A student of mine, a prominent regular physician, reports to me a good cure. A clergyman brought to him a patient. In the course of conversation between the doctor and the minister, the latter remarked that “he had been troubled with mucous enteritis and that he had been troubled with mucous enteritis and that he had tried all the best doctors, in that part of the state,without getting any relief.

In my professional experience, I have seem some peculiar cases. A doctor might practice over fifty years and not see anything like them. To treat these difficult and obscure cases successfully,is a severe test of what a doctor really knows about definite diagnosis and a definite Materia Medica.

I remember a case in southern New Hampshire. The patient, a middle-aged lady, had been ill for some time; she had tried all the best physicians in that part of the country, but they could not make a diagnosis of the case or give her any relief. When I visited the lady I found her sitting in a rocking chair. For several months, she had not been able to lie in bed. Night and day, she just had to keep rocking backward and forward. If she shopped rocking for a few moments, it increased her suffering.

I read her face,eye, pulse and tongue; and from that, my diagnosis was spinal irritation. When I examined her spine, I found tender spots that confirmed my diagnosis. I prescribed Tr.Belladonna Ist x, five drops every three hours. Then, night and morning, have Tr. Iodine painted on the whole length of the spine as wide as my two fingers. I also prescribed two grains of quinine before breakfast and dialyzed iron, fifteen drops after dinner and supper. The above treatment cured the patient and the cure made my reputation in that locality.

In 1911, I was called to Portland, Maine, to meet a physician in consultation on a case of cancer of the rectum. The doctor had another patient for me to see. This patient had been treated by several different doctors without any benefit., In going out of her house,when stepping on the door step, this patient had slipped and fallen backward.

The fall injured her spine; and, as a result of this injury, she had paralysis of the lower extremities. when I saw the case, I saw that she had all the symptoms of spinal irritation. I prescribed Tr. Belladonna, Ist X, five drops every three hours, and Kali phos. 3d x, three tablets every three hours in alternation with the Belladonna. As in the former the time she began the treatment, she could stand on her feet. In a month, she could walk around the house. Another so-called incurable case was cured.

In your cases of paralysis, do not forget Kali phos.: and, in congestion, irritation or injury of the spine, remember Belladonna.

A doctor, in Florida, wrote me asking may advice about the treatment of a case. A man had fallen through or from a bridge. As a result of the fall, he had paralysis of the lower extremities. This man had been examined by specialists and had been in two or three Government hospitals; but, the unanimous opinion was,that the case was incurable. I advised Tr. Belladonna, Ist X, give drops every three hours, and Tr. Hypericum 6th x, ten drops three times the spine three times a day, that it be rubbed in well for several minutes at a time. The above plan of treatment was to be continued for ten days; then, the above internal remedies left off, and kali phos, 3d x, three tablets, was to be given three times a day. A another so-called “incurable” case was cured.

A student of mine, a prominent regular physician, reports to me a good cure. A clergyman brought to him a patient. In the course of conversation between the doctor and the minister, the latter remarked that “he had been troubled with mucous enteritis and that he had been troubled with mucous enteritis and that he had tried all the best doctors, in that part of the state,without getting any relief.” The doctor replied,”I can cure you.” “Why, man alive,” the minister exclaimed, “I have had this trouble for seventeen years! Neither you nor anyone else can cure me”.

He finally let the doctor prescribe for him. The physician gave him kali bichromicum 3d x,two grains, every two hours. Under the above treatment the patient got well.

The clergyman was so much pleased, that he sent more than fifty patients to the doctor. The above is one of the very many cases of different diseases which this physician cured from the treatment in my book, “Definite Medication.” This doctor declared, “If I could not get another copy, I would not take a thousand dollars for that book”.

Eli G. Jones