Fourteen doctors in America and Germany had tried for three years to stop Babettes asthma. Discouraged and “broke” the parents at last were willing to try homoeopathy.
A plump. smiling girl of four; blonde hair, brown eyes, very red lips, dry skin, sweaty scalp with stale odor though clean. Only child. Normal birth, nursed 10 months;vaccinated at 9 months; diphtheria antitoxin, 3 shots, at one year of age. Soon after this cough developed with asthma. Attacks every two or three weeks and then more frequently. Attacks always follow anger or excitement.
Child hits at people and sends them away, during spells. Coughs in paroxysms till vomits. Cold sweat with attacks. Red, then blue in the face, must sit up to breathe, < by the ocean. Sleeps in the knee-chest position., Dislikes being touched in attacks. Obstinate and contrary. Frequent colds. Loves her bath. < in wet weather, yet has asthma so in dry weather. Fearless, full of fun. Fond of sugar and fats. Attacks at 9-10 p.m. wakening her from sleep, she can not expire > cold, ice, and ice-cream, < hot drinks. Scanty bright right- sided nose-bleeds often (polyp found). Holds her throat when coughing. Coughs on going out into cold air. Loses her urine when angry. Ate newspapers and chalk. History of eczema on face, hands and elbows “cured” with zinc ointment in babyhood. Sweaty feet.
Ipecac 1M. one dose, and Sac lac.
Relief for a month, although attacks recurred in mild form. Slight rash on right arm two days after dose. Worse again, so repeated Ipecac IM.
More rash our on abdomen. Sweats in first sleep. Marked expiratory grunt. Little, if any, help from this dose.
Called two weeks later: Child sitting up wheezing and blue in the face. Cramps in the legs, spasms with the cough, thumbs in, wants ice-water which gurgles as it goes down. Hysterical and spoiled. Blue nails. Screams. Cuprum IM., one dose.
Child so well that parents took her abroad, no return of asthma on the sea. One complete month without attack, difficult breathing, a cold or any distress.
Was Cuprum the remedy all along? Or did she need both? Will Medorrhinum follow some day? I think so. And later, perhaps, Calcarea and then Sulphur.
A veterinarian being in the company of Dr.R.P.Miller of Hopewell saw a little dog in the street twitching and falling and falling all around. Dr.Miller said, “If you will get that little dog I will give you a homoeopathic medicine which will cure it.” The dog was obtained and Dr.Miller gave the veterinarian some powders of Anacardium 30, which speedily cured the dog. The veterinarian asked what the medicine was, and since then has kept a supply on hand, and is learning more about homoeopathy-JOHN GARRISON, M.D., 1934.
How can those gentleman boast that they can attend thirty to forty patients a day! What a time it takes to find the useful remedy for one patient, when searching and consulting our manuals! They cannot possibly devote the necessary time to examine thirty to forty patients. How would they be able to find something exactly suited to each one? Or have those gentlemen memorized the materia medica and all the remedies in chronic diseases, etc., so well, that after enquiring into the circumstances of the patient, for which they frequently need half to three-quarters of an hour, they may be able to find at one a suitable remedy in their mind?- SAMUEL HAHNEMANN, 1834.