As a means of hastening return to normal health, cod liver oil taken regularly for a long period has proven of the utmost advantage. However, if one does not want to meet with rebellion from the patient a palatable preparation must be chosen. If the influenza patient, who is showing a slow return to health is put on Cord. Ext. O1. Morrhae Comp. (Hagee), he will make no complaint as to lack of palatability and will show a gratifying gain in vigor.

One of the most marked effects of influenza is the protractedness of convalescence in certain cases. In some instances return to normal vigor is very slow and as a result the below-par convalescent is a ready victim to respiratory or other complications.

As a means of hastening return to normal health, cod liver oil taken regularly for a long period has proven of the utmost advantage. However, if one does not want to meet with rebellion from the patient a palatable preparation must be chosen. If the influenza patient, who is showing a slow return to health is put on Cord. Ext. O1. Morrhae Comp. (Hagee), he will make no complaint as to lack of palatability and will show a gratifying gain in vigor.

In Cord. Ext. O1. Morrhae Comp. (Hagee) the physician has at his command a restorative agent of unusual palatability and one that he may rely upon to fulfil the needs in post-influenzal weakness.
