Homoeopathy for generations has been the choice of people, prominent in many different walks of life. Why? Because the reasonableness of homoeopathy appeals to them. I ask you– can you afford to do less? Among the many on the list of patrons of homoeopathy we find the name of Mr. John D. Rockefeller, Sr., as one of those who sought homoeopathic help through a goodly portion of his life. There we also find Madam Sarah Bernhardt, the great actress, who, so the story goes, not only insisted upon homoeopathic treatment for herself, but for her cast as well. Then we find Dr. C.F. (Boss) Kettering of General Motors, standing high on the list, and who publicly acknowledged his indebtedness to the skill of his homoeopathic physician of Dayton, Ohio.

There are likewise to be found the names of the Duke of Windsor; his brother, the present King George of England; his mother, Queen Mary; and his father, from King George V. As a sidelight, let me recall for you that some years before King Georges death he became seriously ill, and some doctors insisted upon an operation as the only choice. The then Prince of Wales and his mother, Queen Mary, prevailed upon their homoeopathic physician to see what homoeopathy had to offer, with the result that shortly afterward, with the strictest of homoeopathic treatment, the King recovered without any recourse to surgery, much less any other treatment save homoeopathy. I could go on almost endlessly citing examples of this kind.

HOMOEOPATHY and HOMOEOPATHIC are words to be remembered for all future time, because of what they can do for YOU. The older homoeopaths had a saying that “if you follow homoeopathy, you live longer and die easier.” How can all I have told you tonight be made more useful in your everyday life? By seeking out your homoeopathic physician in your own community and getting better acquainted with him and with homoeopathy, because you are going to hear more and more about it as time goes on.

Remember, that homoeopathy is just as ready to render its aid in kind wherever needed in our national life and that it can shine most brilliantly in the field of prevention. It is tragic to think of the many preventable troubles man has to contend with simply because he does not know what homoeopathy can do for him and his.

In fact, it has been, and is successfully, employed not only to prevent, say an infection or contagion, but likewise to help clear up many conditions of an inherited nature which can only be slowly and steadily eradicated through proper support of natural functions. This is a field peculiarly suited to homoeopathy and its natural Law of Cure. Have you ever used it for such a purpose?.

Homoeopathy modestly believes it can add much to aid in solving your questions of sickness and health, their treatment, or prevention.

Therefore, my friends, make it a point to be well informed on health as well as sickness and how they may best be controlled. Remember, the best thing is oft times a difficult thing to find.

Carl H. Enstam