Alcoholic livers were not uncommon in America before the 18th amendment was brought forth and given birth by way of a breech presentation. Calcarea is a valuable remedy for gall stones because gall stones are found in people who are fleshy and have enlarged abdomens, put on weight easily, are chilly and have cold hands and feet. The gall stone type is frequently the Calcarea type. Lycopodium with its right sidedness could hardly escape being a liver remedy. it has the coated tongue, the sour taste and vomiting, great hunger with the feeling that a very little food produces a sensation of being full up to the throat, sensitiveness of the region of the liver so that the patient cant bear the pressure of clothing; great flatulency with no relief from belching.

Cinchona, on its general symptoms, is frequently called for in catarrhal jaundice and in the anaemias. Bryonia is a valuable liver remedy and frequently indicated with its sharp stitching pains in region of liver, pain under right shoulder blade, bitter taste in mouth, yellow coated tongue and general aggravation from motion, etc. Phosphorus with its typical thirst is indicated in acidosis of diabetes; after the anaesthesia of chloroform; and in acute hepatitis. Carduus marianus is indicated in jaundice with dull headache, bitter taste in mouth tongue white, especially in the middle with tip and edges red, nausea with vomiting of an acrid green fluid. In Chelidonium majus we have a real find in therapeutics. It is certainly a valuable and frequently indicated remedy in gall bladder and liver disorders. A marked symptom is pain under the angle of right shoulder blade, shooting, tearing, lancinating pain extending from right hypochondrium through to the back or sometimes down into the stomach.

Whatever can be said against this article it cannot be charged against the writer that he has wandered from has text.


W A Mcfall