Hpathy Needs Your Help!


In The Homoeopathic World of February last, Dr. E. Bach gave an outline of some new remedies. In my opinion these are going to be of very great value in the treatment of cases which do not respond to our older remedies. I give below brief notes of some cases treated with these medicines.

In The Homoeopathic World of February last, Dr. E. Bach gave an outline of some new remedies. In my opinion these are going to be of very great value in the treatment of cases which do not respond to our older remedies. I give below brief notes of some cases treated with these medicines.


CASE 1. Male, age 50 years. Complaint, catarrh.

Both nostrils stopped up, the right being the worst, usually the left is worse than the right. Headache over eyes (forehead) most marked over right eye, better for pressure. Bad smell in nose at times. November 7th, 1929. Cupressus 3x, pilules 2 hourly. (The frequent repetition was unnecessary and gave rise to somewhat severe aggravation of the headache, as the notes will show).

November 12th. Pain over right eye starting right side of nose and going up to the forehead; dreadful pain in morning, never had such headache; a dull ache, not throbbing, worse stooping. The pain began on waking and lasted up to 11:30 or 11:45 a. m.; then abated and was gone by 1:30 p. m., had it every day since November 8th. Right eye looked strange and was half open.

November 21st. Headache continued but aggravation time had altered, for example.

November 13th, 8 a.m. to 1 p. m.

November 14th, 1 p. m. to 6 p. m.

November 15th, 7:30 p. m. to 10:30 p. m.

November 16th, no headache.

November 17th, headache all day.

November 18th, and 19th, slight headache at intervals, after that the headache disappeared.

Nostrils almost free, can breathe both sides easily; when first seen could not breathe lying down, can do so now. Right eye aches if reading; pain back of the eye.

To the right side of right nostril a little movement occasionally as if a bubble of mucus were present, not in nose but to outer side of it; no bad smell is nose now.

December 16th. Right nostril not quite so clear; occasional return of smell in nose but only sort of cold smell now.

March 24th. 1930. Both nostrils very much more clear than they used to be.

CASE. 2. Female, aged 58 years. Deafness following severe coryza.

November 17th, 1920. Severe catarrhal cold; herpes labialis; sore red areas upper and lower lips and left side of face resembling erysipelas. Deafness followed this cold. She could only hear spoken voice with difficulty; could hardly hear the ticking of the clock on the mantlepiece nor could she hear the front door bell. Patient was in bed but her hearing had hitherto been acute.

Cupressus 3x, a few drops in a glass of water. A dessertspoon 2 hourly.

November 18th. Hearing improving. 3 p. m. a thick piece of greenish mucus came away from throat; could hear much better after.

November 19th. Hearing much better; can hear front door bell clearly.

November 23rd. Very much better. Had felt dazed all last week; haziness over brain; now all is clear. The dazed feeling was “as if you were talking to me and I was not interested in what you were talking about”.

December 3rd. Cupressus 3x repeated.

December 18th. “Hearing better than before I was ill.”.

(Note.–1 examined the left ear on November 22nd: there was an inflamed area around the drum of the ear with an oval area of ulceration. This cleared up by December 18th).

CASE 3. Male, aged 72 years. Florid complexion; very sensitive; abnormally nervous about his health.

This patient was treated by me in 1928 for deafness, with various remedies up to October 1929, without any permanent result. On November 23rd, 1929, three powders of Cupressus 3x were given to be taken at bedtime. Gradually the hearing improved and by January 4th, 1930, it was practically normal and the nerves steadier.

On January 18th he remarked: “I am so thankful to hear again. I could not hear the clock strike in the room, now I can hear anything.” Today, August 3rd, his hearing is still good.

CASE 4. Female, aged 48 years. Chronic deafness.

This was a case of deafness of many years dating back to scarlet fever in childhood. Right ear, drum perforated.

November 4th, 1929. Cupressus 3x pulv. iii to be taken at night.

November 18th. First powder made her apprehensive but of what she was unable to say. Ears do not feel so dead, perhaps they are more sensitive; noises in ears have increased but are not of so long duration. Ears feel spongy inside as if cotton wool in them, not exactly a swollen feeling.

December 5th. “I still have the noises; last week was better for four days. My violin frightened me it sounded so much louder. I do not believe I am deaf now while asleep as I can hear my clock ticking before I am really awake. Taking it all around I am a little better but I am afraid to say so.”.

Cupressus 7x, one dose given.

December 19th. “A rushing began in the ears after the medicine, a noisier noise than before. I can hear without listening now, before I could be lost in a book and need not hear sounds, now I can be disturbed if a cinder drops on the hearth. If two people are talking near me I can tell they are talking, before I could not. I have always been able to hear something but soft music I could not hear before.”.

January 11th, 1930. “Can hear more; noise in head is much better. Can hear more now while waiting for a tramcar, a longer distance away, not louder but more clearly.”.

March 11th. “For the first time, yesterday I had a few minutes of very acute hearing, then it went again but my hearing is generally improving.”.

May 6th. “So very much better.”.

June 17th. “The noise in the ears has nearly vanished; the ears have been very resentful of something going on inside but they are really very much better, I can hear so much more.

I could hear the Philharmonic orchestra of New York on the wireless and was astonished.”.

(Note.–This patient can certainly hear much better than before treatment. There is very little difficulty in talking to her now).


CASE 1. Female, age 70 years. Chronic rheumatism.

On November 6th, 1929, patient wrote: “My arms are still very painful and I can neither put them behind me nor raise them above my head; the pain at the bottom of my back is still very bad and causes much stiffness.” Impatiens 3x sent.

On November 20th, patient sent the following note: “I am thankful to say the pilules gave me much relief from the pain. The restful nights have been a benediction. Still my arms are very stiff and painful when I use them, the pain at the bottom of the back still remains. Fog, damp and cold affect me very much.”.

On December 8th report was: “I am thankful to say I am making good progress towards recovery. My arms are less painful and I can use them more easily.”.

CASE 2. Female, 67 years. Cancer of both breasts; right breast a mass of cancerous tissue; left breast skin unbroken. Impatiens was tried experimentally to see what effect it might have on the pain.

On November 30th, 1929. Impatiens 3x in powders to be mixed in a glass of water and taken as required. On December 7th. Patient reported: “After the first powder it was as if an electric bulb was sending off shocks from the centre of the right breast; as if a round thing was there, and then these shocks. Previously I had a funny feeling in my right leg as if there was too much blood in it. This has gone since taking the medicine.”.

August, 1930. In spite of the rapidly growing cancer of the right breast this patient has kept practically free from pain. This she considers is wonderful. The growth in the left breast has remained stationary.

CASE 3. Female, 58 years. Severe pain in the chest to the right of the sternum. X-rays revealed an aneurysmal dilatation of the ascending aorta.

Impatiens 30th relieved the pain. Impatiens 3x taken when required for the pain has rendered life more tolerable.

CASE 4. Male, aged 50. Easily depressed, introspective, vague fears, headaches.

This patient had been treated by me for a few years with the indicated remedies which only helped him to a certain extent. On December 12th, 1929, I decided to try Impatiens. Three powders of Impatiens 3x were sent to him. On January 15th, 1930, he reported: “I have felt great benefit. I would describe that it has made a better man of me. I seem more assured of myself, more virile, more cheerful, and have a better outlook on life, certainly not so much depression and feeling that I was no good.”.

On February 18th he wrote: “I feel brighter, more self- reliant and happier in mind. The head pains are not as frequent or as severe. In particular you will remember that I often woke of in the morning with head trouble and took some little time to get established for the day, but now I frequently wake up quite bright and clear and an extra dose of business during the morning is surmounted without pains coming on.”.

Again on May 3rd: “I am much better in health and have a more cheerful outlook on the world.”.

(If the reader will refer to The Homoeopathic World of February last, under Impatiens he will find “patients frequently report, in addition to relief of symptoms, a much improved mental state with loss of depression and fears, a generally brighter outlook being obtained.”).

CASE 5. Male, 70 years. Musician. Angina pectoris.

F J Wheeler
Francis James Wheeler 1877 – 1960 MRCS, LRCP was a British orthodox physician who converted to homeopathy. He came from Southport and who was a friend and colleague of Edward Bach, and he helped to prove the flower remedies as each was discovered. Author of The Bach Remedies Repertory, Some observations on primary carcinoma of the liver: with references to museum specimens, and co- editor of The Bach Flower Remedies: Including Heal Thyself, the Twelve Healers, the Bach Remedies Repertory, Samuel Hahnemann, his life and work: based on recently discovered state papers, documents, letters, &c, and A case of Appendicitis.