Our antipathic colleagues had repeatedly used hypodermic injections of morphia during the night, which had no noticeable effect whatsoever. I found him bordering upon acute mania from the pain, and I assure you it all looked hopeless with surgery the only exit from the dilemma. In the confusion of the scene, the distraction of the patient, subjective symptoms were in the discard.

The homoeopathic range of potency application adds drama and adventure to the endless array of disease symptoms. It represents the infinite struggle to find perfection in rapid action of relief to the distressed organism. The certainty of results which comes from experience in homoeopathic practice infuses zest into the quest.

The range of action found in the pathogenesis of Magnesia phos. covers a broad scope, and to know, it becomes a veritable gem in homoeopathic service. It is equally easy for constructive reflection in chronic case taking as in rapid bedside selection.

Our biochemic colleagues inform us that magnesia phos. is chiefly found in white fibres of the nerves and muscles. These are composed of strands of different colors, each kind acting in a specific capacity, having conductive power or special affinity for certain organic and inorganic principles, performing their varied functions through the operation of natural law. The white fibres are controlled by the action of the magnesia cell salt. When a deficiency arises in this salt, these fibres contract and produce spasms or cramps.

In the approach of the homoeopath the hyper-or hypo-aspect may be a part of the treatment evaluation, but not necessarily confined thereto. The provings and clinical experience definitely certifies that Magnesia phos. is a preeminent antispasmodic.

The essential characteristics which clinch the selection of the remedy in an acute crisis are: paroxysmal, cramping, stitching pains, which appear and disappear suddenly, > by applied heat, pressure, rubbing and bending double. This designates Magnesia phos. an invaluable remedy for pain in clinical medicine and surgery, a part of the galaxy of remedies which homoeopathy has to offer to him who has the will to learn and use.

I had a striking experience when practicing in Florida, the realism of which called my attention to the value of this remedy in severe pain when indicated. The hurried call came early in the morning to see a man who had violent paroxysms of pain for some twelve hours.

Our antipathic colleagues had repeatedly used hypodermic injections of morphia during the night, which had no noticeable effect whatsoever. I found him bordering upon acute mania from the pain, and I assure you it all looked hopeless with surgery the only exit from the dilemma. In the confusion of the scene, the distraction of the patient, subjective symptoms were in the discard.

My attention was attracted to the paroxysmal attacks, the evident violence of the pains, the hard pressure of a hot water bottle to the area of the pain, and the marked jack-knife doubling. The reaction of the patient to Magnesia phos. 2c. was decisive, each subsequent paroxysm was modified, and shortly ended in restful relaxation.

There are illusions of the senses and mental disorders; depression, restlessness. It is closely allied to Kali phos., which has a tremendous range in mental disorders, both functional and organic. Neuralgias of the head and ears, of a spasmodic nature; lightning pains, > from heat and pressure. In gastric and abdominal troubles; inflammation of the gall-bladder; > from pressure, heat and bending double; constant nausea, < motion; hiccough, with cramping, stitching pains, > from heat. There is aggravation from putting the hands in cold water. There is trembling and involuntary motions of the extremities; nerve exhaustion with paralysis.

Magnesia phos. may be considered in arthritis. There are pains of a cramping, stitching nature, < from exposure to cold, change of weather, approach of a storm, putting part in cold water, and > from heat.


J.W. Waffensmith
J.W. Waffensmith, M.D. 1881-1961
Education: Cincinnati College of Medicine & Surgery
Author, Distinctive Phases Of Kali Carb. and Homeopathy , the medical stabilizer