Lachesis has many symptoms like Merc., abscesses aggravated by heat, sadness, despondency, hypersensitiveness, weakness, trembling, worse touch and light pressure, constriction, sun, heat and sleep. Physical and mental exhaustion, loquacity, left sided, hot perspiration. Abscesses dark, dusky, purplish. Tissues surrounding have a purple, mottled appearance. Pus thin, dark, ichorous, offensive.


[ Abstracted from The Journal of the A.I.H., Feb., 1932.].

Some of the following remedies should come to ones mind when patients are seen with local or systemic signs and symptoms pointing to suppuration.

Belladonna, inflammation with redness, swelling, pain, throbbing, burning, beginning suppuration. Sudden onset with great violence, Painful, hot, shining, erysipelatous swelling, intensely inflamed about their bases. The part swells rapidly, becomes bright red, throbs, pus develops rapidly and red streaks radiate from the part. Here it is in close relation to Hepar and Merc. but comes earlier than either. Modalities: worse touch, jar, noise, draft, lying down. Better semi-erect. Cases requiring it rarely go on to suppuration. If symptoms agree, useful for alveolar abscess, acute glandular abscesses-glands swollen, tender, red, cervical, inguinal, salivary, mammary-beginning otitis media, beginning suppuration anywhere.

Other remedies often indicated during the initial stage of suppuration: Acon., Arn., Apis, Ferr. phos., Bar. carb., HEpar, Sulph.,Sil., Rhus tox.

Hepar sulph., useful after pus formation in inevitable, especially when heat furnishes the only relief. Lymphatic, phlegmatic type of patient, chilly, oversensitive, irritable, hard to get along with. Part exceedingly sensitive is a leading indication. Chilliness, throbbing, sharp, sticking pains, worse at night, worse cold draft (Merc. worse from warmth). Hepar patients skin is unhealthy, every little injury suppurates (Sulph., Graph., Sil.). It will open the part with little or no pain and will suppurate foreign bodies out from under the skin (Sil.) (Calc. carb. in cases them in a fibrous deposit). Hepar follows Merc. well. Sil. after Hepar. Hepar useful intercurrent between Merc. and Sil.

Calcarea sulphurica. Similar to Hepar. Useful after pus has forced a vent but continues indefinitely, as in fistulous abscesses about the anus and gums. Hepar and Calc. sulph. in low potency favor suppuration, in high might abort. Calc. sulph. is useful for suppuration about the eyes, ears, throat, nose and glands. Sensation of fish bone in the throat is a good characteristic.

Silica is useful in scrofulous and tuberculous patients. A slow acting remedy abscesses, and has felons, boils, old, long-lasting fistulous burrowings, abscesses with much cellular infiltration where suppuration continues and wound refuses to heal. Pus is thin, watery, offensive. Tuberculous, swollen and suppurating glands. The mal-nourished type with a good appetite and poor assimilation, delicate waxy, pale skin. Sensitive to noise, disgust for life, unbearable dread of undertaking anything (Lyc.).

Relief from heat and warmth. It has abscesses about the roots of the teeth, styes, dental fistulae, caries of the mastoid, suppurating glands (any) which do not heal, hip disease, Potts disease, felons, boils, carbuncles, abscess of the lungs, liver or any organ, and suppurative skin diseases. It is a very dangerous remedy to use and has the power to kill if not used correctly (Sulph.). Fluoric acid is an antidote for the over use of Silica.

Merc. viv. or sol. will form and evacuate pus, especially if the life force is low and there is no tendency to repair. Slow, long continued suppuration, no tendency to granulate. Abscesses keep on discharging, no heat, seem dead. Perspiration which does not ameliorate, sensitive to cold air, worse from heat, marked loss of flesh, trembling, weakness, foetid breath, flabby tongue with teeth marked, offensive sweat and discharge. Stinking, green, thick, acrid pus, indurated, swollen glands. Abscesses become dark red (Lach. purple), are shining, with throbbing, burning, stinging pains.

Lachesis has many symptoms like Merc., abscesses aggravated by heat, sadness, despondency, hypersensitiveness, weakness, trembling, worse touch and light pressure, constriction, sun, heat and sleep. Physical and mental exhaustion, loquacity, left sided, hot perspiration. Abscesses dark, dusky, purplish. Tissues surrounding have a purple, mottled appearance. Pus thin, dark, ichorous, offensive. O.R.MARTIN.

H.A. Roberts
Dr. H.A.Roberts (1868-1950) attended New York Homoeopathic Medical College and set up practrice in Brattleboro of Vermont (U.S.). He eventually moved to Connecticut where he practiced almost 50 years. Elected president of the Connecticut Homoeopathic Medical Society and subsequently President of The International Hahnemannian Association. His writings include Sensation As If and The Principles and Art of Cure by Homoeopathy.