looking steadily after waking.

with nausea Forehead.

riding horseback amel. Sides.

after sleep agg. Itching scalp.

sudden Motion.

while walking convulsive



Coldness nodding, wavering

in warm room (Merc. i. r.) rolling.

as from cold water (Cann. rubs against something

sat., Croc., Cupr., Glon., impossible.

Sabad.) throws about (Bell.,.

Forehead as from cold Caust., Merc., Phos.).

water turning to left (Lyc.).

Occiput Pain.

Sides morning, on rising.

Temples on waking.

Vertex as from cold water night.

Congestion, fullness, air, open; amel.

pulsation with mental confusion, as

Constriction if would lose senses or

evening go mad (Acon., Agar.,

waking Chin., Stram., Verat.).

Forehead, as from a band coughing.

Eruption, pimples compels to cry out.

Falling backward, of head gastric (from flatulence).

Hair bristling hammering.

Heat hysterical.

with redness of face looks fixedly at anything.

on waking nervous.

Forehead with pain in nape of neck.

Occiput with perspiration.

Sides perspiration amel.

Vertex pressure amel.

Heaviness pulsating.

morning, waking after rising.

night rubbing amel.

after heat running, from (Bry., Ign.,

Nat. carb., Nat. mur., Forehead.

Nux vom., PULS.) Lancinating.

sleep, after Forehead.

touch, after Sides.

walking morning.

extends to face Temples.

Forehead Nail, as from a, occiput.

daytime Plug, as from a, occiput.

morning Pressure.

afternoon evening.

3-7 p. m. during chill (Sep.).

night Forehead.

pressure amel. as from a band.

stooping eyes: as if forced out Occiput Occiput.

coughing Shooting.

leaning head back afternoon (Ferr., Plat.,

pressure amel. Sil,).

rubbing amel. evening.

to forehead night.

down back of neck Forehead.

Sides (of Head) Sides.

night night.

right side Temples.

Temples evening (Nit. ac.).

morning transient (Iris).

evening night.

night Stitching.

coughing Temples.

Vertex, open air amel. Perspiration, scalp.

Bruised Prickling, temples.

waking in a. m. Pulsating during menses.

cough on waking Rubbing head.

Occiput against something

coughing Shocks.

extends to temples morning, rising.

Temples, coughing Weakness


EYES Pain.

Agglutination, morning morning.

Distorted afternoon.

Itching evening.

Opacity of cornea in meatus.

Unable to open aching.

Pain, morning lancinating.

evening morning.

turning sideways below ear.

burning, smarting stitching.

cutting right.

sand, as from tearing.

stitching right.

morning, swallowing Wax increased.


Pupils unequal HEARING, impaired.

Redness NOSE.

Staring Coryza with fever.

listening to music Epistaxis clotted.

Weak dark, black


forenoon (Carb. veg., Sulph.) Discoloration.

foggy black and blue spots.

colors caused by foggy vision bluish.

stars bluish circles around eyes.

weak earthy.

evening (Euphr.) grayish

EARS pale.

Discharge dark red.

Itching Distortion.

Noises with toothache.

waking Eruptions.

buzzing lips.

cracking herpes.

ringing impetigo around lips.

on raising, amel. miliary.

walking (Arg. nit., Mag. pimples.

carb., Sulph.) forehead.

whizzing Heat


Itching Itching.

Pain Pain.

lower jaw sides.

stitching turning head to right.

Perspiration (Arg. nit., Chin. sulph.,Psor.).

Swelling, sub-max. Swelling from cough


Biting tongue in spasm Sensation of something alive.

Tongue brown (Chel., Coloc., CRAET.).

red Anxiety.

dryness Appetite increased.

Speech difficult from chorea increased night.

Taste bad ravenous

TEETH wanting.

Pain Aversion to bread.

noise agg. (Calc. carb., food.

Coff., Therid.) meat.

pulsating Desires ashes.

tearing cold drinks

THROAT highly seasoned food.

Coldness as if water dripped raw food (Ail., Sil.,.

down SULPH.).

Discoloration salt things.

purple SAND.

red Disordered.

Gangrene Distention.

Heat Eructations.

Inflammations, right bitter.

Lump rising sensation empty, during hysteria.

Pain sour, morning (Calc. carb.,.

pulsating Puls., Sil., Tab.).

swallowing Fullness sensation.

yawning Heat.

tonsils extends to throat (Cinnb.,

burning Nit. ac., Sumb.).

stitching Heavy, night (AEsc., Chin.,

Pulsation Colch., Crot. tig.).

Swallowing difficult before menses


after breakfast (Zinc.) on coughing.

Nausea after eating.

night during menses.

after lying down during pregnancy

after eating bile.

during menses ABDOMEN.

during pregnancy Constriction hypochondrium.

after sleep Contraction.

Pain Distention.

morning after eating.

after eating (Nux vom.) Hypogastrium.

afternoon oedema.

evening Flatulence.

night morning.

after eating Hypochondrium.

before menses Heat.

from pressure Pain.

burning aching.

after eating morning.

cramping evening.

before nausea night.

lancinating during cough.

pressing before menses.

sore, bruised pressure amel.

tearing during stool.

Retching while walking.

with cough extends to chest.

Sinking, night (Dios., Lyc.) extends to sides.

Thirst Hypochondrium.

burning, vehement left.

during chill morning.

extreme lying amel.

unquenchable Inguinal region

with dread of liquids as from hernia

Uneasiness would appear on

Vomiting coughing.

morning Liver, before chill


Region of umbilicus Pain.

burning during stool.

during menses after stool, amel.

Hypogastrium burning, after stool.

cramping stitching.

morning tenesmus.

when coughing before stool.

region of umbilicus after stool, amel.

dragging ; before menses Urging.

gnawing, Hypochondrium during stool.

pressing after rising from stool.

sore, bruised STOOL.

Liver Bloody.

Hypochondrium Copious.

right Dark, faecal.

morning Hard.

Hypogastrium Offensive.

Inguinal region, left Scanty.

Sides Soft.

tearing BLADDER.

Inguinal, cough agg. Calculi.

Pulsation Inflammation.

Rumbling, forenoon, Pain

evening, night extends to uterus (Merl.).

before menses RETENTION OF URINE.

Swelling glands Spasmodic action of

RECTUM bladder (Calc. phos.).

Constipation Swollen.

difficult stool Tenesmus.


ineffectual straining Urging, constant,


old people Urination dribbling.

stool remains in rectum dysuria.


Diarrhoea during cough.

after washing of head from cough.

(Podo.) from exertion


mur., Nux. vom., Leucorrhoea, burning.

Puls., SEP.) Menses copious, frequent,

while walking early, protracted

URINE Metrorrhagia.

Bloody Pain in ovaries, left.

Burning in uterus, during urging

Brown to urinate

Dark red bearing down uterus.

Odor offensive region of uterus.

Sediment before menses copious after menses.

sand burning uterus, during.

RED menses.

SUGAR cramp uterus

KIDNEYS cutting uterus.

Inflammation sore, ovaries, uterus.

Pain stitching, uterus,


morning tingling, voluptuous.

evening TRACHEA.

night Dryness.

after urination amel. (LYC., Roughness.

Med.) Tickling.

aching LARYNX.

during urination amel. Burning.

(Lyc) Roughness.

sore, bruised Scraping clearing.

stitching Tickling.

Weariness, region of Hoarseness on waking




Crawling Difficult; 9 a. m.

Gonorrhoeal discharge while lying.

Pain: burning Gasping.

during urination Panting.

after urination Sighing


COUGH white.

Morning Yellow.

on waking CHEST.

9 a. m. Angina pectoris

Evening Anxiety in heart region.

Night Ceased heart, sensation.

After coition as of Clotting agg.

Burning in chest Constriction, tension,.

Dry tightness

morning Heart.

night grasping sensation.

during fever Cramp Heart.

Exhausting Gangrene of lungs.

night, in bed Inflammation of

Fever, during endocardium.

Loose Murmurs.

Lying agg. Oppression.

Painful when coughing.

Paroxysmal when waking.

evening Heart.

night Pain.

Rising from bed rheumatic.

Rough walking.

Smoking agg. Clavicle below.

night amel. left side

Spasmodic right side.

evening Sides during cough.

night Heart.

Tickling in bronchi pulsating.

in larynx aching.

in trachea left side.


Difficult burning.

Scanty cutting.

Taste nauseous pressing, right side.

salty sore.

Thick stitching, left side.

Tough walking

Heart Chorea.

Palpitation Coldness.

tumultuous Lower Limbs.

Spasms Foot.

Swelling Mammae Contraction fingers.

Trembling Heart Lower limbs

BACK Convulsions.

Coldness Legs.

lumbar Cramps.

cold draft agg. Lower Limbs.

Carbuncle, dorsal Thighs.

Eruption Calf.

Heat, cervical Foot-sole.

Itching, cervical Toes.

Pain first.

during menses Discoloration, blue nails.

wandering Eruptions.

cervical pustules.

moving head FORMICATION.

turning head Heaviness, Upper.


dorsal scapular Lower Limbs.

under left scapula Inflammation, Fingers.

lumbar, during menses Toes.

extending down legs Itching, Upper.

Spine Fingers.


dorsal under scapulae Leg.

lumbar during menses Foot.

burning sacral Lower Limbs becoming

sore cold.

stitching MOTION.


scapulae Loss of power.

Stiffness, cervical Upper.

during headache Fingers

EXTREMITIES difficult.

Bandaged, as though, while Numbness.

walking Left Upper

Lower burning.

Leg Forearm.

right Palm

Pain Hand.

Rheumatic Hip.

Upper extremities Knee.

Shoulder Leg. Calf.

Upper Arm Pressing, Thigh.

Elbow shooting, Thigh.

Forearm sore, Hip.

Wrist, right, front sitting, amel.

Hand, back, palm standing.

Gingers walking.

joints Knee.

third-finger joint stitching, Upper Limbs.

fourth-finger joint Wrist.

using fingers Hand, ulnar side.

THUMB Fingers, first.

evening Thumb, ball.

pressure amel. Thigh.

Lower Extremities Leg, calf;

toe, first.

walking Foot.

Hip tearing, Toes; first toe.

Julia C. Loos