There is an intense degree of imagination about himself. about the state of his body. Parts of the body seem thin and shrunken, he looks at them and remark about them. Imagines he is seriously sick, and the element of fatality enters in all imagined. Despair and hopelessness brings to mind such remedies as Arsenicum, Aurum, Calcarea carb. and Psorinum.

Sabadilla officinarum s a Mexican genus belonging to the Colchicum family.

It was first described about the year 1572, and used for destroying lice; also worms in putrid ulcers and in the intestines. It was early in homoeopathic practice.

My use has proven it to be a deep and long acting remedy. The symptom grouping is is psoric and sycotic. Particularly the mental sphere is affected. There is no apparent pathological basis to account for the indescribable anguish.

Paroxysms of great fear overwhelm, ameliorated from motion, the open air and change of environment. Fear of death, of disease, of the future, of closed places, of people. that he will lose his business (with great sense of responsibility_. that he is gradually growing worse. Weeping and lamenting.

The anxiety becomes intense and the restlessness exhausting, and one would be directed to Arsenicum, but it does not have the burning or the physical suffering.

Early in the condition there is taciturnity with difficulty to secure a symptom picture of the remedy. Loquacity, repeated inquiries about his condition, the thought fixation and the agonizing fear of impending misfortune and evil, direct. attention to the vermifuge from our southern neighbor.

There is an intense degree of imagination about himself. about the state of his body. Parts of the body seem thin and shrunken, he looks at them and remark about them. Imagines he is seriously sick, and the element of fatality enters in all imagined. Despair and hopelessness brings to mind such remedies as Arsenicum, Aurum, Calcarea carb. and Psorinum. In fact the leading clue to the remedy may be the reference to some part of the body being out of proportion.

It has the psoric disturbance of the psyche. There is no loss of identity or function of the ego, rather the intense fear brings out in abnormal display the consciousness of the ego. Relatively there is no corresponding physical suffering, and if so it is overshadowed to such a degree that it seems a measure of relief would ensue if a balance were established.

Upon entering the life history of the patient there may be traced the sycotic symptoms of concentration upon some definite part, in the head, throat, chest or any other apart of the body. It shows in the persistent thoughts during successive stages of the life experience.

Sabadilla give us a beautiful picture of a twilight miasmatic zone, in which the mental condition holds in abeyance the physical virility of the disease process.

This remarkable and little used remedy has an important place in the treatment of a definite type of mental disorders. It is of use in deep psychic disturbances, those possessing the capacity of lingering central injury, offense and indignation, like Psorinum, Ignatia and Staphisagria. There is a growing sensitiveness to external impressions.

Aggravation from mental exertion; anxiety and emotional excitement centered in chest, with oppression and anguish.

Aversion to mental labor.

Delirium during intermittent fever.

Concentration difficult, with occipital vertigo and uncertainly in walking.

It produced a negative state in one who had been positive.

Extreme prostration, mental and physical; desire to lie.

Sensitive to cold; wants to be heavily clothed; desires hot foods and drinks.

Vertigo, whirling, < lying and > walking.

Easily frightened.

Movement of eyeball from side to side.

< at regular periods, morning after a long sleep, forenoon, and new and full moon.

Frightful dreams.

Is a left sided remedy, and particularly affects the respiratory tract; a great catarrhal remedy, with free mucous secretion: salivation; sinusitis.

Tonsillitis; dryness of the throat and fauces with constant desire to swallow; sensation of lump in throat; left sided sore throat.

Perspiration of scalp, occiput, cervical region, axilla and groin.

Chilliness of upper part of back and shoulders.

Intermittent fever; paroxysms return at same hour with regularity; no thirst.

Disordered digestion; emptiness in stomach; loathing of food.

No appetite, but after eating some food the appetite returns; loss of appetite and ravenous appetite alternate like Calcarea carb. Thirstless; desires milk.

Hunger, increased, after 8 p.m. In one case loss of appetite was practically an aversion to food, with ravenous appetite after 8 p.m.

Trembling, external and internal. Weakness of extensor muscles of forearm and fingers, with difficulty to write; sensation of paralysis; heaviness of arms; incoordination of forearm; tension.

Restlessness f right arm and hand; sensitive to clothing. Sensation of stickiness of palm of hand (Lethicin).

Mexico, Central and South America have an abundance of material for proving and clinical application in the future.

The development of our Pan-American Homoeopathic Congress will do much toward bringing out curative substances with the assistance of our colleagues.

J.W. Waffensmith
J.W. Waffensmith, M.D. 1881-1961
Education: Cincinnati College of Medicine & Surgery
Author, Distinctive Phases Of Kali Carb. and Homeopathy , the medical stabilizer