In this remedy the Arsenical characteristics predominate, but the iodine seems to activate these characteristics and they are to some extent more pronounced than in Arsenicum album. For instance, the discharges are more acrid than those of Arsenicum album. In hay fever with very acrid nasal discharge and much burning of the eyes and a great deal of sneezing without relief, it is to be preferred to Arsenicum album.

In this remedy the Arsenical characteristics predominate, but the iodine seems to activate these characteristics and they are to some extent more pronounced than in Arsenicum album. For instance, the discharges are more acrid than those of Arsenicum album. In hay fever with very acrid nasal discharge and much burning of the eyes and a great deal of sneezing without relief, it is to be preferred to Arsenicum album. I have had some excellent results with it in these cases. I generally use it here in the CC.

There are old nasal catarrhs, hypertrophy of the Eustachian tubes and deafness; swelling of tissues within the nose; discharges thick yellow, often sticky like honey and very excoriating. There is a general aggravation from cold wind, and exertion.

Amelioration from warmth. It is extremely useful in tubercular manifestations, and is indicated by profound prostration, rapid, irritable pulse, recurring fever and sweats, emaciation, tendency to diarrhoea. It also has emaciation with good appetite, Iodine evidently comes to the front here. Pneumonia that fails to clear up. The skin symptoms are itching in various parts of the body, dry scaly eruptions, marked exfoliation of skin in large scales.

It is the most useful remedy that I know of for psoriasis, acne hard, shotty, indurated base with pustule at apex. It is often difficult to decide between Arsenicum album and Iodatum and I think that Arsenicum album is often given where the Iodatum would do better.

I am apt to be guided by the discharges. If they are excessively acrid and excoriating I gave the Iodatum. I also think that the Iodatum acts better in the dark Iodine type of patient, but this is not always the case by any means. Arsenicum iodatum has been most frequently used in the lower potencies, 3x. etc., and in lung conditions it often acts very well in these potencies.

However, I have had some of my best results with the higher potencies.

It is a most valuable remedy and on that I am afraid is often overlooked. RICHMOND, VA.

harry B. Baker