DR. R. E. HAYES: May I make one comment on Dr. Waffensmith last remark? In regard to that symptom of burning and soreness of the feet, I have not seen this symptom in a Medorrhinum patient until within the last two or three years, and it is supposed to be one of the high keynotes and I have prescribed Medorrhinum for many years, and I dont know how many times.

Hahnemann proved, to the satisfaction of all homoeopaths, that the first dilution or trituration of any drug contained a more efficient curative power than massive doses. “This demonstration was made long before high dilutions were used, thus showing that the curative power of drugs is not in proportion to their material quantity, and thus established the first principle of the dynamic theory.”.

“When, furthermore, he showed, to the demonstration of all homoeopaths, that substances, which in their crude state exert no medical power, such as gold, charcoal, tin, common salt, etc., etc., do, after dilution, trituration or potentization, come to possess a medicinal power, he demonstrated, in part, the second principle of the dynamization theory.”–J. T. TEMPLE, M. D., 1868.

J.W. Waffensmith
J.W. Waffensmith, M.D. 1881-1961
Education: Cincinnati College of Medicine & Surgery
Author, Distinctive Phases Of Kali Carb. and Homeopathy , the medical stabilizer