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The question now arises whether the haemorrhages-producing powers of Sabina are confined mainly to the female organs, or whether it possess any more general haemorrhagic properties which have not been brought out due to the fact that the remedy has not received a thorough enough proving.

We are all familiar with the haemorrhagic properties of Sabina, especially as regards its power to produce haemorrhages from the female genital organs. In my experience, Sabina has been the remedy most frequently indicated for menorrhagia and metrorrhagia due to uterine fibroids.

When it comes to a haemorrhage from some other part of the body, we find, however, in our literature little or no evidence as to the usefulness of this remedy. It is true, that, for instance, Hering in his Guiding Symptoms and Allen in his Handbook list bleeding from the lungs and from haemorrhoids among its symptoms, but they seem to have placed rather little emphasis upon these features, Boger in his synoptic Key on the other hand mentions nothing whatsoever about the power of this drug to produce haemorrhage from organs other than the female genitalia.

The question now arises whether the haemorrhages-producing powers of Sabina are confined mainly to the female organs, or whether it possess any more general haemorrhagic properties which have not been brought out due to the fact that the remedy has not received a thorough enough proving. A little incident I now am going to relate would suggest the a latter to be the case:.

A few months ago one of my patients living out in the country had received Sabina for a threatened abortion. Some time later, when she was up and about, she one day entered one of the rooms and found her little three-year-old boy enjoying himself immensely eating some homoeopathic pills. He held the bottle from which he got his “candy” in his hand. The mother looked at the label and saw that the bottle contained Sabina in the 30th potency. She got quite upset about it, fearing her boy would become seriously ill, but after having talked the matter over with her husband, who knows a good deal about homoeopathy, and who declared that their son would suffer no ill effects from such high a dilution, she became more quiet.

She decided, however, to keep a close watch upon her boy in case any symptoms would develop.

For a while the boy kept on playing as if nothing had happened, but about half an hour later he was taken with a very severe haemorrhage from his nose, the blood being of a bright red color. This haemorrhage kept on for such a long time that the parents were about to call in a doctor when it finally ceased.

Now it is to be noticed, that the boy had never before had any haemorrhage from his nose, and furthermore, that this haemorrhage could not have been caused by any fall or any blow, as his mother had been watching him all the time. That the bleeding should be a mere coincidence is entirely out of the question, and hence we must look upon it as being caused by the medicine he had taken. The body had thus, though involuntarily, made a proving of this medicine, a proving which to my mind was beyond and doubts brought out the following three facts:.

1.That Sabina can produce a haemorrhage.

2.That the haemorrhage-producing power of this remedy is not limited to the female genitalia only.

3.That a homoeopathic medicine in the 30th decimal potency can produce pronounced objective symptoms upon a healthy person.

For these three reasons, I have considered it worth while to call the attention of this audience to this little Swedish lads first experience with a homoeopathic drug.

Harald Helleday