There are so many outstanding features that homoeopathy offers to the physician who practices obstetrics, and to the newborn babe. Dont ever forget when you are attending a young primipara in labor, and she is cross, fretting, worrisome and so ill and refuses to help, just give a few doses of Chamomilla 12x. to her every half hour and then watch her get down to real business.

Also, dont forget these young nursing babies whose greatest faults is constipation; remember to give the mother Pulsatilla 12x. every two hours for several days and watch the babys constipation correct itself.

I have endeavored to give you some experiences of a southwestern homoeopath in a small city. By these simple homoeopathic remedies, we carry to our patients the only known and proven aids. The writer is now about to complete two years in the practice of obstetrics without the aid of forceps. I feel sure all these babies have a greater chance to become better, healthful little citizens.



DR. GARCIA-TREVINO: When we met a few years ago in New York City, I had the opportunity of presenting a paper similar to the one of Dr. Bonnell today, against the use of forceps, and I am going to repeat here the words I mentioned there, as they were the words of my professor of obstetrics at the Mexican School in Mexico City. He used to say forceps should have the same inscription as the Toledo swords. Toledo, Spain, is very famous for the swords that are made there, and these swords have this inscription: “Never take me out without a reason, and never put me back without honor.” Our professor of obstetrics used to tell us that forceps should have such an inscription, also.

I might be mistaken, but my experience has been for quite a few years, while in Chicago and also while I was in Mexico before this time where I do a little obstetrical work, that the high application of forceps, as they call them, are used when the superior strait of the pelvis is too narrow. In such cases of pelvic or bony defect, it is my opinion that Cesarean section is indicated, rather than the use of forceps.

The low application of forceps, in my opinion should not be done. those are done when the head is stuck in the outlet or the soft tissue is too hard to let the head go by. Those are cases where the homoeopathic remedies act better, in my opinion.

I have used forceps only twice during my obstetric practice, and once to my regret. I think we should really never use the forceps. That is my personal opinion, because in those high applications of forceps the Cesarean section would be the best thing to do. In the low application of forceps, our remedies will take care of them.

DR. SHERWOOD: I havent done any obstetric work for several years, but I used to do some and I know from personal experience the homoeopathic remedies will do all that is expected of them, provided, of course, one expects things within reason.

I would like to call attention to a ready reference book which Dr. Yingling, of Kansas, published, several years ago, a very good compend for anyone to carry in his obstetric bag. Most anything anyone would want in an ordinary case of labor is in that little book.

DR. Bonnell has certainly given us some very, very interesting cases here that will well deserve our further consideration when they are published.

DR. BONNELL: I decided on his subject quite quickly because I had that on my mind. I want to say that the thought occurred to me a few years ago that in the creation of man and woman and all the other beings, there was no thought at that time that the medical profession would improve so fast, like some to the doctors in our localities. The majority of the babies are delivered with instruments.

I just want to give you an experience of one old-school doctor who came to our town, a specialist in diseases of women and children. Invariably every confinement case he has was very difficult, and he used instruments. If you would follow the trail of this man for several years, you would see children with spasms and mental deficiencies from the use of instruments. His reputation became such that in eight or ten years he moved entirely across the state.

The doctor said he had used instruments only twice in his practice. I wish I could say that. Since I have been trying to avoid the use of instruments, I think I have been detained two to four hours longer at the home, but the mother and the babies are in better shape. That is what we have all studied medicine for, to prolong life and save the lives of babies.

The doctor spoke of high and low forceps. Personally, I think it is almost criminal to use high instruments.

W Leroy Bonnell