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Sometimes there is evidence of syphilitic infection, sometimes there is not, and dont be too sure that you can spot a case of syphilis every time. I have seen cases of syphilis in both men and women which I have observed them again months or years later, and carefully hunting for evidence of the disease, I have been unable to discover any-in some such cases the Wasserman would be still positive, in others negative.

Used in its strict sense a nosode is pathologic material derived from vegetable, animal or human sources. Secale cornutum is therefore vegetable or semi-vegetable nosode. Tuberculinum bovinum an animal nosode, and Medorrhinum a human disease product.

The endocrine remedies such as Adrenalin and Thyroidin should not be included under this group but should be studied in relation to the other glandular remedies, such as the pituitary and ovarian products, these all being physiologic and not internationally pathologic derivatives.

Continuing within the limits of our definition Lac vac defloratum and Lac caninum cannot be regarded as nosodes any more than Apis mellifica, Cantharis or Lachesis.

It would seem to clarify our understanding of remedies somewhat to definitely and correctly classify them. What remedies then shall we include as strictly nosodes? The chief ones are: Ambra grisea, Anthracinum, Lyssin, Malandrinum, Medorrhinum, Psorinum, Pyrogen, Secale, Syphilinum, and Tuberculinum.

The following may possibly merit inclusion: Cholesterinum, Diphtherinum, Malaria officinalis, Vaccininum, and Variolinum.

Of all the nosodes the ones that stand out as meriting the closest study are Medorrhinum, Psorinum, Pyrogen, Secale, Syphilinum, and Tuberculinum. These are all frequently indicated and are profoundly deep antipsorics. No homoeopathic physician should be without these great medicines and he should clearly know the symptomatic and constitutional indications for their employment.

Right here allow me to emphasize the point stressed by Kent, Allen, Felger, and others that the nosodes are to be prescribed on the symptoms and not for the disease of which the particular nosode is a product. When you prescribe let it be always upon the essential symptoms similarly existing between the patient and his remedy. This important rule of practice need not hinder us from observing that Tuberculinum is frequently indicated in obstinate and confused cases where there is the family history of tuberculosis, and that Medorrhinum is often indicated in conditions undoubtedly sycotic in origin.

If the case is sycotic there are a number of remedies as frequently indicated as Medorrhinum, and if Neisserian infection be present, either acquired or congenital, does that thereby exclude the possible presence of tuberculosis, syphilis, diabetes or other disease entity?.

Calcarea carb., Calcarea phos., Phosphorus, and other remedies are as frequently indicated in tuberculosis subjected as is Tuberculinum, and I have seen Syphilinum do apparently nothing in known syphilitic cases both inherited and acquired. But I have also seen it work wonders in other cases, perhaps syphilitic, perhaps not, where the symptoms of the patient match those of the remedy.

Now for a few outstanding characteristic symptoms of some of these great medicines.


The knee chest posture in children-sleeps in a kneeling position with face almost buried in pillow. (Compare with AEthusa cynapium, Petr., and Sepia.).

Amel. lying on abdomen.

Timid apprehensiveness with marked fear of the dark.

A hurried impatient feeling.

Marked sensitiveness.

Inordinate craving for sweets.

Marked amelioration at the seashore.

Ame. in the open air.

Worse in the daytime. (I have never felt at all sure of this modality.).

Enuresis in children-passing a large quantity of pungent strong smelling or ammoniacal urine.

Pungent body odor.

Penetrating pungent odor to stool.

Marked tenderness of the soles and heels. (Confirmed a number of times.).


The Psorinum patient is usually cold, dirty, offensive, itchy, eruptive and gloomy.

He is much like Sulphur but much colder and is averse to uncovering and especially wants the head covered.

Poor reaction following acute illness (Carbo veg., Sulph., and Tub.).

Bad effects of suppression and palliation.

Hunger during headache-amelioration while eating.

Bad condition of hair and scalp-untidy and uncleanly appearance.

Very offensive almost putrid body odors-this usually also applies to all the excretions. In this respect it resembles Pyrogen which I have several times observed to be indicated in an acute septic putrid state, and to be followed during convalescence with symptoms calling for Psorinum.

Periodicity is a strong feature of Psorinum-periodic headache, especially where preceded by or associated with putrid stool.

Lingering and recurring complaints.

Acts especially on the skin and sebaceous glands.

Especially sensitive to drafts about the head.

Putrid chronic otorrhoea in dirty cold subjects.

Agg. from bathing-like Sulph. and Calcarea.

Worse on exertion.

Agg. from woollens.

Agg. from heat of the bed.


All symptoms worse at night-from sundown to sunrise, from darkness to daylight.

Many times have I seen this symptom verified, and upon ….. meeting with I am solely tempted to reach for the Syphilinum bottle and pronounce judgment before taking the rest of the testimony and properly summing up the case. But we must not be hair trigger, one symptom prescribers. Let us look further.

The aggravation comes on slowly and wears off slowly.

This is one of the remedies indicated where there is deficient reaction in conditions especially chronic.

Sometimes there is evidence of syphilitic infection, sometimes there is not, and dont be too sure that you can spot a case of syphilis every time. I have seen cases of syphilis in both men and women which I have observed them again months or years later, and carefully hunting for evidence of the disease, I have been unable to discover any-in some such cases the Wasserman would be still positive, in others negative. Syphilis is often present where one would least suspect it. It exists in any of a hundred, I am almost tempted to say a thousand different forms.

Just here may I suggest, but by no means insist, that possibly what Hahnemann called psora might after all have been the endless train of symptoms and sufferings consequent upon inherited syphilis and sycosis, and possibly also congenital tuberculosis together with the terrible result of suppression in both the congenital acquired cases. If syphilis and gonorrhoea can be transmitted through one generation why not through several? Is not every one after all more or less syphilitic and more or less sycotic? Now the case requiring Syphilinum may be no more nor as deeply syphilitic than one requiring Psorinum or Tuberculinum.

Another well proven symptom of this remedy is leucorrhoea profuse, soaking through the napkin and running down to the feet.

More than any other type of leucorrhoea will the Syphilinum type do this every thing. It is difficult for the patient to take care of it.

Chronic headaches and periodic headaches associated with falling out of the hair-a strong feature of this remedy. Bone pains and bone aches-when worse during the entire night. The pains compel frequent change of position.


Ever changing symptoms. This required explanation. It often works this way-you get a rather clear cut picture of a remedy and give it with that satisfied “Well done thou good and faithful servant” feeling we have all experienced after a careful and accurate prescription. Perhaps the remedy works. Perhaps it does not. In any event, in a short time the patient is back and gives us just as bright a picture of some other remedy, and we give it with less of that feeling and again fail to really bring about satisfactory reaction. One remedy picture after another.

This is one of the cardinal and characteristic symptoms of Tuberculinum. Change is the word, for the patient wants to roam and to travel, first here, now there, both near and far, a restless urge that known no peace, no tranquillity.

Always taking cold-often without adequate, apparent cause or occasion.

Glandular disturbances.

Chronically enlarged tonsils-very likely here comes in the family history of tuberculosis which many times can be elicited- more often than the history of syphilis or gonorrhoea for various and obvious reasons.

Eczematous tendency-often observed where there is tubercular history.

Tendency to lose flesh.

Often an easy sweating tendency. (Compare Calc. phos. which has a number of features in common with Tuberculinum.).

Air hunger-loves to breath in the cold fresh air but takes cold as if he does so.

In cases hard to spot where there are enlarged tonsils, glandular involvement and the family history of tuberculosis it will sometimes work wonders.

In cases of advanced tuberculosis-beware! It will occasionally produce a fearful aggravation like Phosphorus under similar circumstances.

The other nosodes it is to be hoped will receive some consideration in the discussion. PHILADELPHIA, PA.


DR.KRICHBAUM: I have a striking case of woman who hasnt had a normal bowel movement for over twenty years. I was treating her, and she thought I was doing very excellent work. She came in and s aid she had to go down to Atlantic City to look after some property, and as soon as she returned, she was going to the hospital for observation, and if necessary she was willing to be opened to find out what was the matter. she had only a few minutes before she had to catch the train and she remarked, “If I could feel as good during the day as I do at night, I would be all right. From the time the sun comes up until it goes down, I feel badly”. I didnt ask her any more questions.

Eugene Underhill
Dr Eugene Underhill Jr. (1887-1968) was the son of Eugene and Minnie (Lewis) Underhill Sr. He was a graduate of Swarthmore College and the University of Pennsylvania Medical School. A homeopathic physician for over 50 years, he had offices in Philadelphia.

Eugene passed away at his country home on Spring Hill, Tuscarora Township, Bradford County, PA. He had been in ill health for several months. His wife, the former Caroline Davis, whom he had married in Philadelphia in 1910, had passed away in 1961. They spent most of their marriage lives in Swarthmore, PA.

Dr. Underhill was a member of the United Lodge of Theosophy, a member of the Philadelphia County Medical Society, and the Pennsylvania Medical Society. He was also the editor of the Homœopathic Recorder.