Hpathy Needs Your Help!


The Guiding Symptoms illuminates the subject with one word, “sphacelus”, which should have such a depressing effect upon the pathological prescriber, that he would perforce drop it from his catalogue of bone remedies. But perhaps I should not inveigh too strongly against pathological prescribing, for most of are guilty at times. The point I wish to make is than in the cases that I am about report Lachesis could not have been selected upon their pathology.

Probably there is no more wonderful medicine in the materia medica than Lachesis, wonderful because its extensive provings and abundant clinical verification have so revealed the snake nature in man that we are amazed at his sliminess and deadly venom, as expressed in symptom language. But the end of our knowledge of this reptilian marvel is not yet reached, not will it be reached as long as there remain observers, keen to seize upon whatever is revealed by its influence in both health and disease, for there is no end to disease expression in man, whether it be a natural expression or an artificial one.

Lachesis affects every substance of the human economy from the spirit-like rational mind to the most ultimate osseous tissue, and it is of this latter that I wish to make mention. Very little is said in the literature of our school on the actions of Lachesis on bone tissue. The Guiding Symptoms illuminates the subject with one word, “sphacelus”, which should have such a depressing effect upon the pathological prescriber, that he would perforce drop it from his catalogue of bone remedies. But perhaps I should not inveigh too strongly against pathological prescribing, for most of are guilty at times. The point I wish to make is than in the cases that I am about report Lachesis could not have been selected upon their pathology.

On June 10, 1915, at the little village of Marco, Florida, a man approached me and asked it I was a doctor. He said, “I show my leg to every doctor that I meet, hoping that someone will be able to help me”. And thereupon he insisted upon showing me his “leg”, which proved to be an enormously enlarged right thigh. I asked him to come to my home that afternoon, and told him I would then see then see what could be done for him.


Mr. A.R., age 45. In 1905, when employed as a lineman, he touched a live wire, carrying 2,300 volts, and fell a distance of 35 feet. Following this he lost 100 pounds weight in eight days, and his whole skin became the color of mahogany.

The skin gradually cleared to normal color in about one year. Three years later he had carbuncles on his arm on the back of his neck. He had seven year itch when a boy, which was cured with sulphur ointment. A vesicle calculus in 1910 was dissolved with internal medicine. Ever since being knocked from the pole by the high electric voltage, any watch that he wears goes crazy; it stops and starts, stops and starts. He says that he magnetizes it. Five years ago, while wading in the water he was struck by the stinger of a sting-ray on the right ankle.

The stinger went to the bone, causing the “most awful pain”, which, one month after the injury, went to the right elbow joint and then to the heart. Five days later the pain left the heart and located in the right knee and the right thigh began to swell. One year later an abscess formed on the anterior aspect of the middle third of this thigh. He was treated in the Penn. Hospital two years two, where he was told that an amputation of the thigh was the only thing that would save his life. But he was otherwise minded. It was two legs, live or die. And so he roamed the country, doggedly hoping for a cure that would save his leg.

The thigh was enlarged to three times its normal size, and its anterior part showed a thinly skinned-over abscess about 22 inches in diameter. The parts about the abscess were hard and blue. The pain is a dull, dead aching, worse from use of the part, especially on starting to moves. The whole front of the thigh is very sensitive to any pressure. The abscess forms about once a month, discharges a thin bloody pus for three weeks, and them skins over. Among other symptoms were:.

Aversion to onions, the odor nauseates.

Coffee puts him to sleep in two hours and he is sick for two days afterwards.

Dosed with calomel as a child, filled with it. Now a small dose will constipate.

Twitching, as from electricity, occasionally.

Very nervous, high strung.

Cant bear anything tight or even touching the throat.

Must have fresh air.

He was given Sac. lac. and asked to report again in three days, while I considered.

Here was a case that had gone the rounds, and had come to me with a paucity of symptoms. Could I find three legs for my stool? Yes, I could, even if one of them was a brick. And so three days later I gave him Lachesis CM.

I did not see the man again, as he had gone far up the Florida coast, but I had frequent reports by letter as follows:.

July 10. “The abscess broke open and discharged bloody water, and has not healed in the usual time. Leg hurts more. I have broken out in festers. Soon after the last medicine I had wild hairs in my eyes.” Later I learned that the “wild hairs” meant trichiasis, a bending-in of the lashes so that they touched the eyeball.

Aug. 30. “A large piece of bone came from the abscess, which is now about to close. The abscess has remained open this time longer than for four years.”.

Oct. 14. “Fever. Leg sore to touch, but not much discharge.” Lachesis CM.

Dec. 5. “Leg worse for two weeks after the last remedy, but it did not open up as formerly. No pain at all now. Big appetite, can ear anything now. Also had the wild hairs in eyes again after last medicine.”.

1916, Jan. 10. “I feel better than I have in years, and hope soon to be all right.”.

Feb. 28. “Am feeling all right. My leg does not bother me unless I strain it at hard work, and it is now the same size as the other.” Pain in left arm at elbow.

After this date I had two letters at long intervals, assuring me that all was well.

Comment: Theoretically the second dose of Lachesis was a mistake, but practically it was not, as it confirmed the production of a valuable new symptom, “wild hairs in the eyes.” Years latter this same symptoms was produced in a little girl who ate a bottle of a potency of Lachesis (the 1M, I think). This should give the symptom a high rating in our repertories.


Master E.H., age 15, weight 170 pounds, height about 5 feet 6 inches. This second case, like the first, was seen but once as he lived several hundred miles distant from Philadelphia. I had, however, weekly reports from his mother.

June 27, 1930. He was scrawny as a baby. At eight years had whooping-cough and since recovering from this complaint has been very fleshy. Scarlet fever at five years. Five months later fell and dislocated the right shoulder and injured the left thigh. Two or three weeks later an abscess developed on the front of this thigh. This abscess was open for three years, when a piece of bone was discharged. Then the abscess healed over, and remained healed until last summer, that is, for a period of seven years. Last July had pain in left thigh again, and two weeks latter an abscess developed on the front of this thigh.

This abscess was open for three years, when a piece of bone was discharged. Then the abscess healed over, and remained healed until last summer, that is, for a period of seven years. Last July had pain in left thigh again, and two weeks later an abscess formed and discharged large quantities of pus. At that time the thigh was opened in several places and lipto-iodine injected. This was followed by the discharge of numerous small pieces of bone from the openings. At this time there are four openings on the anterior part of the thigh, the lowest being just above the knee, and the highest about six inches above that. All are discharging a thin, watery, bloody substance. The tissue about these openings is hard and bluish, and the lower part of the thigh is enlarged, but not enormously so.

Very few symptoms could be elicited. I give them:.

Dislikes any employment; hates his school. His aunt says he is irritable and malicious, and only contended when he is making trouble for others.

Better in open air; warm blooded.

Talks in sleep.

Aversion to fats. Tongue coated whitish.

Perspires easily, hands and feet especially.

He is lively and talkative, but I do not like his mistrustful looks.

Here, again, we have a paucity of guiding symptoms, but a study of Lachesis gives us confidence that will help him. It was given in the 50M on July 7. One week later two pieces of bone were discharged.

July 26. “There of the openings are not draining so much.”.

Aug. 16. “Small piece of bone came out at knee. His flesh is more solid, and he does not limp as badly.”.

Sept. I Another piece of bone has come out.

Sept. 18. Report of an aunt: “Has lost weight. Less discharge from leg. There is the most marked change in his disposition; it is now almost perfect. while before he was a perfect devil, taking much pride in annoying people. He is more ambitious, better natured, goes to school every day, and is making fine progress in his studies. How now agrees with his playmates.”.

Oct. 7. “The same as last time, only very happy, as he ranks first in his class at school.”.

Nov. 15. Another piece of bone came out this week. Thighs are now of the same size, except six inches above knee one inch larger. Walks without difficulty, and does not tire easily.

From this time on there was gradual improvement, with occasional small pieces of bone appearing.

Charles L. Olds