Irritations and injuries occur in other parts of the body, such as those in the gastro- intestinal tract, faulty foods, indiscretions in eating, adulterated foods, from irritations produced by chlorine in the drinking water, and aluminum poisoning coming from the use of aluminum cooking utensils and from aluminum plates in the mouth, sometimes used by dentists.

In applying homoeopathic remedies to cancer cases, we proceed along the usual lines taught by Hahnemann and his loyal followers, as far as we can: here, as in every case of chronic disease, we must stress the necessity for the fullest and most complete personal and family history, it is possible to obtain. From the birth hour on through infancy, childhood and maturity, to the time of taking the case, every change and disturbance, mental, moral and physical, in sequence, should be recorded, together with the diseases contracted along the way, and remedial measures employed for the same. When the pathologic change known as cancer develops and grows with symptoms that are commonly the result of such change, we have little to guide us for the selection of the homoeopathic remedy from a strictly symptomatic viewpoint.

Clinical use and observation by many faithful and able followers of the homoeopathic has over a long period of time have given us a comparatively small list of remedies, the nature and symptomatology of which correspond to cancer in all its evolutionary processes in the organism, beginning with the moral and mental disturbances of the mind sphere, involving various and at times seemingly contradictory symptoms and states, at other times alternating conditions, and finally under some unusual stress or some physical or chemical injury there is presented the symptom picture, recognized as cancer.

The majority of the remedies listed that have proved curative in cancer will fall into the group, observed by Hahnemann and others, which had, in their nature the three miasms or chronic diseases held by homoeopaths as fundamentally constitutional sick producing causes. And the remaining minority so listed may well be assumed to have after more mature observation these three miasms, psora, syphilis and sycosis, blended in their symptomatology.

Following is the list of proven cancer remedies, the symptomatology of which has been confirmed by curative action. This list is gathered from a search of the repertory, through the various parts of the body including those of the skin (epithelioma). Under the uterine group the greatest number is found. From this fact we may observe that these tissues are subject to a large number of different irritations and conditions or that they are more sensitive and susceptible to the cancer toxin:, Alumen, Alumina, Ambr., Apis, ARS., Ars, iod., Aster., Aur, Aur. ars., Bel. per., Bism., BROM., Bufo, Cad, cyanide, Cad, floor., Cad, iod., CAD, MET., Cad. nit., Cad. phos., Cad, sil., Cad. sulph., Calc., Calc., ars., Calc., sulph., Calendula,, CARB. AN., Carb. hyd., Carb. sulph., Carb. veg., Caust., Cist., Clem., Cob., CON., Crot. hor., Cupr., Dulc., Elaps., Graph., Hepar, HYDR., Kali ars., Kali bich, Kali cyn., Kali iod., Kali mur., Kali nit., kali sulph., Kreos., Lac ac., Lach., Lap.alb., LYC., Merc., Merc. i fl., Nat. mur.,, Nat.sil. fluor., NIT.AC, Olig, PHOS, Phos. ac., Phyt., Rad. brom., Rata, Sep., Sil., Sulph.,, Thuj., X-ray, Zinc.

Of the seventy-five remedies listed in the cancer group forty-five are of high grade value, the others are of inferior value and less frequently indicated and used. There is a small group of remedies which corresponds to conditions arising from trauma and irritations of various kinds and is highly valuable in the cancer state. Remembering that disease gets well in the inverse order of the appearance of its symptoms, we may well understand why a breast cancer, whose immediate and last manifestation of cell growth follows an injury, would readily yield homoeopathically to such remedies as Bellis per., CON., or Phyt. Also how easy it is for us to perceive the potent possibility of preventing any cancer change, even starting after injury, with a potency of Arnica.

Irritations and injuries occur in other parts of the body, such as those in the gastro- intestinal tract, faulty foods, indiscretions in eating, adulterated foods, from irritations produced by chlorine in the drinking water, and aluminum poisoning coming from the use of aluminum cooking utensils and from aluminum plates in the mouth, sometimes used by dentists.

Such irritations as these will find the best antidotal remedy among some of the Cadmiums; but also the irritating causes must be removed with the administration of the curative remedy to make the cure certain and permanent. In irritations, such as lip cancer occurring in smokers from the combined pressure and heat of the pipe, Sepia will frequently cure providing the irritation is discontinued.

The remedies of this smaller group are likewise contained in the general group of cancer remedies. They are Alumina, Arnica, Ars., Bellis per., Brom., Cad., Caust., Con., Graph.,, Hydr., Kali bich., Kali cyn., Kali iod., Kali sulph., Lach., Lyc., Merc viv.,, Phos., Phyt., Ruta, Sab. par. Sepia, Sil.,, Sulph., Thuja., and Tox.

A careful study and wide knowledge of these twenty-nine remedies will reward the industrious physician with a harvest of cure in cancer conditions undreamed of without such complete knowledge.

Other irritations than those mentioned above arise from the wide use of the coal-tar preparations, now flooding the public in ever increasing variety and given for so many complaints, headaches, rheumatic pains, acute colds grippe, fever reduces and sleeping potions. We are bombarded by these cardiac depressants. Is it any wonder that heart and kidney disease lead the list of death causing diseases, with cancer soon a close second. Against these irritants our carbons and snake poisons furnish the best antidotes.

Perhaps the most irritating of all the irritants and depressants is produced by the almost universal applications of serums and vaccines, given for the prevention and cure of acute infections diseases. These subtle poisons are very far reaching and deep in their effects and our best antidotes can only be found in Thuja and several of the specific nosodes, such as Diphtherinum and Pyrogen, together with the snake poisons.

Is it not possible, that the persistent and frequent injections of these by-products of disease, shot directly into the blood stream, especially in the young children where conditions in the body organism for natural defense against these toxins, cannot obtain, that a weakening of the reticulo-endothelial system is produced, thus reducing the reacting power of the body against cancer and kindred chronic diseases. This reticulo-endothelial system is said by biologists to manufacture and contain all the defensive forces of the organism. And may this not answer the observed fact why cancer is occurring in younger subjective of each succeeding generation.

And of what avail is it to try to prevent some natural expression of acute disease that may never come, if there is involved in the immunizing process a weakening of the defensive mechanism of the body against chronic manifestations of disease like cancer, diabetes, epilepsy and mental and physical weaknesses of various sorts. Add to all this, the wholesale destruction of childrens tonsils, one of the most important defense units in the organism, which lessens still more the chain of body resistance, and we have a gloomy outlook for the health and well being of the future. How much longer can the human race stand the strain of serum poison and crude drugs and their resultant suppressions, grafted on the ever increasing miasmatic causes of disease?.

Only homoeopathy can retard the deep decay and frightful devastation gnawing at the vital centers of the human race. One other benefit is presented in the vast numbers, who have repudiated all medicine and have taken up with the so-called cults for relief against sickness. The cults at least give nature a chance to work unhampered by animal toxins and crude poisons in the form of irritating and enervating drugs.

The pendulum has swung from the crude and clumsy attempts of the alloeopaths to overwhelm disease by substitution, the implanting of a drug or serum disease in place of the natural one, and by suppression, to pain without in any way relieving the internal cause of illness, to those who at least have intelligence enough to know that nature has provided wonderful means of defense against sickness. However in the field of chronic inherited disease, nature alone is often unable to cure. This is the realm of homoeopathy and vast numbers of the more intelligent cultists must necessarily swing back to her for relief of those sicknesses that are the outgrowth of the chronic miasmata.

There is another pernicious form of irritation that is making many cancers and that is the practice advocated by most of those looked up to as authority on the treatment of cancer, to employ large doses of either X-ray or radium on every mole, wart, or small ulcer, or blemish appearing on the skin. This procedure either irritates and burns the local parts because of over dosing, setting up necrosis of surrounding cells, which results in a rapid spreading of the sore and often turns a benign and harmless growth of small dimensions into a rapidly destructive malignant cancer, or, if the dose is lighter, the sore or mole or wart may be destroyed and apparently healed with an unsightly scar remaining.

A. H. Grimmer
Arthur Hill Grimmer 1874-1967 graduated from the Hering Medical College (in 1906) as a pupil of James Tyler Kent and he later became his secretary, working closely with him on his repertory. He practiced in Chicago for 50 years before moving to Florida. He was also President of the American Institute for Homoeopathy.
In his book The Collected Works of Arthur Hill Grimmer, Grimmer spoke out against the fluoridation of water and vaccinations. Grimmer wrote prodigeously, Gnaphalium, Homeopathic Prophylaxis and Homeopathic Medicine and Cancer: The Philosophy and Clinical Experiences of Dr. A.H. Grimmer, M.D.