Its general spastic character, due to central disease, is well known. Here we mention only, aside from fright action, the reciprocal relation between brain and suppressed discharges, etc., which are based on physical weakness. Accordingly the psyche and the entire body are depressed. Hence it is valuable remedy for residual symptoms.

From his Nerve Diseases, published by Johannes Sontag. Regensburg, translated by S.W.S.


Agaricus muscarius 6x. to 30x.: Twitchings and spastic contractions, ceasing while sleeping, are characteristic in this remedy, not only of eyelids, but also of all other muscles including the tongue. Symptoms appearing crosswise are also characteristic. To this is added diminishing of mental functions and tendency to be awkward and clumsy. The circulation is affected through weakness of heart, peripheric vessels and muscles. Rheumatic pains in different parts of body. Sometimes itching of eyelids.

Ambra 4x. : Weak nerves, especially in women and children with restless haste, both physical and mental; it is a constitutional remedy.

Argentum nitricum 10x. to 30x.: Aside from great haste, patients are of ill humor, have disturbed coordination and spastic twitching.

Arsenicum album 4x.: Great irritability and weakness.

Belladonna 6x. to 30x.: Cerebral hyperaemia and inflammation, is therefore indicated in the beginning of encephalitis. Face very red; throbbing in vessels.

Caulophyllum 4x.: Cerebral reflex action from female pelvis and generating phases; it has also rheumatic symptoms.

Causticum 10x. to 30x.: Rheumatic diathesis and the action of this remedy on motoric nerves makes it especially valuable in grave chronic cases in which twitching of single muscle groups have remained. In more acute cases one must think of this remedy, in graver shunting of voluntary innervation upon deglutition, speaking, etc., which causes a condition similar to paralysis with salivation. Also other muscles are involved; it acts especially on the right side.

Chamomilla 4x. to 30x.: General irritable disposition; the remedy has connection with dentition and the female generative phases; tendency to spastic conditions.

China 6x. to 30x.: It is here only thought of as a tonic after physically weakening causes.

Cicuta virosa 4x.: Has pronounced twitching symptoms (tonic and spastic) in cerebral hyperaemia, especially in limbs, trunk and tongue.

Cimicifuga 4x.: It is valuable on account of its relation to rheumatism and the female organs, but also to the brain, where it produces hyperaemic conditions ranging from head pressure to distraction with restlessness, fear and psychotic confusion. Rheumatism from cold damp weather attacks muscles, joints or nerves and causes pain, stiffness, numbness and even twitching. The left side is especially affected. Menstruation, like all physiologic and pathologic incidents on the female organs, being aggravated.

Codeinum phosphoricum 6x.: Twitching of single muscle groups, especially of eyelids.

Crocus sativa 4x.: Muscle twitching similar to those of Codeinum.

Cuprum metallicum 6x. to 30x.: Its spastic character is well known; it is not well indicated in the worst attacks, but may be given from the beginning as also for residuary states (face, tongue, fingers). It is also valuable in anaemia.

Ferrum metallicum 1x.: This acts only as a tonic in this condition.

Ferrum arsenicum 4x.: It action is due to its chemical components.

Gelsemium 6x. to 30x.: Its acts on the cerebral circulation and facial nerves (grimaces).

Graphites 10x.: It counteracts scar tissue, hence is valuable in the results following inflammations. intellectual function is diminished : distraction, forgetfulness and diminished power of apprehension. Tendency to spasms of single muscles of face or eyelids. In certain forms of female anaemia it is constitutionally indicated.

Helleborus niger 4x.: Aside from severe congestion and restless irritability it causes muscle twitching, frequently exhaustion, hence it is a reaction remedy in the acute stage.

Hyoscyamus niger 4x.: Prominent are intense excitation both psychic and physical; it may lead to insomnia and psychic disturbances.

Ignatia 10x. to 30x.: Acts prominently on the psyche, therefore indicated after fright, sorrow and worry, also in anxious or strikingly fluctuating moods and general irritability; worse from eating. In choreiform symptoms of hysteria it must be considered; but it is also valuable in real chorea, especially when soul catastrophes have preceded.

Indigo 4x.: Tendency to muscle twitching with sensitivity to external impressions; worse from eating. It is especially indicated when worms are present.

Iodum 4x.: Acts prominently on the endocrine glands; general psychic and physical erethism; emaciation in spite of good appetite.

Lachesis 10x. to 30x.: Indicated for its general symptoms. It acts especially on the left side; loquacious, restless or the opposite, discouraged depression. Aggravation after sleep, from touch and non-appearance of secretions from female organs.

Magnesia phosphorica 6x.: Is soothing to spastic symptoms.

Mygale 6x.: It is an antispasmodic where there is tendency to continuous spastic motions of divers muscles; worse after awakening and after sleep desists. Speech is prominently disturbed by catapulting of words; also twitching of eyelids and facial muscles almost constantly, but also of extremities. All control of muscles is lost. There may be choreic erections.

Natrum sulphuricum 6x.: Reminds of the hydrogenic constitution of Dr. Von Grauvogls subdivision; it is closely related to rheumatism and its aggravation from damp weather.

Opium 6x. to 30x: Cerebral hyperaemia may lead to twitching. often following great anger and fright; it is also a reaction remedy.

Passiflora tincture : Indicated in general nervous irritability and insomnia.

Phosphorus 10x. to 30x.: Aside from its action on heart and circulation, its selection is indicated by the general habitus (pale, tall slender, narrow-chested, nervous irritable patients suspected of tuberculosis).

Pulsatilla nigricans 10x. to 30x.: Even more than in phosphorus the general peculiarities are indicative (tender, tearful, female natures with venosity, hence aggravation of headache, etc., from staying in closed room, warmth, rest, evenings; chilliness; aversion to meat; scanty, delayed menstruation). A complete anamnesis and examination are here often imperative in order to be able to select the indicated remedy.

Scutellaria 4x.: General hyper-irritability, cannot fix attention; twitching. Dentition may play a role.

Sepia 10x. to 30x.: It may be indicated on constitutional grounds: angry irritability, abdominal plethora, obstipation, aggravation from rest, yellow color of face, headache, menstrual disturbances, leucorrhoea; it is especially valuable in chronic cases.

Silica 10x. to 30x.: This is also a constitutional remedy in dyscrasic diatheses (scrofulosis, rachitis, rheumatism), but it also has spastic action which may follow fright and excitement, suppressed sweats especially of feet.

Stramonium 4x.: Strong motor or psychic excitation may lead to hallucinations. Mental upsets are often causative. The cerebral congestion is recognized by redness of face and dilated pupils.

Sulphur 10x. to 30x.: The general psoric, rachitic, scrofulous, rheumatic diathesis forms the basic reason for the general and cerebral circulation disturbances, as also for cerebral irritation. Often reciprocal relation between diseases of the skin and internal organs play a role. Sulphur is also a reaction remedy, and for reasons mentioned makes it more suitable for chronic conditions.

Sumbul 4x.: Strong excitement and irritability leading to passion which also involves the motility in form of twitching of single muscles and members. It also has rheumatoid symptoms, drawing pains in muscles and joints, numbness and bruised pains.

Tarantula 6x. to 30x.: It is characterized by extreme restlessness which is manifested less in muscular twitching than by in-coordinated movements of hands and feet, and especially on the right side. Furthermore there is increased irritability of the entire nervous system, including the sphere of the psyche.

Thuja occidentalis 10x. to 30x.: On sycotic, lymphatic or hydrogenoid basis, develop strong hyper-irritability which may lead to attacks of twitching and numbness of extremities. perspiration of parts of the body not covered points prominently to this remedy.

Veratrum album 4x. to 10x: Aside from causative moments of fright, fear, anger or passion, are important the symptoms of weakness to collapse, but also motoric paralyses, often following severe excitement. There are also spastic conditions of central origin with local limitation.

Viscum album 4x.: Twitching of such strong jerks that even all bedclothes are thrown out. Though the lower extremities especially are involved, yet all parts of the body are in constant motion. The gait is absolutely unsafe. Cerebral excitation leads to vertigo.

Zincum valerianicum 4x. to 30x: Its general spastic character, due to central disease, is well known. Here we mention only, aside from fright action, the reciprocal relation between brain and suppressed discharges, etc., which are based on physical weakness. Accordingly the psyche and the entire body are depressed. Hence it is valuable remedy for residual symptoms.

Zizia aurea 4x.: Its relation to twitching motions of extremities as also to the female organs, together with simultaneous nervous and vasomotoric hyper-irritation point to chorea, even to the grave organic forms, in which twitchings are also observed during the night.

Alexander Zweig
Zweig, Alexander 1881-1934
Alexander Zweig (born June 11, 1881 in Oels [1] , † July 1, 1934 Hirschberg ) was a German physician, homeopath and medical writer.
In 1906 Zweig settled as a practical doctor in the Silesian Hirschberg, where he finally became the owner of his own sanatorium. In addition to his work as a doctor, Zweig did well as a medical writer: Until the 1930s, he published a number of medical reference books and guides.
Author of :
Nervous Diseases: A homeopathic-clinical compendium of the most important nerve diseases. J. Sunday, Regensburg 1927.
Small Vademecum: Introduction to Homeopathy. Willmar Schwabe, Leipzig 1927.
Instructions for the study of practical homeopathy for physicians. J. Sunday, Regensburg 1927.
Local spasm forms (employment spasm, swallowing, calf cramp) and their treatment. Dr. Madaus & Co., Radebeul 1929.
Soul disease. Dr. Madaus & Co., Radebeul 1930.
Allergic diseases and their homeopathic treatment. O. Enslin, Berlin 1930.