membranes shows not only pseudo-membranes on uvula, tonsils and pillars, but also round stomach ulcers. Loss of appetite, thirst with craving for beer, which does not agree. Mucous vomiting is at times tinged with blood. Abdomen is painfully retracted, with intestinal colic. Evacuations with severe urging. All mucous membrane ailments may alternate with rheumatic pains.

The heart is weak and pains, radiating a sensation of heaviness and cold.

Urination is scanty with albumin, mucus and blood. Burning during voiding. Sensation of constriction at root of penis nights. We are forced to consider functional and organic kidney involvement.

Menses are too early, made difficult due to containing mucous membranes, shreds; accompanied by vertigo, nausea and headache.

The skin is red, hot, many acnes or eczemas. Pustules followed by painless ulcers with sticky, tenacious secretions.

All symptoms are aggravated by cold weather, or when undressing, better from heat, except the skin symptoms, which are better from cold.

Outstanding in this picture: Rheumatism alternating with gastrointestinal symptoms, which teaches us that we have to deal with a general toxic condition, from an inflammation or diseases kidneys. Patient has pains in the kidney region, urinary difficulties, and the condition of the urine is suspicious. The kidneys perform deficiently, hence wandering pains in small spots, which come and leave quickly, due to sympathicus reflexes depositing toxins in the mucous membranes of respiratory organs, gastro-intestinal tract and skin. On the mucous membranes these toxins cause profuse secretions and ulcers. The skin symptoms become chronic, act as ventilators to the system, denoting the deep organic disturbances of the cellular tissues, which often are found to be syphilitic or have psoric taints.


Before us we have insufficiency of heart and kidneys with consequences. We also see vagus disturbances, which often are caused by hereditary deficiencies. The patient is hyposthenic-nervo-sympathicotonic, vagotonic, carbonitrogenic, lymphatic, psoric and hydrogenoid.

Tetan lists the following for:.


Aconitum napellus: Constant anxiety; fears or dreads everything that may happen: sickness, death, groups of people, future, motion, darkness, crossing streets. He feels anxiety about everything. Bilious, nervous, sympathicotonic, medulla oblongata irritation, fever; that is his picture.

Actea racemosa: Cimicifuga has fear of death and becoming insane. Reflexes from uterus and ovaries.

Gelsemium sempervirens: Fears to appear in public, has stage- fright. Cowardice. Lymphatic-nervous. Motoric asthenia. Psychocerebral hypersensitivity.

Lilium tigrinum: Fears she is suffering from an incurable disease. Worries about soul salvation. Utero-ovarian reflexes.

Agnus castus: Fears sudden death from sexual disease.

Borax: Fears having been exposed to infectious disease. Lymphatic-sanguinic. Hypersensitivity from cerebral and medullary origin.

Calcarea carbonica: Fears he is sick, or going to be, or losing his mind, or that he may be an infection carrier. Hypofunction of thyroid. Lymphatism.

Arsenicum album: Fear of death, and anxiety with cold perspiration. Despondency; worse after midnight. Increasing asthenia.

Cactus grandiflorus: Fear of death with sensation as if heart were grasped with an iron hand. Lymphatic-sanguinic. Weak heart.

Phosphorus: Fears death when alone. Hyperfunction of generative glands. Hyperfunction of the adrenals. General asthenia. Lymphatic-nervous.

Arnica montana: Afraid approaching people may touch him (no, not for money, but physically!– S.W.S.) or beat him. Hypersensitive spinal cord. Bilious-nervous.

Belladonna: Fears being touched or caught; tried to flee. Hyperactive cerebral function from congestion. Bilious-nervous.

Chamomilla: The slightest touch causes fear. Patient is hypersensitive and hyper impressive. Sympathicotonic, bilious, nervous.

Zincum metallicum: Fears having his back touched. Hypersensitive. Reflectoric irritability of spinal cord. Lymphatic-nervous.

Bromium: Fear ghosts to deceased.

Aconitum napellus: Fears ghosts of deceased, especially nights and in the dark. Sympathicotonic from medulla oblongata.

Carbo vegetabilis: Fears ghosts of deceased; fixed ideas (delusions). Asthenia with sympathicus hypofunction. Lymphatics.

Phosphorus: Fears ghosts of deceased, especially evenings and in darkness. Thyroid hypofunction.

Pulsatilla: Fears spooks evenings; nights tendency to flee and to conceal himself. Ovarian dysfunction at puberty.

Anacardium orientale: Dreads the future. Discouraged. Despondent. Cloudiness of mentality and sensorium.

Calcarea carbonica: Apprehensive about his future health. Diseases of tonsils and lymph glands.

Graphites: Future looks dark. Feels sick. Hyperfunction of thyroid and generative glands. Lymphatic-sanguinic patients.

Phosphorus: Dreads future; everything terrifies him.

Bismuthum subnitricum: Fears being alone, complains of being terrified. Digestive ailments. Vagotonia.

Kali carbonica: Dreads being alone. Symptoms resulting from fear. Sensitive to change of weather. Lymphatic hypo-vagotonic. Degeneration of heart and liver.

Lycopodium clavatum: Fears being alone. Has no confidence in himself. Disease of the liver. Lymphato-nervous.

Kali bromatum: Fears being poisoned. Thinks he is pursued by Gods wrath. Lymphatic; weak.

Lachesis: Fears being poisoned. Mental disturbances. Delusion of being persecuted. Climacteric. Hyperfunction of thyroid and adrenals. Hypofunction of ovaries.

Rhus toxicodendron: Fears being poisoned. Anxiety. Feels better from constant change of position when lying down. Arthritism. Rheumatic diathesis. Bilious-nervous. Sympathicotonics.

Causticum: Children fear darkness.

Rhododendron: Fears thunder.

Natrum carbonicum: Fears thunderstorms, which cause anxiety and excitement. Intestinal ptosis. Ovarian hypofunction. Lymphatic- asthenic.

Gelsemium sempervirens: Fear during approach of thunderstorm. Lymphatic-nervous. Instability of sympathicus. Hypersensitivity of brain and sensorium.

Natrum muriaticum: Fear of nocturnal thunderstorms, hence patient gets out of bed. Adrenal hypofunction. Asthenia.

Phosphorus: Anxiety during thunderstorms. Patient dreads being alone. Asthenia.

Borax: Fear of downward or forward motion. Lymphatic-sanguinic. Brain and medulla oblongata hypersensitive.


Aconitum napellus: Rheumatic arthralgias with swelling of joint; tearing pains worse nights. Fever. Acute conditions. Plethora.

Sulphur: Rheumatic arthralgia in left shoulder. The joint is as if rusty on account of hypofunction of secreting and central nervous system and sympathicus.

Argentum metallicum: Pain in joints without swelling or redness. Paresis of extremities from insufficient tonus in central nervous system and sympathicus.

Bryonia alba: Rheumatic joint pains with redness. Heat and swelling, worse from motion. Acute articular rheumatism. Bilious- nervous.

Argentum nitricum: Pains in joints of hands and fingers. Weakness and drawing in forearms. Hyposthenia. Mental disturbances.

Silica: Pains in joints connected with infections. Insufficient assimilation.

Arnica montana: Joint pains as if bruised or dislocated (wrist, fingers, hip, knee). Bilious nervous. Sympathicotonics.

Arsenicum album: Joint pains worse after midnight. Burning pains. Exhaustion.

Belladonna: Pulling, pressing pains, come suddenly and disappear suddenly (shoulder, hip, knee). Nervous sensitivity. Pain with redness and heat.

Calcarea carbonica: Joint pain following infection. Hot and painful swelling, but no redness; skin pale. Thyroid hypofunction. Lymphatism. Disturbed calcium metabolism.

Chelidonium majus: Pain in shoulder, hip, knee, especially on the right side; extremities cold. Cholemia. Bilious temperament.

Dulcamara: Tearing pains in joints worse in damp weather and before midnight, better from motion. Rheumatics. Thyroid hypofunction is often present.

Rhus toxicodendron: Joint pains in arthritis, better from motion. Bilious-nervous. Hypofunction of eliminating organs.

Ferrum metallicum: Tearing pains in left shoulder prevent motion, but hip pain is better from motion. Delicate, anaemic persons. Hypofunction of sympathicus.
