Hpathy Needs Your Help!


I realize that I have not added anything to science by presenting this paper, but if I have been able to demonstrate the value of the potentized remedy over material medicine, and if I can induce one more of you men to thoroughly study and repertorize your cases, then I will not have labored in vain.

Miss K,. age 7, was taken ill the latter part of October, 1933.

The family history was negative on both the fathers and mothers side. Miss K. had the usual childhood diseases, i.e., measles, chicken pox and whooping cough. Did not have diphtheria or scarlet fever. She was always quite ill and made slow recoveries.

She is a brunette, of a nervous, peevish temperament, very bashful and self-conscious, learns easily at school, and is very conscientious in her work.

When taken ill she complained, on coming in from play, of being very tired, and on preparing her for bed, her mother found ecchymotic spots over both feet and legs as far as the knees. The next morning a large bleb was found on the left knee, and the petechial spots had extended nearly all over the body. Within a few hours she began having haemorrhages from all mucous membranes, including bladder, vagina, and bowels.

At this time their physician (an allopath) was called, ordering her removal at once to the hospital, where she was placed under the care of a specialist in blood diseases (also of the dominant school).

At this time her blood findings were negative except the platelets which were so few that they were not able to count them. After a transfusion of the fathers blood, using the direct method, the platelet count came up to 77,000 cc. After a few days the count dropped to 33,000.

She was then removed to her home, and under the advice of the specialist was given Lillys live extract by hypo. She again responded to the stimulation for a short time, when she developed a gluteal abscess from the repeated injections of liver extract.

At this time I was called into the case, and was allowed to prescribe. After a careful analysis of the case and by means of Boenninghausens Repertory, there were two prominent remedies revealed, namely Sulphur and Phosphorus.

Again referring to the materia medica. I decided to give Sulphur as the case had received material medication for the two months. I gave two powders, 24 hours apart, of Sulphur 200 and placebo night and morning. At this time I was a consultant only, so I cautioned the physician in attendance that we might get an improvement for a short time, then a slipping back, which did happen. Platelet count around 75,000 when Sulphur was given; after a week or ten days count was 116,000. This continued for two weeks, when the platelet count again dropped to 88,000.

The patient was weak and restless, with little or no appetite, and operation for removal of spleen was urgently advised by the specialist, who was again called by the attending physician.

The mother, who had been a former patient of mine, asked if I would see these case again. This time I gave the remedy which came through second in rank, but whose symptoms picture fitted the case, namely, Phosphorus. This was given in the 200th potency, three powders in the first week, with a placebo twice daily.

The blood picture changed gradually but steadily, patient gained in weight, and began to want to move around and take an interest in her books, etc.

She has made a steady gain, and at the present time, June 6, her platelet count is 484,000 cc. She has had nothing but phosphorus, changing the potency from 200 to IM.

In presenting this case to you I am not attempting anything new in pathology or etiology of this disease, but I do wish to bring to your attention the superiority of the homoeopathic medication over that of the dominant school, and further to impress upon you that in order to arrive at the similimum, we must thoroughly take the case, paying strict attention to minute symptoms, and then repertorize and well taken case, using all possible rubrics, after which if there is still any doubt, consult the materia medica, looking for any outstanding or peculiar symptom

I realize that I have not added anything to science by presenting this paper, but if I have been able to demonstrate the value of the potentized remedy over material medicine, and if I can induce one more of you men to thoroughly study and repertorize your cases, then I will not have labored in vain.

I call your attention to a cases in chicago in February, which I quote from the clipping which doubtless many of you have read.



Chicago, Feb.,17-A ray of hope was held by medical science today for the recovery of Miss Gertrude Siers, who has been bleeding more than nine days from her mucous membranes.

An apparent increase in the platelets of he blood-cells which cause blood to coagulate-formed the basis of an optimistic belief that a continuation of transfusion operations will prevent the 3–year-old telephone operator from bleeding to death.

The normal platelet count is 2,50,000 per centimeter of healthy blood, but Miss Siers was only about 35,000 today.

Sixteen transfusions given by fourteen friends and relatives of the young woman, however, had strengthened her somewhat, and more were planned.

Nearly twelve quarts of fresh blood had been injected into her veins, including some from her fiance, Edward Bronze, who appealed for more donors.

The disease is known as thrombocytopenic purpura. Its cause is unknown, but it derives its name from the purplish stains it brings beneath the skin. It has caused Miss Siers to bleed from her eyes, ears, nose, throat and all over mucous membranes.

“This form of purpura is so rare that a physician may have only one case in a lifetime,” said Miss Siers physician, Dr.Charles H.McKenna, at the hospital where she is a patient.

“Our treatment has consisted of transfusions to provide healthy blood; thromboplastin and calcium to increase coagulation, and injections of adrenalin to constrict the blood vessels.” NEW HAVEN,CONN.


DR.ROBERTS:I will say this case has been a very excellent illustration to the men in New Haven. We have a number of them studying in a group (here is one of them right here) and we are doing some real, constructive work; I think the men there are beginning to realize most thoroughly the vast superiority of it.

This one case was diagnosed in Yale University Medical School and the doctor who did the work went to Dr.Evans twice and said, “What are you doing? I never have seen a case like that clear up before,” That is worth having.

DR.MOORE:That is a perfect case report, getting the Yale data, not for our help but for something we are very anxious to see happen, the advantages and advance of this science, completed with those records. That would make the type of history I have been talking about available.

DR.PANOS: The chief point that impressed me is that when the symptoms clinically began to get worse, or the remedy stopped the improvement, the laboratory found the platelets showed the platelets showed the record very clearly. There is surely advantage in having such records available.

George E. Evans