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The Hahnemannian law states, Similia similibus curantur. But why this law? Why does a homoeopathic potency cure? Because its introduction into the human body releases the bodys potential energy, or raises the opsonic index and thus sets in motion the repair mechanism of the body, and a cure results through the removal of the pathology and its consequent symptoms.

The menopause, or end of the menstrual life, due to the cessation of the functions of ovulation and menstruation, occurs from the 32nd to the 52nd year of life in women, according to Drs.Wilmer Krussen and Frank C.Hammond, in a series of 3,700 cases seen in the Roosevelt Hospital and the Northern Dispensary. In this series of cases, it was found that the beginning of menstruation, ranged from the ages of 10 to 20 years, thus establishing a general rule, that the earlier the menstrual cycle opens the later in life it closes.

The average length of time over which the menopause extends 22 years, and the peculiar changes or symptoms which are noticed, are multiples. These symptoms vary form mild to most distressing; they are physical, mental or combined. Their severity depends upon the individual temperament of the patient, and indeed fortunate is the woman who has a sympathetic family physician to whom she may go for advice and treatment.

Since the symptoms during the menopause are individual, they form themselves into classes or types according to the temperament of the woman, whether plethoric, chlorotic or nervous, as outlined by Dr.H.N.Guernsey, in his work on obstetrics. In the plethoric type, congestion is the ruling element, therefore, headache, flushes, rush of blood to the head and face, with frequent and profuse haemorrhages, followed by continued leucorrhoea,, are the leading symptoms: For their relief Acon., Bry., Bell., China, Cinnamon, Glon., Ip., Calc. carb., Lach., Sang., Sulph., Trillium, as per the individual indications, will furnish relief.

The chlorotic woman, however, presents a sallow complexion, weak pulse, with consequent low blood pressure and the appearance of general debility. Here is found a venus stasis, with a long lasting flow, accompanied by persistent backache. For this type Alet. far., Arn., Borax, Cinchona, Ferr. phos., Ferr met., Geranium, Ham, Melon., Nit. ac., Puls., Phos., Sabina, Sec., Sepia. come to mind, chosen as per the individual characteristics. For the nervous type, the menopause presents greater problem, in that the the womans nerve control or nervous equilibrium is disturbed, hence the over anxious look, the terror struck expression of face and eye, the great tendency to hysteria, with probably complete cessation of the menstrual flow.

Here such remedies as Aurum mur., Asafoetida, Cham., Hyos., Ign., Mag. mur., Moschus, Nat. mur., Nux mos., Phos. ac., Plat., Sepia, Sulph. ac., Zinc., help the woman to return to normal life.

But will these three series of remedies, however carefully chosen, cure all cases? Unfortunately not. They should, if the indications have been carefully studied and a similimum found. Just why is there failure at times? Is it because the similimum is not found, or, if right, is not properly potentized or prescribed? Presumably not. Then why failure to clear the case?

The Hahnemannian law states, Similia similibus curantur. But why this law? Why does a homoeopathic potency cure? Because its introduction into the human body releases the bodys potential energy, or raises the opsonic index and thus sets in motion the repair mechanism of the body, and a cure results through the removal of the pathology and its consequent symptoms.

To go back now to the cause of the menopause, which is a cessation of the function of ovulation and menstruation. As is known, menstruation follows, or is the result of, ovulation, therefore when ovulations ceases, the ovarys active principle, known as internal secretion no longer is present to control regular menstruation, hence irregularity or cessation.

This lack of secretion produces peculiar changes or symptoms, which even untreated, in time disappear. From study and observation it has been learned that not alone the ovary, but also the thyroid, the parathyroids, the mammary glands and the adrenals are all intimately related in the production of the menstrual cycle, hence when the menopause begins, these glands are all affected to a certain extent and the whole body feels the loss of the secretions which these glands formerly produced.

Experimentation has proved that the glands of animals produce secretions so like those of the human body, that the animal gland products are fed to the human body with the result that non-functioning human glands again will function. In other words, when certain portions of the human body, through deprivation, become hungry as it were, the animal endocrines may be used by the human body as food, or energy products.

Hence it is that if, ovarian, or orchid, or corpus luteum, or thyroid, or mammary substance be given to patients, passing through the menopause, who have failed to respond to remedies, there is seen a marked improvement, with an amelioration of many symptoms. The reason for this lies in the fact that food is necessary for the formation of energy, and with the body hunger appeared, should other symptoms remain, the selected remedy will then begin to act and a full recovery follows.



DR.E.B.LYLE: Is there a potentized preparation of whole ovary? I think that among the ovarian extracts whole every is recognized at the present time as being most useful.

DR.J.W, KRICHBAUM: You can get it from Boericke & Tafel up to the 12th.

DR. G.B.STEARNS: One of the indications for thyroid in potency is the Calcarea type of individual. It belongs in that type. Your adrenal, I think, belongs in the Phosphorus, Natrum mur. type.

DR. STANTON: Do you administer these in potency or crude?.

DR. GRIGGS: So far as these endocrine products go, they act as synergists. I had a near relative, a maiden lady, who had reached the climacteric period, with flushes or heat, irritability, and so forth. After doing the best I could, going through a gamut of remedies over a matter of three or four years, I found out she had flushes of heat, most intense drenching sweats, so much so found out she had flushes of heat, most intense drenching sweats, so much so that she would have to lie down after a flush of heat, and a fluttering of the heart.

I gave her finally thyroid in the thirtieth centesimal dilution. She has regained weight and her normal poise, and her flushes of heat and sweats have disappeared. I think those indications are valid because I have confirmed them two or three times since.

DR. I.L.FARR: I felt rather like an heretic in presenting this paper. I am, however, very much pleased at its reception. MY aim has been to uphold homoeopathy and homoeopathic principles. To me the selection of the remedy through its symptomatology is of utmost interest. I do feel that the selection of the remedy is often aided by considering the diagnosis and the pathology in connection with the symptomatology. My plan is to choose my remedy from inspection of the patient as she sits down the chair, or comes into the office, or begins her conversation.

From that I pretty nearly know useless it is a very difficult case what I am going to give her, before I know the diagnosis or the put my diagnosis and pathology. while the endocrine products have been before us for a number of years I have always been sceptical as to whether as a homoeopath I could use them conscientiously. When I found Boericke & Tafel putting them up in potencies I said to myself. “Well, now they are our sources of pure medical drugs and f they feel confident enough about the endocrine Consequently, when I have fallen down on the work in the menopause, as far as giving relief is concerned, I have said, “I think I am at liberty to experiment at least on this patient.

I cant help by any remedy that I can use, I am not infallible, but if the endocrine products are not considered as medicine but as a food, I am at perfect liberty to give them because we have to eat to live, and if our glands at certain times lose the product contained within them which produces energy and we can supply the as food, I believe I am at perfect liberty to do that”. And I have found many times that after the endocrine products were given, as I said in my paper, the indication for the homoeopathic remedy comes in and the results are far more satisfactory than before.

I L Farr