A dull throbbing headache came on in the late afternoon and evening. It seemed generalized and could not be located in any one region.

After eating, a constricting pain was noticed in the gastric region. This feeling continued to appear several days after the drug was discontinued. This was to be the most outstanding symptoms.

A pain in the joints was noted. This was located mostly in the knee. Motion aggravated the condition. The time of the day made no difference as to the appearance or seriousness of the pains. There was a slight associated pain over the kidneys.

A feeling of intense drowsiness was noticed. With this was a general feeling of tiredness which was worse in the late afternoon and evening. The prover did not have any power of concentration and wanted to sleep continually while taking the drug.


There was no listing of this record in to different days, it is given simply as a whole after the drug was taken. After the drug was taken, on the second day a dullness over the eyes with a heaviness in the upper lids was experienced. There was a drowsy feeling with frequently yawning. The feeling was described as giving an intoxicated sensation. A dull, numb feeling was felt in the cheeks and the lower jaw. The stools were easily made and were of a watery consistency. The drug was continued for five days and the above symptoms were present at all times. They disappeared the day after the drug was stopped.


In this proving the drug was given to a person not connected at all with medical work and one with whom I am in quite close contact. This choice was made in the attempt to get a proving with one that I could watch closely and note every minute detail. the choice was most fortunate for I obtained quite a good clinical proving.

Even though I said that I was in close contact with this person there was some personal and physical conditions of which i was not aware. These were, that this prover, in the evening, would sit down and in a short time feel so drowsy that he could not seem to stay awake. Also there was a history of a hydrocele seven years previous which had been operated upon. In the past two years there had been a dull aching feeling in the region of the incision which was worse on prolonged walking. Also under these same conditions a pain over the kidneys was noticed. At all times there seemed to be a lack of control of urine. He had suffered for a year or so of a continual dribbling of the urine. Also there was a desire for frequent urination with a passage of small amounts.

After giving the prover five drops of the tincture every two hours for one day, he left no change whatever. On the evening of the second day he was quite surprised to note that there was nod drowsy sensation. On the third day the prover had an occasion to walk for the greater part of the day. On reporting that evening he stated that there was no pain in the region over the kidneys and that the aching in the region of the incision on the hydrocele was also absent. He seemed to think that there was also less dribbling of the urine during the day. This condition got progressively better until in five days his urine elimination was quite normal.

From that time on he has had none of his previous complaints. He is capable of walking any distance without any distress and he is as jolly and active in the evening as anyone could wish to be.

From the result obtained in these few limited provings I think it is quite obvious that no drastic action is to be found in this drug. Also the diuretic properties are not as outstanding as I had hoped. In all the provings the action has been quite prompt but withal very mild. [ we suggest proving the higher potencies].

Whether the diuretic properties would be more prominent in an infusion of the drug or not, I am not prepared to say. I am led to understand though, that this is the manner in which the drug is utilized in the South American countries.

Further discussion as to the different actions and reasons why they shown, I am not, in this stage of my medical career, able to go into. These are the results obtained, and they are offered with the hope that further research of more practical use, will be done one these two fluorescent geni of plants.

John Benton Egee