Homes for miasmatic children, could we get them (and what child is not miasmatic) would be a very small drop in a very big bucket. But I must admit that a drop is a drop even in a drought.

DR. SUTHERLAND: No one with experience in homoeopathy can doubt the deep-seated constitutional effects produced by the miasmatic stigmata, nor can one deny the tremendous benefit to the race and to the individual which would be derived could these miasmatic influence be removed. Those of us with a practical knowledge of chronic disease are working to this end in our own limited field. It is a slow business for the most part and we are hindered by the ignorance of the race.

The idea of “Homes for Miasmatic Children” is worthy of consideration by all true homoeopaths. But to the average person such home would be just another hospital. The public must first be taught the need for such institutions through a policy of enlightenment and propaganda designed primarily to sell homoeopathy to the man in the street. Without public support, both in knowledge and money, I am afraid that the corner-stone of the first home would never be laid.

DR. BROWN: “Where there is no vision that people perish”.

Dr. Green visualizes one step in the right direction but before she takes this step it will takes about three generations of the most loyal physical, homoeopathic and spiritual cooperation of fathers, mothers, brothers and sisters and sweethearts, for “to obey is better than to sacrifice”.

What remedies will produce order out of chaotic minds and spiritual drought?.

DR. MOORE: This presentation of Dr. Green is most heartening, envisioning, as it does, the gradual evolution of humanity through homoeopathy; the open road to develop through law into better physical, mental and spiritual health.

Also her portrait of the miasms is excellent and clear cut. I wish to congratulate her on it.

It is a beautiful dream. Also we can expect that dream to be realized if we always have it in the back of our heads to be doing something about it.

DR. DIXON: When I read Dr.Green’s paper my reaction was-What a glorious dream! How impossible its fulfilment!.

And that is the same attitude the public at large has taken toward every revolutionary step that has advanced, not only medicine, but every other effort of a “dreamer” that has advanced civilization from the Stone Age forward.

Think of the persecutions that followed Harvey, Pasteur, and our immortal Hahnemann; because they envisioned a beautiful dream. Every advancement the human race enjoys had its beginning in someone having a dream.

I have faith that homoeopathy will, one day, be “allowed” to show the way to the right method of handling these handicapped children, or rather individuals (why confine ourselves to children?) and the transitional era we are now living, may be the time.

Over fifty years ago Talcott made such a remarkable showing in treating the insane homoeopathically that New York State made homoeopathy the treatment in all her insane asylums, but politics was responsible for the placing of incompetent homoeopaths in charge until the prestige of Talcott is but a memory of the few.

Politics and medicine mix only too easily, but the results are always fatal to homoeopathy, just like the homoeopath that mixes allopathy with his homoeopathic teachings.

This all sounds pessimistic, but don’t lost sight of the facts. What has been done can be done again, and personally I am an optimist.

DR. ROBERTS: At Mansfield Depot, Connecticut, there is an institution under State care for the feeble-minded. This institution is staffed with a superintendent and assistant superintendent who are graduates of the homoeopathic school and licensed by the Homoeopathic Examining Board. How much homoeopathy is practised in the institution is a question-there is probably not much of it used. However, if these men could be interested in a program of applied homoeopathic research, (perhaps it might be called) it would prove a valuable piece of work.

It is my suggestion that through the American Foundation for Homoeopathy these men be contracted and some basis laid whereby selected cases might be carried through under homoeopathic medication for a certain length of time. Of course many of these

cases are beyond much help, but no doubt there are cases which cold be greatly helped. Many are institutionalized because there can be no adequate care provided for their own homes, yet which are not beyond help. It would be an interesting experiment.

DR. GREEN: I have nothing more to say except that all movements beneficial to mankind start first in the mind of one person or a very small group of people. They generally must toil along an uphill road but this is no reason for not starting. Once started, they must keep on and keep on through tremendous, difficulty, content that one lifetime is far too short to even see the goal plainly.

Julia M. Green