A case is reported of a man of 32, who complained of attacks of anguish, with a feeling of impending death, occurring at night and accompanied by an indescribable sense of cold with intense rigors. Formerly he used to have a warm body and extremities, but in the last three years his hands and feet had become cold. He complained also of an oppression at the base of the neck, a repugnance for mental exertion, and a failure of sexual desire. Examination revealed no organic lesion, but there was a desire.
Examination revealed no organic lesion, but there was a definite history of the trouble beginning after a psychoanalysis. Heloderma was prescribed in the 30 dilution t.d.s. and in two days the symptoms which had troubled the patient for three years had disappeared. The anxiety state persisted but in a greatly diminished form. The author comments on the cure of a symptom of a psychogenic origin by this remedy. ALLENBY, REV.Franc. Hom. Repr. from the British Homoeopathic Journal.