67. Crude substances that act as irritants are best antidoted by the same or similar substances at higher vibratory rate, i.e., high potency, as in radium burns, rhus tox. or primrose poisoning.

68. The potency must be changed is a given remedy is to be repeated. (Lippe).

69. Boenninghausen usually repeated the 200th daily for two weeks.

70. In acute case Dr. Erastus Case usually gave four doses of the 2C. and waited. (Sloan).

71. A rare remedy in a rubric is often the one.

72. When a nosode comes out in repertorizing, use it with care. It invariably proves to be the similimum. (Hubbard).

73. In luetic invalids, where remedies act but a few days and must be changed, it always calls for a nosode.

74. A well person taking a dose for proving, with the exception of few sudden action substances (Glon., Camph., etc.) will not feel any disturbance before the third day. (Roberts). (How like the inoculation period of contagious disease or the application of radium to a surface lesion!).

75. In proving with potencies the latest symptom shave the greatest value in prescribing. (Boger).

76. Repeat the dose until an effect is produced, better or worse, then stop. (CAse).

77. Always it is the positive symptoms at the moment that demand a certain remedy. Negative symptoms must not be allowed to call us off. (Tyler).

78. It is the positive symptoms that decide the remedy. Negative symptoms are no use. (Clarke).

79. Absence of any group of symptoms any or may not contraindicate a remedy, depending on the degree. (Roberts).

80. Make no mistake, in homoeopathy one is dealing with energy, real and powerful. As radium emanations hold power for good or harm, so with potentized remedies. Unless used with the technique of homoeopathic procedure, with law, good results are not to be expected.

81. The similimum (curative remedy) releases reactive power strong enough to re-establish harmony, which in turn is capable of sweeping away almost any morbid condition. (Boger).

82. I believe that in homoeopathy we are on the edge of something great belonging not to this generation of mankind but to future ages. (Patrick).



DR. GRIMMER: Dr. Moore has gathered together a great array of homoeopathic epigrams that it will do well for us all to restudy.

He quoted me, but he didnt quote me quite completely. I want to be put right there. I said, “In incurable cases of heart disease I often prefer the tincture or a low drug”.

DR. STEVENS: The speaker quoted DR. Case as usually giving four doses in acute case. I think that was his earlier practice, because I remember in one of his writings he spoke of doing that in the earlier part of his practice, but later he used a single dose of the high potency. I am quoting from Dr. Cases own book.

DR. DIXON: I am glad that was brought out about Dr. Case and his four doses. Moore has quoted that to me 100 times, and perhaps one thousand times, because I only give one dose. And he says it reproachfully to me and quotes Case so much.

My contention is that if you have your remedy, one dose is all that you need; certainly, at that time. I am thankful that was brought out, and I hope you will get the later editions.

I wish Dr. Hayes would get up and reminisence a little about Dr. Case. We would all love to hear it, and there is the fellow who is filling his shoes nowadays.

DR. HAYES: I was very much interested in one point quoted by DR. Moore from J.H. Allen. He said it was impossible to break the bond of two miasms without prescribing for the miasms that was most active at the time. The question comes, how are we going to determine which is most active? I think there is a way to do that that needs observation-probably others have observed the same thing-and it is this: When new symptoms appear which are very characteristic, of course after the action of the previous remedy is thoroughly exhausted, then new characteristics appear. While many of the others may still be going on, there is the appearance of the new miasm, and the chance for your new remedy.

DR. BELLOKOSSY: As to the repetition of the remedy, one dose is given in chronic cases and in acute case when there is very little fever, but whenever you have high fever, a violent, acute disease, you must repeat. You give one dose and you dont see any effect; you give a second dose and you still don;t see the effect; and you give the third dose or the fourth dose and you have an effect at once. But that is only in very acute cases.

For instance, where you have typhoid fever, paratyphoid, or any food poisoning, where there is high fever, and you are absolutely sure of your remedy, you wont vanquish the disease with one alone.

If you give several doses in chronic cases, it is always so that the second and third doses are entirely unnecessary; the first dose is complete enough.

DR. SHERWOOD: I am sorry to disagree, but I have seen one single dose relieve the pain of renal stones. I have seen Colocynthis in one single dose cure an acute abdominal pain.

DR. BELLOKOSSY: I said when there is high fever. For pain, you will always give one dose and not two, but when you have high fever then you may not vanquish your disease with one dose alone.

DR. SHERWOOD: You try it some time when you have a good case of tonsillitis and you may be surprised.

DR. DIXON: I dont like to get into any discussion, but I would say if I had a high fever and required a second dose, my first prescription was not right. I have yet to see the similimum require a second dose, I dont care how acute the condition is.

DR. BELLOKOSSY: I cant agree on that. If there are such cases, you think of some cases while I think of other cases.

DR. MOORE: Whether you have tonsillitis, diphtheria, osteomyelitis of a chronic type, or anything, if the remedy is the similimum, or approaches it, there has to be relief from the first dose.

DR. FARRINGTON: If we got started on this matter of repetition, we would talk for the rest of the week.

It is a rule, however, among homoeopaths and allopaths alike that they give too much medicine. It is like the man described in the Scripture of old, he thinks he will be heard by much praying. So when you have the similimum, as a rule one dose will be sufficient.

I hope, before DR. Moore hands in his paper, he will make an index of it.

T K Moore