Obliged to be tied in bed until the flow was established, she would attempt to bite while being restrained, spit in face, on one occasion tore collar and shirt from me before I could get her arms pinioned. Would scream, sneer, laugh, make grotesque faces when spoken to. All this mental state would subside as soon as the flow was established. This condition lasting from a few hours to a day.

  Read before the Annual Meeting of the International Hahnemannian. Association, New York, June, 1925.

My first picture of the curative action of Bovista was so vividly impressed upon me, that I have never forgotten it. I will try to give it to you.

Mrs. V. H., aged thirty-two, mother of one child, aged eight. No other pregnancies. For several months under Old School treatment and advised by physicians either an ovarian operation or to be placed in a sanitarium. She was taken to her mothers home.

At each menstrual period or just preceding the period she would become violent, jumping out of bed and breaking furniture, windows, throwing things out of windows. (The only pieces of furniture in the room were bed and bureau.).

Obliged to be tied in bed until the flow was established, she would attempt to bite while being restrained, spit in face, on one occasion tore collar and shirt from me before I could get her arms pinioned. Would scream, sneer, laugh, make grotesque faces when spoken to. All this mental state would subside as soon as the flow was established. This condition lasting from a few hours to a day.

At the appearance of the menstrual flow she would be completely prostrated and would remain in bed nearly the whole time, from one period to the next.

I gave her several remedies, thinking each one was the Similimum, namely, Bell. Ign., Hyos., Stram., Lach., but this condition returned each month.

After five months of this her mother said to me, “I always know when these attacks are coming, because she always has looseness of bowels before the attack”.

This was the KEY to the situation.

I gave her Bovista 200, B & T., in repeated doses for two days. There was no return of hysteria or mania, and four months afterwards she took a trip to Colorado with her husband. Later the family moved to California.

I have cured a number of patients of constipation or inactivity of rectum when the keynote was looseness of bowels before or during the menstrual period.

Sneezing. Mrs. F., aged twenty-five. She has been sneezing every day for over a year, wakens from sleep sneezing, watery coryza, weeping while relating symptoms. Has has much treatment, local and internal medicine. Fifteen years ago warts removed from inside of nostrils by cautery, small wart on r. upper eyelid, one on l. axilla. Has had tonsils removed.

Bovista has greatly improved this ladys condition. She is till under observation.

In my experience all the patient improved by Bovista had one or more of the following symptoms:

Diarrhea before or during menses.

Awkwardness. Drops things.

Deep impressions on fingers from using scissors, knife, etc.

Colic better from eating.

William R. Powel