Dear Doctor Rabe:
Doctor J. S. Pugh, of 616 North Texas Building, Dallas, Texas, has asked me to send you my correction of his paper on the corrections of the third edition of Kents Repertory. Fortunately I have a copy of the second edition of the repertory containing Doctor Kents notes almost to the time of his death. Since the third edition of the repertory came out I have comparing the additions with the notes in my second edition. When I received Doctor Pughs manuscript of his paper, I immediately compared it with my corrections and found that some of his corrections were misprinted additions and some of them were Doctor Kents own corrections of the second edition.
I am sending you the corrections as they should be because with Doctor Pugh, I believe that everybody should have the advantage of them. I am still at work on the corrections and only about half way through the book but when they are finished, I shall do my best to get them into the hands of everyone who own the book. I feel it is their right to have them.
Trusting this explanation of the enclosed will be sufficient, I remain.
Very truly yours,
EDITORS NOTE.–Dr. Gladwins letter and corrections have been lying dormant in the editorial desk for one year; we now remove them from the “copy” file and with humble apologies to Dr. Gladwin, as well as to Dr. Pugh, present them to our readers.
Page Column.
44 2 Rubric “disaster of impending change” to
“disease of impending” and insert above the
rubric “disaster” Elat, lil-t, Psor, Puls.
100 1 Rubric “Intoxicated” as if, add Nux-V.
219 1 Rubric “sides” cross out lines 13, 14, 15,
and 16 including Spig and change Pter to
616 1 Rubric “dysentery” change the first crot-t
to crot-c.
720 2 Rubric “Pregnancy, during” under itching call
should be calc-c.
809 2 Under cough rubric violent, Suphr should be; Euphr.
918 2 Under pain, rubric “spine,” the second lac-c.
should be lac-ac.
1200 1 Rubric “Knee” the second lac-c should be lac-c.
1362 2 Rubric “dry and food agg” the line beginning with nat-c is repeated; cross one of them out.
1387 2 Rubric “tearing externally” the second nat-c.
should be Nat-s add nat-a.
1420 2 Weakness Rubric wine agg, this is Dr. Kents. own correction of the second edition and should remain agg.
1220 2 At bottom under Rubric “Nails” the seeming mistake of Bov. for Bor is a correction of the second edition made by Dr. Kent.
The following are the errors to be found in Dr. J. T. Kents Repertory, third edition, published by Ehrhart & Karl, Chicago, Ill., 1924, “Remedies and their abbreviation”.
Orthographic errors:
Aca. Should be Acal. Acalypha Ind.
Cer. Should be Cere-b. Cereus bonplandii.
Cond. Should be Cund. Cundurango.
Echi. is put down as (Chinacea angustifolia).
Euphr. is put down as (euphrasia).
Ho. Should be Hom. Homarus.
Sram. Should be stram.
Remedies left out in the second and third editions:
Aur-iod., Aurum iodatum.
Baryt. iod., Baryta iodatum.
Some new remedies have been added in the third edition.
Ammonium causticum, Magnetis polus arcticus,
Antimonium oxydatum, Magnetis polus australis,
Baryta acetica, Narcotinum,.
Calcarea acetica, Natrum aceticum,
Cereus serpentinus, Nitro muriatic acid,
Juniperus virg., Nitri spiritus dulcis,
Kali nitricum, Radium,
Lac filium, Sabal serrulata,
Lecithin, Variolinum.
The following will show many mistakes under many rubrics, beginning with Mind and ending with Generalities.
Page Column.
35 1 Eighth line from top, write W. in front of
44 2 Fourth line from top, write “Disease” over disaster.
84 In rubric “Striking” Hos. should be Hyos.
96 In rubric “Vertigo” qur. should be aur.
100 In rubric “Intoxicated” as if, Nux M., should be Nux V.
104 In rubric “Staggering with”: sil. should be Ail.
111 In rubric “Constriction” carb-v. is repeated. Rub one out.
116 2 Occiput is repeated, rub out (occiput Mag-M.)
122 2 Rubric “during menses” cac. should be Calc.
153 2 Rubric “forehead” id. should be ip.
198 1 Rubric “sides” calc. should be calc.
Page Column
219 1 Rubric “sides” beginning at the 13th line.
with mag-c. and cross out lines 13, 14, 15, / and 16 including spig. This all repeated.
above the 13th line.
248 1 Rubric “pain” cuph. should be cupr.
290 2 Rubric “erysipelatous” under inflammation of ear, seb. should be sep.
343 1 Rubric “ozaena” merc-c. is repeated. Rub one out.
360 1 In rubric “pale” is dors, should be dros.
393 1 In rubric “oedematous” under swelling of face is cast, should be cact.
460 2 Rubric “burning” glon and graph are repeated. Rub out “glon and graph” on 15th line from top.
574 1 Rubric “Pain, cramping, griping” strong should be “stront”.
577 1 Rubric “menses,” before Sulph. should be Sulph.
600 2 Rubric “Rumbling” cast-c. should be cast-v.
In same rubric “senec” is repeated. Rub one out.
616 1 Rubric “Dysentery” crot-t, repeated. Rub one out.
679 2 Rubric “Swelling” cerc-c. should be Merc-c.
681 1 Rubric “heart disease,” consecutive to: under Albuminous is peter. Should be petr.
699 1 Rubric “Testes” under Induration is “ido”.
Should be iod.
714 1 Rubric “Abortion is” “Con” should be Croc.
720 2 Rubric “pregnancy, during” under Itching is
“call.” Should be calad.
726 2 Rubric “frequent, too early, too soon:” under menses. On line 20 from top. Mark out: murx, mur-ac, nat-a, nat-c, nat-h; these are repeated above.
741 1 At bottom. Rubric “Uterus” under Pain: is Br.
Should be Bry.
749 1 At top. Rubric “Inflammation, larynx”: is “manv” should be mang.
809 2 Under cough. Rubric “Violent” after eup-per., is suphr. Rub it out. No such remedy.
Page Column
811 2 Under Cough. Rubric “Worm, sensation as if a crowled.” Should be crawled.
832 2 Under chest. Rubric “fullness” on 6th line from top, rub out: chin, cist, coff, colch, as if it repeated above.
852 1 At bottom. Rubric “Heart” is “lysps”. Should be lycps.
873 2 At top. Rubric “Palpitation heart” is Calm. Should be Cadm.
894 2 Under pain. Rubric “night” is ferr-ar. Should be ferr-ac.
902 1 Under pain. Rubric “scapulae” extending to: after plb. should come ran-b, ran-s, rhod, rhus-t, rumx, but after plb. come sang, seneg, sep, sil, spong and sulph. Mark this so you will know.
902 2 Under pain, at bottom, “rubric” under left dorsal is “aphis.” Should be apis.
918 2 Under pain. Rubric “Spine” lac-c, is repeated. Rub one out.
954 1 Brittle finger nails is repeated. Rub out the lower one.
960 1 Under fingers, rubric “tips” is cal. Should be carl.
970 2 Under cracked. You will find cracked in large type again. Rub it out and write “Fingers” instead.
985 2 Under Emaciation. Rubric “Leg” is capc. Should be caps.
1032 1 Under lameness. Rubric “Hand” sulph is repeated. Rub one out.
1045 2 Under pain. Rubric “Rheumatism” is Sapg. It should be Sang.
1058 1 Under pain. Beginning with the 32d line from top is (perking); it should be jerking.
1118 2 Under pain. Eleventh line from top is constructive.” Should be constrictive.
1141 2 Rubric “Wrist” led. is repeated. Rub one out.
Page Column
1145 1 Second line from bottom, begins with scratching; it should be scratching. The line below it begins spinter; it should be splinter.
1187 1 Rubric “Restlessness” add Medor. to it. Do the same in second column in rubric “lower Limbs.” This was left out.
1200 1 Rubric “Knee” lac-c. is repeated. Rub one out.
1211 1 Rubric “Upper Limbs” plb. is repeated. Rub one out.
1212 1 Rubric “Hand” cocc. is repeated. Rub one out, lows: Joints should come at the top of 1st. column on page 1216. The next in order is Upper Limbs, which should be on 1st column on same page, but it is on 2d column on same page. Next is shoulder, which should be on 1st column, but is on 2d. Next is Upper Arms, which should be on 1st column, but is on 2d. Next is Elbow, should be on 2d. column, but is on the 1st. Next is Forearm, should be on 2d column, but is on 1st, etc. Notice, Upper Arm begins on lower or bottom of 2d column and ends at top of 1st column. All mixed up until you come to Hand on page 1217, then it is in order. These rubrics should be marked by the doctors to avoid confusion.
1220 2 Column at the bottom under Rubric “Nails” is Bov. Should be bor.
1223 1 At the head of it is (Ulcers) should be Unsteadiness. Rub out ulcers and write unsteadiness.
1229 1 Rubric “Thigh” is stam. Should be stann.
1282 2 Rubric “Catarrhal fever” is Ary. Should be Bry.
1310 2 Rubric “moist” is Mec. Should be Merc.
1324 1 Rubric “vesicular” under erysipelas,is graph. Should be Graph.
1343 1 Beginning at the top with chin. cross out lines 1, 2, 3, 4, including nat-m.; this is a part of rubric “worse at night.”
Page Column
1352 2 Under convulsions. Rubric “without” is supr. should be cupr.
1362 2 Rubric “dry food AGG.” nat-c. is repeated. Rub out one.
1364 1 Rubric “sour food AGG.”; nat-c. is repeated. Rub out one.
1378 2 Rubric “Bones” is thuj.; it should be thuj.
1387 2 Rubric “tearing externally” nat-c is repeated. Rub out one.
1394 At the top following Pulse is frequent. Should be frequent.
1398 1 Under rising agg. Rubric “rising amel”, cross out 4th line from top. It is repeated on 3d. line.
1402 1 Under sleep. Rubric “during agg.” next after. is z; this should be mez.