The other case was similar in a general way, the first prescription being apparently futile. and the Sulph. causing improvement in the general condition while the local pathology increased steadily in a vital effort to eliminate. But the decided change to Mercurius symptoms showed the way to safety. Later still another element came to the surface, the fibrosis, which was also removed by the appropriate remedy. We should have included the fact that nine months later and for three months thereafter the patient suffered attacks stimulating the crises of cholecystitis which cleared up entirely after Lyc., Sul., and Carbo. veg. During the three years following there has been no apparent need for medicine.

During twenty-five years of active homoeopathic prescribing we have had about four cases of suppurative peritonitis including the acute, gangrenous, appendiceal type, one ruptured gall bladder and about four calcular impactions. One abdominal case only has been lost and that one was highly alcoholic and the infection took place a week or more after the operation. We watch these cases closely, making three calls a day if necessary. We have sent but one case to operation needlessly. In this instance a surgeon had been called and though Coloc. had apparently ended the attack he said to the young man in his gravest manner. “You have HAD an attack of appendicitis. You had better have it out.” Three sisters and one brother stood about the bed, all with their appendices elsewhere. The writer could not bear to thwart such beautiful family concord.

One stultifying influence which runs all through contemporary homoeopathy is a servile and self-effacing faith in science. As commonly seen, we can hardly term it anything else than faith, for it is part and parcel of the common modes amounting to superstitions with its lack of perception and relative intellectual helplessness.

The infallibility and prestige of material science with its efficient specialities and technicalities has bumped our heads so often and with such apparent finality that the influence amounts to an obsession, in that it is seldom questioned in relation to the higher creative principles.

Material science has its place and we have due regard for the scientist as such, but many can live better with a a moderate dispensation of it. the excess of it, reaching into every department of human activity, visibly threatens his very existence. In medicine we should have less popularity of science and more thought. This negative influence of science really is its worst effect. It substitutes modes for independent thought. It distract attention from higher forms of truth. And it is not the highest use of the mind.

Even a cursory examination of the most ancient science known proves that our modern scientists, with the exception of certain mechanizations and technicalities, tells us only what ancient science and those who study know already and know better, because they recognize the general governing principles. It is amusing to see one wonderful discovery after another made by modern scientists which had already been thought out by ancient science according to principles.

As to homoeopathic science, it occupies that central and vital polarity between material science and the science of mind. We should give each its due credit and also its due scepticism. For one thing, the excessive collecting of material facts is essentially servility to fashion as is also the intemperate mechanical accuracy; and the demand and deposits of scientific proof is too often not worthy of mature men. Let us think, perceive, speak more and copy less.

Another degenerative sign, though probably not especially long-lived, is the adoption of sera, vaccines, etc. The writer hastens to confess that in two cases of laryngeal diphtheria he did use antitoxin for the purpose of softening the membrane, though to be still more honest, it was done for the experiment as much as anything. The results in these two pharyngeal cases were loathsome.

Also we do not refuse to vaccinate children under the law so as to be able to offset the effects when possible. But we let our objections be clearly understood. The empirical use of these inventions by homoeopaths speaks language well understood by the thorough going homoeopath. These dyscrasia producing methods have no place beside the well nigh universal art of healing.

One of the influences slowly choking the vitality out of homoeopathy is politics and organization. This we may forgive but should not forget. It results from a fundamental misconception of the tremendous negative power of homoeopathy and to a lack of vision as to its possibilities as a negative influence. In this respect many of our organizations appear almost hopeless. As to this particular organization, in a presidential address a few years ago the writer gave a warning as to the purpose and function of this association. At that time it was given with but faint assurance but the issue now is clear.

The radical point of departure appears to be in two different conceptions as to the purpose of organized homoeopathy. One conception is the militant one of going forth to gather in the sheaves, tares and whatnot and build up with numbers, spreading the organizing gospel to every living creature with lining up and face-about-march efficiency. To accomplish this the inevitable clique and machine is developed, extension of official influence is spread out, doubtful homoeopaths are run in and degeneration has begun.

The other conception appears to be as our organization was at first, a close association of homoeopaths capable of practising the art in its purity, devoted to two things, the protection and intensive cultivation of the philosophy and art of homoeopathy and the attraction thereby of minds with vision and will to do likewise.

Bernard Shaw said, “What you organize you kill”. While this is true in a special and spiritual sense yet organization is thrust upon us by the very conditions in which we live. At least we all believe so, which amounts to the same thing. Let us take organization and politics in as small a dose as possible for the inevitable end product is the development of self interests.

The writer believes that the roots of all the evils from which organized homoeopathy suffers is first, of course, immature homoeopathic conception and second, a dim vision of the power of purely negative, that is, concrete homoeopathy, both in details and in general influence. This is the thing that makes issues. This is a time of issues. Even in this heretofore close association the time is at hand when we ;must decide to devote our interest to evangelical homoeopathy with the consequent deterioration of ideals and standards, or whether we should maintain probation, restore the teeth in the Declaration of Principles and preserve that severe and worthy standard of membership and work which was the honorable purpose and tradition of the organization for many previous years. If we do not decide beforehand these issues will bring the inevitable cleft. Anyhow, there is no need for worry for there is more fun in relativity than in homogenity, take it as you will.

The last item of which we will speak at this time is economics. Economics is so inextricably woven with every phase of modern life that it is difficult to say where it begins or end, or where it is not. How extensively it influences organized medicine probably no one knows not even the insiders of its central vertices. So powerful is the pressure in our modern system of living that we cannot always distinguish economics from commercialism. That there is commercialism in the regular old school almost every mail delivery is a demonstration.

That it exists in the homoeopathic school one has but to turn the advertising pages of our homoeopathic journals. We must admit, though, that here it is a great help. Because if you cant find the indicated remedy here is plenty of everything else to go with the glass and water or to take the place of it. As to the Hahnemannian or pure homoeopaths our financial status is more economic, for the back cover of our official journal is testimony to the fact that we are doing business on the magnificient basis of five dollars per head per annum plus the other receipts.

All these conditions mentioned are but symptoms of a constitutional state of homoeopathic sluggishness both of the psyche and the mind. Homoeopathic thought and vision comes best with occasional visits to the higher realm, the pure mountain air of individual meditation and invocation. How to escape to it from the pressure and constraints of modern life is a most serious problem for everyone.



DR.KRICHBAUM: I have made it a rule for sometime not to spank a baby because it cant walk. I changed from the other school to this, and I am sure if I had been told that I couldnt sit with gods anointed until I had by robe washed, I would never have gotten in. I am glad I am in. I dont think it is wise to hold a fellow out who is trying to see the light. So I make a plea for us younger fellows.

Royal E S Hayes
Dr Royal Elmore Swift HAYES (1871-1952)
Born in Torrington, Litchfield, Connecticut, USA on 20 Oct 1871 to Royal Edmund Hayes and Harriet E Merriman. He had at least 4 sons and 1 daughter with Miriam Martha Phillips. He lived in Torrington, Litchfield, Connecticut, United States in 1880. He died on 20 July 1952, in Waterbury, New Haven, Connecticut, United States, at the age of 80, and was buried in Waterbury, New Haven, Connecticut, United States.