The headache is dull frontal and constant, matutinal and following sleep. It may be sharp generalized and through the eyes. Puffy eyelids and hazy vision. Blood-shot eyes and a desire to close them. Ringing in the right ear but on stooping over a hollow pumping in both.

1. Nocturnal fidgets; could not keep still. Restlessness from sharp aching. Tearfully “blue.” Censorious and worse from company. Vertigo on walking. Confusion on dreaming.

2. The headache is dull frontal and constant, matutinal and following sleep. It may be sharp generalized and through the eyes. Puffy eyelids and hazy vision. Blood-shot eyes and a desire to close them. Ringing in the right ear but on stooping over a hollow pumping in both.

3. Watery rhinorrhoea walking in the wind. The throat is dry, hoarse and sore, with soreness on swallowing. The mouth is dry in the morning with thirst, with plenty of saliva, not helped by drinking.

4. The cough begins in a tight and gagging fashion, later looser. The expectoration is thick and white. Prover is worse from breathing and coughing. Right-sided dyspnoea. Sore chest and sharp and constant intercostal neuralgia.

5. Brassy taste. Nausea and vomiting in the morning. Bulimia for lunch and supper. Worse after eating.

6. Backache, sharp, constant, and right-sided. Weak. Right arm involvement, hand numbness and joint pain. The hands are puffy and the fingers are stiff. Worse on motion.

7. Sharp or dull neuritic leg pain. Swollen ankles and burning feet. Tingling feet. Stiff and painful knees and trembling weak legs.

8. Terrible itching with red raised rash, worse on the left side, worse at night. Puffy skin, especially in eyelids. Pimples.

9. Frequent daytime urination (30 ounce increase of urine). Nocturia and a slow stream. Burning before and during urination. Offensive urine. Enuresis.

10. Restless cat-nap sleep, especially later night. Sleepy spells in the daytime. Many, many symptoms after sleep. (weakness, severe general sweating, occipital headache, left leg cramps, marked chilliness, and painful right knee).


Donald Macfarlan