Arsenicum in higher potency is perhaps the most important remedy, especially in chronic cases with calcareous deposits in the coronary arteries; there is much general weakness, exhaustion and rapid loss of strength; difficult breathing; palpitation with fear and suffocative attacks. Aggravation after midnight, from cold and rest, better from warmth.

Arsenicum in higher potency is perhaps the most important remedy, especially in chronic cases with calcareous deposits in the coronary arteries; there is much general weakness, exhaustion and rapid loss of strength; difficult breathing; palpitation with fear and suffocative attacks. Aggravation after midnight, from cold and rest, better from warmth. Leading symptoms are: attacks around midnight; burning pains; great fear of dying; very thirsty for warm drinks in small quantities; cold perspiration; oedematous swellings.

Arnica: In medium potencies when over-exertion is a contributing cause of weak heart; much palpitation; congestions; bruised pains; vertigo; stitches in heart; increasing weakness of heart; feeble pulse; difficult breathing; chest feels bruised. Arteriosclerosis. During the attack the 15th potency in hot water, given a short intervals until perspiration sets in.

Aurum metallicum and Aurum muriaticum in higher potencies cannot be replaced by any other remedy in coronary sclerosis with sensation as if heart would stop beating; neuralgia of heart; severe palpitation upon motion; pulse fast; chest congestion with fear of dying; melancholia; suicidal tendency. Aurum acts on the mind similar to Arsenicum, and is very important in elderly patients.

Heart pathology after misuse of quicksilver, and when caused by gout has often been cured by Aurum. Symptoms are worse at night and mornings, from cold and rest. Better from motion, warmth and open air. It is not suitable during attacks.

Spigelia 4x to 6x.: Severe stitches in region of heart radiating into arms, worse from every motion. Fear. Oppression with difficult breathing. Heart beat and pulse are not synchronized. Pains are severe, boring, lancinating, burning. Heart beat visible and audible. Face purple. Attacks usually nights. Anxious heart congestions with dyspnoea. Oppression. Is especially valuable in weakened, nervous, anaemic patients. According to Stauffer, it can prevent attacks.

Tabacum 4x. to 6x.: Severe stitches around heart. Vertigo, anxiety. Nausea. Pulse intermittent. Cold perspiration. Suffocative.

Threatening dissolution. Heart in danger of stopping. Nervous heart conditions. Heart pathology in the aged. Face pale. Extremities cold and head hot. Palpitation worse on lying on the side. Vascular spasms. Arteriosclerosis.

Crataegus oxyacantha 1x. to 3x.: Weak heart in obesity. Motion causes shortness of breath. While resting pulse almost imperceptible. Dilatation of heart. Palpitation. Arteriosclerosis. Valvular affections. Cyanosis. Stauffer recommends 5 to 10 drops of the tincture often repeated in weak heart.

Glonoinum 4x. to 6x.: Is suitable during attack, a few drops in a little hot water every 2 to 3 minutes.

Cactus grandiflorus 1x. to 3x.: is best indicated if asthmatic attacks are also present with the sensation as if the heart were squeezed by a strong hand. Severe pain and stitches in heart with hard, fast pulse. Heart is dilated and fatty. Arteriosclerosis. Fear of dying. Dyspnoea. Cannot lie on left side.

Kali carbonicum 6x. to 15x.: Stitches around heart; sensation as if heart were bound by adhesions. Weak heart. Dyspnoea with cough. Aggravation from lying on right side and from 3 to 5 a.m. Better from warmth.

Naja 8x.: in weak heart and where collapse is imminent.

J Harbeck