DR.SPALDING: I dont know that I am carrying back very much help from the convention as to the solution of the problem. I didnt bring it as showing any marvelous work on my part. I want to point out one or two things.

Kent, in his third edition, gave one remedy in heavy print, alternation of pain in the chest and abdomen, and it is Ranunculus bulbosus.

I repertorized this case because of my limited knowledge of materia medica; I couldnt see the remedy so I look what symptoms I had, and I had no difficulty, by running it down with the Repertory, in coming to this group of remedies for study in the materia medica. Ranunculus bulbosus has every one of the chest symptoms with the exception of aggravation from pressure. It seemed to me it was not very far short from the possibility. The thing has interested me because after twenty years we did get a remission. of eight weeks or longer, with a single dose of Ranunculus bulbosus.

I dont pretend to think for a moment the case is cured. There is an allopath, however, who has been interested in homoeopathy because of the improvement in this case, and I know if I could restore him to health, he would be here in the meetings.

A man came limping into my office, saying, “Doctor, can you do anything for my limb? It distresses me so when I sit down that I cannot rest in that position at all” This was a case of rheumatism of two years duration. I asked him, “What is the feeling in your limb that prevents your resting in that position more than any other?”.

To my surprise (for I never expected to hear of this symptom) he said, “Whenever I sit down my limb feels as if broken off right here” (Pointing to about the middle of his thigh). He went on to say that he often got up and straightened himself to see if such was not the case. He had some pain in his arm, quite bad in his back, which he described as a sore pain. Not having any Illicium I gave him Sac lac. and told him to call on Saturday and report. I was determined to give the remedy a fair trial. So sent for some. On Saturday I gave the 30x on discs, two to be taken bedtime for a week, then report. At the end of the week the report was much better. At the end of four weeks entirely well, and has remained so for six months.-FLORA WADDELL, M.D., 1887.

Who is the oldest physician who reads the Homoeopathic Recorder, both in age and in the number of years in the practice. of homoeopathy?.

Dr. George E. Miller of Fayetteville, Arkansas, has been a subscriber to the Homoeopathic Recorder for three years. He is 83 years of age and has practiced homoeopathy for fifty years. He is still in active practice.

Dr.Wm. H.Hanchette of San Pedro., California, is a new subscriber to the Homoeopathic Recorder. He is 82 years old, has practiced homoeopathy for fifty-seven years and is still going strong.

Can any of the other readers beat these records?-A.D.S.

Ray W. Spalding