Cattle feeding in the open pastures of fresh food give a milk of higher nutritive and vitamin content than those kept indoors and fed on grain, hay and dry foods, showing the importance of tracing our food supplies to their primal source and making certain that the source is adequate and natural.


I wonder if any of our readers have verified the strong affinity for the ear the Cupressus law. has, as brought to our attention first by Bach in The Homoeopathic World [ The Homoeopathic World, Vol, LXV. Feb. 1930, p.36 ] and later published in the Recorder. [ The Homoeopathic Recorder, Vol. XLV, April 1930, p. 297 ]. I have had several brilliant successes with the remedy. One that comes to mind at the moment is here taken from my records:.

Miss D., age 23, ear trouble since childhood, worse the last seven years following a severe suppuration of both ears with scarlet fever.

Hearing diminished, worse in the right, one had to speak rather loudly to her.

Humming in the ears, the left worse.

Sensation of plug in the ears, aggravated by the least coldness.

Sounds seem double, a sort of echo.

Nostrils always stopped.

Damp weather aggravates all the above.

Personally sensitive to cold; coldness even in warm weather.

June 11, 1931. Cupressus law. 30th, three times daily for ten days.

July 10. Improvement suspected.

Aug. 19. General and local improvement, a temperamental moderation, being noticeably brightened. The left ear felt more stopped at one time, then bled, after which the hearing was better. Later a loud bang occurred, after which she could hear a watch tick, the first time in several years. The hearing has remained good ever since, also the nasal conditions.




The final meeting of the season was held at the Presser Auditorium, 1714 Chestnut street on Thursday evening, May 5th. A demonstration health dinner was served at seven oclock. About forty guests were present.

The entire evening was devoted to the subject of diet, in response to requests on the part of student members of the Round Table.

Doctor Charles L. Olds welcomed the guests and explained briefly the purpose of the meetings which are held the first Thursday evening of each month from October to May, at the offices of the physician members. Doctor Olds stated that the Round Table exists for the benefit of undergraduate medical students and others interested in real Hahnemannian homoeopathy. Third and fourth year students and interns from Hahnemann Medical College and nearby hospitals have been attending the meetings ever since the group began to function three years ago. Physicians and students from other institutions are invited to attend the meeting which are conducted on the basis of an open forum.

Doctor Herbert A. Roberts, of Derby, Connecticut, stressed the importance of helpful co-operation among the various organizations and groups which are working in the interest of homoeopathy. He called attention to the fifty-third annual meeting of the International Hahnemannian Association to be held at the Hotel Powhatan, Washington, D.C., on June ninth, tenth and eleventh, He urged all who could to attend. Doctor Roberts also spoke of the post-graduate course of instruction given by the American Foundation of Homoeopathy each summer in Boston. The eleventh annual session opens on July eleventh.

Doctor Eugene Underhill, Jr. introduced the speaker of the evening. An opportunity for all to ask questions was afforded after the address and many interesting points were brought out.

Doctor William H. Dieffenbach of New York is an exceptionally talented speaker and what he says is abundantly supported by a broad background of knowledge and experience in medicine, chemistry and physiotherapy. He is author of a text book on hydro-therapy and for fifteen years was professor of applied therapeutics in the New York Homoeopathic College and Flower Hospital. The subject of Doctor Dieffenbachs address was Food.

The doctor emphasized the importance of a well balanced diet, one that insures a supply of all the essential mineral salts and vitamins. Purified, refined and processed foods are apt to be lacking in these vital elements, and, unless the missing factors are supplied in available form, one or more of the deficiency diseases will insidiously and inevitably undermine the constitution. The relationship between xerophthalmia and vitamin A deficiency has been well established. Milk, butter-fat, egg- yolk, apples, pears, tomatoes, cod-liver oil and green leaf vegetables are all carries of vitamin A and are therefore protective foods against xerophthalmia.

Beri-beri, or polyneuritis, appears to be in part at lest due to vitamin B deficiency, although foods long thought to contain only B have recently been shown to be carries of another essential factor now known as vitamin G. Deficiency of the latter causes pellagra.

Foods rich in vitamin B are yeast, egg-yolk, milk, green leafy vegetables and the outer coverings of all seeds. These foods also contain vitamin G, the most recently identified of the series.

Deficiency in vitamin C causes scurvy. The sources of vitamin C are fresh fruits, oranges, tomatoes, and green vegetables.

Vitamin D is known as the antirachitic vitamin and is essential to proper bone development and growth. Vitamin D is contained in cod-liver oil, milk, butter-fat, and coconut oil. Vitamin D can be synthetically formed in the body from egosterol through the action of sunlight, thus emphasizing the extreme importance of sunshine and outdoor life in the maintenance of normal body chemistry.

Vitamin E is known as the reproductive vitamin. Deficiency in this element causes sterility and failure of the milk secretion. Vitamin E is present in lettuce, cereals, liver and egg-yolk.

Doctor Dieffenbach pointed out the value of raw milk as a well balanced food supplying vitamins. A,B,C.D and a number of the essential mineral salts, especially calcium. He strongly condemned the use of pasteurized milk because of its vitamin and calcium deficiency. Pasteurization largely destroys the value of milk as a food for both children and adults. What is needed is pure, clean, fresh, raw milk-one of the most valuable and complete foods, especially for the growing child.

Cattle feeding in the open pastures of fresh food give a milk of higher nutritive and vitamin content than those kept indoors and fed on grain, hay and dry foods, showing the importance of tracing our food supplies to their primal source and making certain that the source is adequate and natural.

Vitamin D has, within the past year, been isolated in crystalline form. One two billionth of a gram is all that is necessary to stimulate growth in a guinea pig, while one fifty thousandth of a gram proves lethal to these pig, while one fifty thousandth of a gram proves lethal to these animals. The time is not far distant when real diet therapy will become of extreme importance in medical practice.


Doctor Dieffenbach concluded his most illuminating address by calling attention to a new experimental diet for inoperable cases of cancer. This was arrived at, he said, almost simultaneously by both a German and a Dutch scientist.

It consists of feeding the patient and acid-forming diet and one deficient in vitamin B, although providing vitamin A. A condition of alkalosis rather than acidosis obtains in cases of advanced malignant disease, hence the acid-forming diet is theoretically, at least, a means of correcting the alkalosis. The diet which prohibits milk foods and liver, is a follows:.


Apples or pears-raw or stewed.

Oatmeal with butter (no cream or milk).

Egg yolk.

Black coffee.

Luncheon and dinner.

Choice of consomme or clam broth.

Meats, fish, poultry, game and sea food.

White (polished) rice with butter.

Boiled potato (with peeling removed).

This experimental cancer diet has a number of authenticated cures to its credit, and Doctor Dieffenbach has had twenty cases of malignant disease on the diet for nine months and all so far apparently improving. E.UNDERHILL, JR.

Royal E S Hayes
Dr Royal Elmore Swift HAYES (1871-1952)
Born in Torrington, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA on 20 Oct 1871 to Royal Edmund Hayes and Harriet E Merriman. He had at least 4 sons and 1 daughter with Miriam Martha Phillips. He lived in Torrington, Litchfield, Connecticut, United States in 1880. He died on 20 July 1952, in Waterbury, New Haven, Connecticut, United States, at the age of 80, and was buried in Waterbury, New Haven, Connecticut, United States.