Noise aggravates.

Smoking ameliorates: cough.

Touch aggravates; finger-tips.

Water on the body excites some symptoms. Ailments from washing hair; from wetting the fingers. Yet the entire condition may be held in abeyance and positively ameliorated through persistent and habitual bathing. Spray baths; continued immersion neutral baths; cold compresses, properly applied, will subdue some of the mental conditions and bodily distress after the aversion and avoidance of water is overcome.

Awaking from sleep, especially in morning, symptoms are worse : Weeping;sadness;vertigo; head symptoms; constriction, heaviness heat, pain noise in eat; nausea: sour eructations: pain in stomach; kidney pain; cough; oppression of chest: chills; sleepiness, yawning.

Tarentula has also: Cheerfulness especially in morning, when waking; cheerful gaiety alternating with sadness.

Symptoms worse during menses;Cheerfulness, excitability, irritability,restless tossing in bed, vertigo, pain in head, pulsating in head, nausea, abdominal distention, pain in sides of abdomen; BLADDER TENESMUS: (the only remedy given in Repertory for this particular), desire for coition; burning pain in female genitals; pain in back, pain in hip; convulsions; general weakness.

Before menses; heaviness in stomach, pain in stomach and in abdomen; dragging-pain in abdomen,and rumbling; itching in female genitals; bearing-down in uterus.

After menses; itching of genitals and uterine bearing-down.

Symptoms aggravated from coughing; pain in head, occiput and temples;bruised pain in head, occiput and temples; heaviness in head; swelling in neck; etching, vomiting; oppression in chest,pain in chest; abdominal pain;cramping, tearing; involuntary urination.

REFUSES TO EAT-while manifesting need of nourishment.

Symptoms worse after eating: Vertigo, hiccough (after breakfast), nausea;l pain in stomach (after breakfast), burning in stomach; vomiting, abdominal distention.

Symptoms in evening; mental, vertigo, some head-pains; some stomach and abdominal features; cough. At night, some head-pains; stomach; and abdominal symptoms; some kidney pain; general- itching; pains in extremities; chill, fever, perspiration; general weakness.

At specific times: 4 A.M., 5 A.M., 9 A.M., 9-11 A.M.; 2 P.M., 3-7 P.M., 3-9 p.M., 7 p.M.

Constriction sensation in head, chest, genitals, thigh.

Congestion and pulsation in head, eyes, throat,pelvis.


FORMICATION, ITCHING in various parts.

HYSTERIA, “positive nervous symptoms,” “semblance to spinal neurasthenia”.

ITCHING, FORMICATION, especially after menses.

Numbness and heaviness.

Motions irregular in extremities:

Gestures; as if knitting.

Disposed to keep hands busy.

Pains are burning, stitching, lancinating, cutting, shooting;sore, bruised, cramping, rheumatic.

The sensations and the behavior of provers and patients are the strongest characteristics; more accurately than functional actual disorder of organs or than tissue alterations in the body, they manifest the influence of Tarentula. Influence of the nature which modern observation and classification have termed hypnotic temporarily adjourns the normal intelligence and desires,and mental domination by the spider is shown through the substituted sensations and behavior. Eventually depleted nutrition and depleted functional vitality result from the discordant activities. Yet the functional and tissue changes are not the characteristics which indicate the specific influence manifesting in the person affected; the individualizing characteristics will be found in the mental attitudes and subjective features.

Relationship of Remedies and Spiritual forces.

In many instances after attaining a measure of success with Arsenicum album, in acute or recent disorders or for repeatedly recurrent distress, the prescriber is led to explore this subtle constitutional background,Tarentula. Arsenicum “covers the case” to a limited degree. The symptoms and the characteristics shown before Arsenicum was called out,together with the tendencies, the lowered resistance and the frailties which feature the patients experience after Arsenicum has cancelled the acute disturbances, display a total condition frequently recognizable as Tarentula. the relation is similar to that exhibited at times between Medorrhinum and Cina, between Calcarea and Belladonna, and among other coupled remedies; the more superficial exciter acts as a contributing influence to rouse the sometimes latent “sleeping dog” or resident tenant.

while the aim and mission of the physician is “to restore the sick to health” and toward this function he requires primarily knowledge of “what is curative in medicines” with what is undoubtedly morbid in the patient”:

Since man is a spiritual being and in this dominion his physician becomes aware of the influences subjecting him to persisting disorder:

It will then be evident that the patient (as in Tarentula”) needs something more from a physician-more than the “most similar” medication-again to stabilize a mental equilibrium. Metaphysical culture is laying the avenues and providing guides toward a dispelling of deep-seated mental discords, as well as for resisting their too-oft neglected onset. Many we not assume to guide our patients to such methodic resistance and sustentation, while campaigning by the indicated similar to its further horizon: thence to retain them newly erect in this life,and not too soon beyond” Shall we as physicians fail them in this guidance we need not be surprised that they turn to other leaders equipped of the later psychology” Patients whose disorders recur within the range of Tarentula are notably of a type accessible to the new healers: They who cast out devils may equally assume to cast out the spider.

Bodily disorders Dispelled or Relieved.

Whatever the bodily derangement; where this remedy (Tarentula) will prove beneficial, some of the characteristics aforementioned will be noted. Bodily conditions in which the remedy has proven useful when the characteristics agree include:

Paralysis agitans Convulsions. Suppuration.

Zymotic fevers and Pimples on face Opacity of cornea.

general sepsis. and head.

Aural discharge Lock-jaw. Swelling of sub-


Aphthae and ulcers Inflammation of Quinsy.

on tongue tonsils.

Diphtheria. Abdominal oedema. Disturbed digest-

Hepatic cancer. ion, gastric and

intestinal, with



Constipation. RECTAL INACTIVITY Diarrhoea.



rolling side to


Renal inflammation Inflammation of RETENTION OF URINE.


Dribbling. Tenesmus DURING Gonorrhoeal

MENSES mentioned- discharge.

in this alone,

in Repertory.

Stricture of urethra Gangrene from Swelling of male

phimosis. genitals.

Indolent tumor of Inflammation of Condyloma of vagi-

testes. genitals. na; of uterus.

Uterine cancer. Induration of Leucorrhoea.

cervix uteri;

of ovary.

Metrorrhagia and Loss of voice. Angina pectoris.

protracted menses.

Gangrene of lungs. Endocarditis. Cardiac murmurs.

Mammary cancer followed Mammary swelling. Carbuncle dorsal.

by sarcoma in


Spinal sclerosis. Cramps in legs. Pustules on legs.

Inflammation of Paralysis; Motive Foot perspiration.

fingers; of toes. power lost,


Swollen joints. Chills, fever, Stings of insects.


Lack of reaction. Complaints from


love, contradict-

ion, reprimands,

punishment, sepsis,



MIND (Continued)

Absent-minded. Discouraged:

Anger,rage,fury evening: (eating,meal)

Anguish. Dullness;Sluggish,

difficult, thinking.

Anxiety about future. Ennui.

Aversion to black; to sombre

things; to green,red,


EXCITABLE:Clairvoyance. from music.

Death: thousands of: nervous.

Delirium: Fears-

during headache: being alone;

almost hysterical: death;

maniacal: impending disease;

muttering nonsense with typhus fever;.

eyes open;

raging, Feigning sick.

Delusions, imaginations: Ideas deficient

absurd figures present;

animals; Impatience.

-frightful; Indifference, apathy to

eternal things.

-fears being assaulted;

-sees faces; Indolence,aversion to work.

diabolical faces around

him; Insanity:

hideous faces; mania;

figures:frightful; periodical (Plat);

ghosts, spectres,spirits; paroxysmal (BELL., dig.,

horrible visions; gels., kali-c., nat.s.,

monsters. phos.).

-Closing eyes; Irresolution:

legs cut off (bar-c., stram) in ideas (nat. m. sulph).

strangers in room (thuj) Irritable:

during menses.

Destructive. Jesting.

Discontented: Kicks (bell, carb. v, lyc,

during menses. stram., stry.,verat.v.).

MIND (Continued) MIND (Continued).

Kleptomania. Throws things away.

Kneeling, unable. Violent, vehement.

Lamenting, Vertigo.

Lascivious, lewd. Morning,waking;

Laughing; after breakfast.

immoderately; involuntarily; night.

sardonic; descending stairs.

mirth,hilarity, loud; during erections.

alternating with sadness with nausea.

Loathing, general. riding horseback amel.

Loquacity after sleep agg.

Moaning, groaning: night (ars.,

cupr., hep., sec., zn while walking.

when contradicted. Coldness;

Mocking. in warm room (merc.,i.r)

Mood alternating, as from cold water (can

changeable s.,croc., cupr., glon.,

Julia C. Loos