A great many doctors do not seem to know that there is a place where they may be taught good homoeopathy, so for your information I want to tell you about the International Hahnemannian Associations Postgraduate School (American Foundation for Homoeopathy). It holds a six weeks course every summer. They teach homoeopathic philosophy, repertory, case taking and materia medica.

Ho hum!! I am sitting here wondering what the next fifty years will be like. For you see I have finished my first fifty years of the practice of medicine, all of it in Akron, Ohio.

Lots of water has gone over the dam (or should I say damn?) since my start as an M.D.

When I was young in practice, I wasnt a very good homoeopath. I hadnt been taught very good homoeopathy, so I gave antitoxin, something that I stopped doing thirty years ago, for by that time I had taught myself the homoeopathic Law of Cure, and since the time that I learned that profound truth, I have never given an opiate, cathartic, or vaccinated a patient. Neither have I taken out a tonsil since my conversion to the homoeopathic law. For twenty years I alternated my remedies in the low potencies, gave physic, used the hypodermic needle as well as combination remedies and used all the samples the drug houses distributed so generously.

As I look back to those days I realize that my ambition was to make more money and be “regular.” Of course at that time a homoeopath could not belong to the A.M.A. or the local allopathic societies, nor would the allopath consult with them.

It is a significant fact that homoeopathy has been on a steady decline since the A.M.A. started their program of benevolent assimilation, and the medical profession at large (including the homoeopath) broke up into specialties. It has increased costs to the public enormously without giving them adequate returns in the pursuit of life and happiness.

Oh, if I could only teach the public that surgery never cured anything! It deals with effects, and causes cannot be removed by lopping of one effect after another. When something goes wrong with an individuals tonsils appendix, gall-bladder, uterus, prostate, or what have you? we have a local manifestation of a constitutional trouble. In other words, it is in itself the effect, which is still with the individual after the surgeon has removed the diseased organ. Surgery and surgeons will have an awful time squaring themselves with the Almighty when the final accounting takes place.

The public has been so thoroughly sold to the ideas of specialized medicine that they pay out their money, take the whole works, lock, stock and barrel, and go home and die happy in the belief that they had the best that medical science has to offer.

This railroading of suffering humanity from one specialist to another is costing the medical profession dearly in prestige because it has bred a class of practitioners that can only be compared to the hijackers of the days of the Volstead Act.

It gives me a pain (I wont say where) when I hear a homoeopath excuse himself for giving non-homoeopathic drugs because of his doubt about the limits of the homoeopathic remedy. Frankly, after fifty years of living with it I dont know what its limitations are, but I have come to the conclusion that its limits vary with the doctors who use it.

Dont get the idea from my ranting that I think every doctor that is using all these methods which I condemn is a fool or a knave, they just dont know; they are only practising what they have been taught, and are indifferent to the wonderful results that can be achieved by Simon Pure Homoeopathy.

I am thoroughly convinced that if all of our homoeopathic doctors were practising pure homoeopathy our school would be the dominant school of medicine throughout the whole civilized world before many years. That would eliminate fully seventy-five percent of the surgeons and fully as large a percentage of the specialized robbers, besides reducing the case of medical treatment to the public at large by an even greater percentage.

Now dont get the idea that I am curing everybody that comes to me. I lose plenty of them, but not to the undertaker. Most of them come to me because of friends who have boosted me instead of my homoeopathy, and I am not able always to sell them the homoeopathic law, to keep them away from their aspirin, physics, salves, liniments and numerous highly advertised nostrums. These failures dont disturb me in the least, for I have come to the conclusion that a fairly good percentage of our citizenry dont deserve anything more than the specialists have to give them.

The public at large is slowly becoming aware of the strangle hold the A.M.A. has on medicine and its practitioners, until the medical profession has a well developed case of jitters over the pending Wagner Act and what it is going to do to them.

The trend for years back is toward socialized medicine and if it comes, I am going to blame the A.M.A. for it.

My conviction is that we who are practising true homoeopathy have nothing to fear because our patient will still hunt us up, “come hell or high water.”.

A great many doctors do not seem to know that there is a place where they may be taught good homoeopathy, so for your information I want to tell you about the International Hahnemannian Associations Postgraduate School (American Foundation for Homoeopathy). It holds a six weeks course every summer. They teach homoeopathic philosophy, repertory, case taking and materia medica.

It was this school which set me right twenty years ago. And I have taught in that school for the past thirteen years. I earnestly recommend it to all of you. We can point with pride to the work done by a number of our graduates. AKRON, OHIO.

Charles A. Dixon
Dr Charles A. DIXON (1870-1959), M.D.
Akron, Ohio
President, I.H.A.