There was a very satisfactory general improvement under the influence of Lycopodium 200th and 1M at varying intervals. The psychical and moral attitude of the patient changed for the better quite remarkably. Restful nights became the rule. He attended kindergarten, where, though he was not an ideal pupil, he did get along. He became much more sociably inclined in the family circle. His food habits became more normal and he developed a daily spontaneous stool. Both tonsils have been normal in size and color since June, 1929.

This was the general picture on January 8th, 1930, about one year later. On this date the report was: Patient felt generally well, weight 47 pounds, 4 ounces; bowels regular, sleep good, appetite good. A wart has developed on the dorsal surface of the right hand between the first and second metacarpal bones. I gave him Thuja 1M, one dose, because of the wart, as it was very troublesome to him and showed a tendency to spread.

April 7th, 1930. During the first week after receiving the Thuja 1M, patient succeeded in picking off the wart from the right hand which at present appears perfectly normal. Patient has been irritable and restless lately. On April 3rd, 4th and 5th, had an attack of tantrums. Governess has noticed recently that patients speech is more indistinct. Sleep is good, but awakens early. Has complained of pain in the right ear recently. Appetite good. He is thirsty for cold water. Tongue has had a yellow coating in the morning when he awakens. Weight 48 pounds, 15 ounces. Tonsils are congested and have white flecks upon their surface. Thuja 1M, one dose.

May 14, 1930. General health is very good. Tonsils still show flecks in the posterior portion and these flecks are decidedly larger than before. Weight 48 pounds, 11 ounces. Having no constitutional modalities and hoping to prevent the continued spread of the tonsillar infection, prescribed, empirically, Mercurius vivus 200th, one dose.

May 21st. Has been very restless; appetite poor. White patches on tonsils persistent. Sepia 200th, one dose. This was prescribed on account of the mental picture and in the hope of bringing about a reaction.

May 28th. A few days ago patient had severe tantrums. Sleep is good, but he is irritable when awakened from sleep. There is a tendency to be obstinate. Appetite improved although he demands certain foods and then frequently refuses to eat them. Weighs 49 pounds, 5 ounces. Because of his mental modalities and his attitude toward his food, I gave him Lycopodium 200th, one dose.

June 5th. Last week I sent patient to a nose and throat specialist on account of the tonsils. He diagnosed an infection with a mycotic fungus. He advised against operation and suggested local application of 1/10 of 1 per cent solution of AgNO3 (silver nitrate) which was carried out. The white flecking on the tonsils has become lessened in extent. General condition of patient shows improvement. Appetite still poor. Sac.lac.

June 19th. General condition continues good. Shows an inclination to be restless in his sleep, talks in his sleep. Weight 49 pounds, 10 ounces. Lycopodium 200th, one dose.

September 18th, 1930. Patient returned on September 14th from a sojourn with his family in the Adirondacks. The governess reports that he had a very good summer. She continued painting the tonsils with the silver nitrate solution but there were intervals when it was not necessary as the tonsils were free of the flecks and apparently normal. Since his return he has been irritable and restless at night. He has a craving for sweets. Otherwise he is fairly well. Appetite good. Bowels regular. Weight 49 pounds, 10 ounces. I advised a 50 per cent solution of Calendula tincture to be applied as a local treatment to the tonsils instead of the silver nitrate solution. Lycopodium 200th, one dose.

September 26th. During the last week patient has been very irritable and naughty. He is very stubborn and obeys only on compulsion. Whines and refuses to eat at meals. Very thirsty. Stools green, watery, lienteric and have sour odor. On September 21st, tonsils became enlarged, left more than right, and were markedly relieved after Calendula was applied. Weight 49 pounds. Chamomilla 200th, one dose.

October 13th. Governess telephoned that he was much better after last visit until today when he began to complain of a sore throat which seemed to be aggravated by drinking fruit juices. He is very irritable. Chamomilla 200th, one dose.

October 17th. While the general condition seemed to improve, his throat did not. He has been hoarse since October 15th. This is worse in the morning when he awakens. Hacking cough during the night; short, individual coughs, not severe. Appetite poor. Says that food doesnt taste good. No thirst. There is a bloody scab at the juncture of the mucosa and the skin on the left nostril of which he complains. Warm drinks cause pain in his throat and he complains of pain in the left side of his throat when he swallows. Lachesis 200th in water, one teaspoonful every two hours for three doses.

October 21st. Has been improving since last visit. Appetite improved, bowels regular. Doesnt cough so much; has had very restful nights. Does not complain of warm drinks. Weight 48 pounds, 13 ounces. Sac. lac.

Patient was sent to the same throat specialist and he advised that the left tonsil seemed now to be permeated by the mycotic infection and, as the right tonsil was also involved, he advised an operation. I now sent him to a Hahnemannian homoeopath and asked him for suggestions as to treatment. He advised as there were no constitutional modalities to prescribe upon and as the left tonsil seemed to be permeated by the infection and the right tonsil seriously involved, that in his opinion the only thing to do was to take them out.

I thereupon advised the mother that she should have the child operated upon. She agreed but said that she wanted the operation performed by a surgeon in Cleveland, Ohio, and that she would not be able to take the patient there until the first week in December. I agreed to try to prevent a further spread of the trouble until that time and at the same time, I explained the dangers involved.

November 4th. For last three days, patient has been having a temperature of 100 degrees during the middle of the day. Is very irritable and naughty. He tries to drink the bath water after bathing, eats face cream, and has been found eating food taken from the garbage can. Weight 50 pounds. He likes to play with his urine. He has been found hiding under his bed with toys that had been filled with urine. His irritability has taken the form of wilful teasing and obstinacy. Tonsils remain about the same.

An interesting thing about this case was that he had days and nights when he seemed perfectly well, very mild mannered, good appetite, and slept well. Suddenly the picture would change and he would have restless nights, perverted appetite, and irritable, stubborn behaviour. WIth it all, as you have seen, a gradual gain in weight. Because of the perversion in the appetite along with the irritable and perverse temperament, I prescribed Nitric acid 200th, one dose.

November 20th. Generally ever much better. Temperament is more equitable. Sleeping very well. Appetite is good and normal. Bowels are regular. Weight 50 pounds, 1 ounce. Sac.lac.

There has been a continual improvement in the patients general condition, especially noticeable was the improvement in his mental attitude. The tonsils are normal in size but continue to show white flecks which are much smaller and appear shriveled.

January 29th. Patient has been generally very well. For the last few days, he has been psychically disturbed, due to the knowledge that his parents intend shortly to take a trip to California. Both tonsils are free of white flecks and are normal in size. Weight 51 pounds, 6 ounces. Sac.lac.

February 12th. Patient appears generally well. The governess reports that the patient continues to show a marked improvement. His naughtiness is more deliberate mischief. There have been tantrums, but he was not violent and rarely attempted to kick or strike as formerly. Since February 11th, patients throat seems to irritate him. Examination shows a white fleck upon the left tonsil; right tonsil is free; neither tonsil is enlarged. Weight 52 pounds, 1 ounce. Nitric acid 200th, one dose.

February 20th. Patient was not so well after the last visit. On February 18th, he had difficulty in swallowing and coughed frequently in order to clear his throat. His nights have been wakeful and restless. He has had no rise of temperature. Appetite fairly good. Bowels regular. On February 19th, the governess noticed that the left tonsil was slightly enlarged and that the white patch was more pronounced. This morning, February 20th, there seemed less irritation in the throat, the white patch was smaller, and the tonsil less congested and less swollen and this was accompanied by an improvement in patients general condition. Weight 52 pounds, 12 ounces. Sac.lac.

W J Sweasey Powers