Hpathy Needs Your Help!


Having taken the case, having evaluated the symptoms, having repertorized the symptoms picture of the patient you will have several remedies appearing at the top of your repertory analysis. You must then go to the materia medica and know to decided between the high standing remedies. Which lacks certain essentials, which can be thrown out? Thus the knowledge of materia medica is also important.

The June number of The Recorder contains a most interesting and instructive paper on Pellagra, by Hunter B. Stiles, M.D., of Waco, Texas. This paper merits careful study.

The Editors of The Recorder will greatly appreciate receiving other articles on the major deficiency diseases-xerophthalmia, beri-beri, scurvy, rickets and any additional data on pellagra.

The importance of this phase of medicines in demanding more and attention. Nutritional deficiencies exist, often where least suspected and especially among children.

Any physician who may have and personal experience with any of these diseases, whether from a dietetic, experimental, clinical or homoeopathic standpoint, is earnestly requested to report his observations and findings to The Homoeopathic Recorder of publications. E.UNDERHILL, JR.

Have you any information on Aluminum lactate, homoeopathic provings, crude drug action, pathological changes in humans or animals, in fact anything whatsoever on this subject? The action of this drug on the rabbit has been said to be similar to that of pellagra on the human body. E.B.L.

A student at the Post-Graduate Summer School in Boston asked us recently what we considered the most important course in the curriculum. “Well”, said we, having in mind the number of remedies prescribed for a single case by different homoeopaths, “you cannot pick the remedy if you do not know how to repertorize the case”. Then we took a quick look ahead and continued.

In order to find the remedy in any given case one must repertorize the symptoms. This points out the leading, remedies. It is not sufficient to know one method of Repertorizing. The good homoeopath should know all methods and have an open mind in their use.

To repertorize the case we must have a picture of the patient, and every cases is individual, no two are ever the same, even is such common diseases as pneumonia and influenza. Each human being reacts differently to every disease. Besides, there are the sick one suffering from no disease possible of diagnosis.. the chronic diseases of Hahnemann.

To find the picture of the individual patient we must have all the symptoms, the mental and physical generals, showing how the patient as a whole reacts to all conditions; the particulars with their modalities; the concomitants, which, carefully analyzed, show general trends in the patient and become important generals; and any strange symptoms, which, while important, must not be taken as the deciding factor in the choice of the remedy. This all means that you must know how to take the case. Having found all the symptoms one must know how to analyze them, throw out the unimportant, common, or easily accounted for, and leave a symptoms picture typical of the individual patient, not of the disease. This is called evaluation of the symptoms.

Having taken the case, having evaluated the symptoms, having repertorized the symptoms picture of the patient you will have several remedies appearing at the top of your repertory analysis. You must then go to the materia medica and know to decided between the high standing remedies. Which lacks certain essentials, which can be thrown out? Thus the knowledge of materia medica is also important.

Let us say you have found the similimum. Having found it you must know your pure Hahnemannian homoeopathy in order to know how to fit the plane of the remedy to the plane of the patient, that is what potency to prescribe. Moreover you must know whether the single remedy is indicated or whether the dose should be repeated, and how often. When to prescribe, when not to prescribe! You must know hot to watch the unfolding of the case, how to wait, when to repeat, when to change the remedy and why, and many other details. In fact you must be a past grand master in the pure philosophy of Hahnemann.

“Well”, said the young man, “which of these is the most important?” The most important thing in homoeopathy is to cure the patient. You cannot cure the patient without the similimum in the proper potency and dose. You cannot find the similimum without knowing how to repertorize (the masters often do this in their minds). You cannot repertorize without the picture of the patient obtained by evaluation of symptoms. You cannot evaluate the symptoms unless you know how to take the case. My answer is ALL OF THE ABOVE IS IMPORTANT, a chain is only as strong as every single link, but if you would attach the chain to a solid foundation that foundation is THE WELL TAKEN CASE.

Do not, forget, however, that all of the above is of no avail whatever, and that the case can be absolutely spoiled even with a thorough understanding of all the foregoing knowledge, unless one has a deep knowledge of the pure philosophy of homoeopathy.

Homoeopathy is a difficult science to master. It requires long year of deep study, it requires failure as well as success, it requires deep thinking and large experience. It will repay amply all that you put it and will give you your reward in human beings restored to comfort and health. E.B.L.

It is with many thanks for his friendly, sincere co-operation that we bid adieu to our Associate Editor, Dr. Alfred Pulford of Toledo, Ohio, whose term of office ended in June 1932. His has been a clear, prolific pen with the gift of making us face issues and think out the many problems met at every angle in the business of homoeopathy. Clear in mind, friendly in criticism, willing and eager to aid homoeopathy in every way. We thank him for his service and hope that he will continue to write much and often. Many thanks, friend Pulford. E.B.L.

We are glad to welcome as our new Associate Editor, whose office began with the July issue of The Recorder, Dr. Eugene Underhill, Jr.of philadelphia, Pa. His new work began with a great undertaking, for he has been entrusted with the task of obtaining the necessary funds to finance our journal in this difficult period of financial depression. Let us greet our new editor with the open, friendly hand, and we suggest that you gladden his heart by tucking away in that welcoming handclasp the small sum of one dollar a week. E.B.L.

To the Members of the I.H.A. and All Subscribers of.

The Recorder:.

This appeal is for the continued existence of an institution, The International Hahnemannian Association, together with its official journal, The Homoeopathic Recorder. Around this Institution as a center gravitates today every homoeopathic unit of note, even from the most remote parts of the world.

We all know the necessity for the maintenance and spread of homoeopathic principle, if the ills of sick humanity are to be eradicated. In the evolutionary processes of mans climb upward to better things, politically and economically, homoeopathic medicine from its very nature is destined to be a mighty force for good.

When the American Revolution was founded by that inspired and immortal few, they each pledge life, honor and fortune to the cause. We are only asked to contribute the small sum of one dollar (1.00) a week for the period of one year, in order to secure and hold intact an institution whose vast influence for good is given more important and far-reaching than political liberty itself, for it liberates the mind and body from the thraldom of inherited disease as nothing else yet discovered can.

The I.H.A. stands for homoeopathy in its purity; its influence extends to the far corners of the earth, and its presence in our midst ensures our birthright to practise medicine according to the dictates of our conscience without interference or compulsion by official or bureaucratic tyranny. From infancy to old age, both in cure and prevention of disease, Homoeopathy remains without a peer. It has served us all faithfully and unfailingly in our direst needs in the past. The future can be secured and made safe only by its continued life and use.

The I. H.A. and its co-ordinating adjuncts are the only sure repositories of true Hahnemannian homoeopathy in the world today, and the I.H.A. now calls upon every member to avail himself of the great privilege of helping to maintain and spread the doctrine of medical truth that all may achieve the higher freedom of perfect health.

We know you will not fail, but act quickly, respond today, that the great work we all love may go on to complete fulfilment.

Your for homoeopathy and its representative institutions. A.H.GRIMMER.

H.A. Roberts
Dr. H.A.Roberts (1868-1950) attended New York Homoeopathic Medical College and set up practrice in Brattleboro of Vermont (U.S.). He eventually moved to Connecticut where he practiced almost 50 years. Elected president of the Connecticut Homoeopathic Medical Society and subsequently President of The International Hahnemannian Association. His writings include Sensation As If and The Principles and Art of Cure by Homoeopathy.